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Quantitative Analyst vs. Quantitative Researcher vs. Quantitative Trading Analyst

Of course, in terms of technical skills and salary level, Researhcer > Analyst >Trading Analyst,
I am wondering the future career development difference of these three different quantitative roles.
Of course, in terms of technical skills and salary level, Researhcer > Analyst >Trading Analyst.
I think you are completely wrong. Among those jobs, you will get paid whatever you are able to negotiate. It has very little to do with the job itself or even your skills (assuming they are good enough).
I think you are completely wrong. Among those jobs, you will get paid whatever you are able to negotiate. It has very little to do with the job itself or even your skills (assuming they are good enough).
I make my judgement through glassdoor salaries and job descriptions.
Your view sounds more practical. Could I know how do people usually negotiate?
I make my judgement through glassdoor salaries and job descriptions.
Your view sounds more practical. Could I know how do people usually negotiate?
This is soft skill that you will get through practice. I'm not sure what else to say about it.
If you are a fresh MFE graduate and this is your first job, it will be really how good a deal the director can get for you (in good programs usually). When you change jobs, you will have a better idea of how much peers in similar roles make across the market and can better deal with employers.
Or you can let a headhunter advise you. They will receive a commission from employer.