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Pablo Triana has written articles on quantitative finance education in the past. He also penned about MBA education.
In this article on FT, he gives a list of things that schools offering MFE degree should consider
In this article on FT, he gives a list of things that schools offering MFE degree should consider
FT.com / Business education / Soapbox - The flawed maths of financial models● Quant finance programmes must start focusing on why and how financial modelling can be useless and dangerous.
● The demonstrably broken and troubling models must be presented as failures of the discipline, not, as has often been the case, symbols of triumph. When teaching derivatives or risk management courses, ensure that the models’ flaws are emphasised and highlight the potentially negative real consequences of such defects.
● Hire faculty that is not analytically dogmatic and openly sceptical to the value to be derived from financial modelling and quantitative finance. At the very least, students need to be exposed to both sides of the debate.
● Question the wisdom of having key (and deeply influential) aspects of financial regulation based on theoretical models.
● Encourage critical thinking among your students; intellectualise the programmes by emphasising history and big-picture ideas.
● Investigate how things were done in the markets before quantification became prevalent and analyse without bias whether the models truly represented valuable improvements and whether market crashes became more likely than before.
● Look at how models are used as alibis by otherwise no-nonsense operators in order to engage in reckless actions.
● Consider whether so-called quant funds (among the most profitable investment managers yet) truly employ financial theory when making their decisions. If they do not, ask why.
● Run mandatory courses on ethics for students; make them take an oath agreeing not to promote the use of knowingly erroneous and lethal mathematical concoctions that can lead to social unrest.
● Overall, the notion that finance can be quantified needs to be questioned at every turn. If that results in uncomfortable answers, perhaps the kind that make administrators wonder about the need for the degree, so be it.