Quantnet's Trip to Hunter Mountain Ski Resort

What: Quantnet is organizing a ski trip to members
Where: Hunter Mountain resort (link)
When: Sat Feb 26, 2011 from 6AM-10PM

Quantnet Ski Trip Hunter Mountain 2011.jpgbilly d.jpg max downhill.jpg max andy.jpg max ski.jpg billy max andy.jpg

Taggin @Uncle Max, @billy d, @peterruse @Muting @Christian de Rojas, @hildingur.mahanti
The black diamond is waiting for you ;)

I disagree on wearing heavy clothing unless you plan to be on the bunny hill the whole day. Wear 3-4 layers (tshirt, long sleeve shirt, fleece, goretex jacket) and you will be fine.

Balaclava ski masks are a godsent.

You must have ski googles if you plan to do anything but the bunny hill.

I highly suggest an ipod, those lifts take a while....

There are no bunnies on the bunny hill ;)
Aren't you joining me on the bunny hills (whatever that is, I've never skied before).

I look forward to joining my first-timers/comrades to conquer those bunny hills.
Comrades does not sound right to me... by way of background... :-k
I suggest no I-pods when skiing; it is dangerous.

I have used ipod during snowboarding for several years. It never caused a problem to me. Yet, it is true that it could be dangerous, if you have the music blasting and not being able to hear the skier coming straight at you from behind:)

Especially if it is Metallica!
Ok, everyone
The moment of truth (facing those bunny hills) is getting closer.

I just sent out an email to those RSVP'ed that we will depart from in front of Time Warner Center (59th Columbus Circle) at 6AM sharp this Saturday.

Email details what to bring (clothes, cash). Please contact me or @billy d to confirm that you received the email.
My goal is very modest: have my limps intact back to NYC so I'll save those stunts for another day.
Lol, SB and doing flips is cool and fun until you break an arm or twist a kneecap. Than its not so much fun. Sure you laugh at it later but when your in pain not so much.
Yes, we did it.
We came to Hunter Mountain, we saw, we conquered. It's actually a lot more fun for the first timers
See the pictures on the first post. The later part where our members enjoyed the pool and jacuzzi is pretty awesome and hot (literally).

I definitely will try snowboarding next time. There is no stopping me now (just like when I went downhill)
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