Hi, guys, I have a question about the curriculum of Columbia's CVN degree in Master of Science in Operations Research: Methods in Finance. I hope anybody who has experience in CVN can share with me.
I really like their curriculum ( just by looking at the class names and their brief description),but doesn't anybody know if the curriculum is more theoretial or applied? For instance, for most of the course there, do we mostly do applied projects or do we just try to derive/prove theories?
To me writing a matlab program can be considered as applied projects. Also, what's the difficulty like of Columbia's CVN program? I am not a math genius, but I am willing to learn hard, but applied concepts.
Also, it will be very helpful if you can share whether you have a good expericne with CVN or not. Such as whether the professors are helpful, whether the communication online is effective, etc.
Thank you so much for your help!
I really like their curriculum ( just by looking at the class names and their brief description),but doesn't anybody know if the curriculum is more theoretial or applied? For instance, for most of the course there, do we mostly do applied projects or do we just try to derive/prove theories?
To me writing a matlab program can be considered as applied projects. Also, what's the difficulty like of Columbia's CVN program? I am not a math genius, but I am willing to learn hard, but applied concepts.
Also, it will be very helpful if you can share whether you have a good expericne with CVN or not. Such as whether the professors are helpful, whether the communication online is effective, etc.
Thank you so much for your help!