QuantNetwork Talk: Q/A with Todd Fahey

How useful was the talk ?

  • I attended it and think it was very helpful.

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • I missed it and would like to attend the next time

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • I attended but didn't think it helped much

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Headhunters are evil

    Votes: 1 5.3%

  • Total voters


Baruch MFE Director
Dear Students,

Mr. Todd Fahey, who has been recruiting for the financial industry for over 10 years, will have a Q&A session with our students tomorrow, Tuesday, beginning at 8pm, in room 9-180 (the same as for MTH 9821). Both 9821 and 9873 will conclude at 8pm, so students can attend.

Mr. Fahey has been actively answering questions on QuantNetwork; see
Q/A with Todd Fahey (Quant Headhunter)

Sharing his knowledge of the field and hiring and job hunting processes will make a very interesting and useful presentation.

Best regards,

Dan Stefanica

The talk is awesome. I enjoy the knowledge and some of the inconvenient truth you shared with us. I totally enjoy your company at dinner along with Ken, Sachin and Dan. I had a great time picking up on your war stories and comments ;)

Per your request, I'm soliciting comments/feedback about the talk and/or ways it can be improved.

I would definitely like to see you to visit us again on one of your monthly visits to NYC. We can arrange for a much bigger auditorium to accommodate the level of interest.

And we should limit Woody to maximum of 3 questions (not part a.b.c included) :D

Any questions to Todd can be put in the accompanying thread.
I'm attaching a poll to this thread. If you attended the talk, I would really appreciate your feedback on this by voting. I received numerous suggestion from people who missed the talk and would like to attend the second one.

By popular demand, we may do well to convince Todd to visit our campus the next time he visits NYC.

By the way, we learn as much from Todd during the dinner as during the talk ;)
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