

I had a query regarding the Resume Format that needs to be used for applications to various schools. I do have a 1-2 page resume that I have previously used in various job applications , but I am not sure if that can be used in these applications too.
Please advice if there is a specific resume format for US schools.

I checked the IAFE recommendation on resume.
Should I use one page if I have 8 years experience (with 4 employers) and a couple of degrees? I would lose a lot of valuable information if I do.
What you need is resume template. Go to Microsoft Office website and download one from the hundred free templates they have there and modify them to fit IAFE specs.

IAFE resume gears toward recently graduates so 1 page should work for most candidates. 2 page max.
For application purpose, majority of people I've seen has 1 page resume.
What you need is resume template. Go to Microsoft Office website and download one from the hundred free templates they have there and modify them to fit IAFE specs.

IAFE resume gears toward recently graduates so 1 page should work for most candidates. 2 page max.
For application purpose, majority of people I've seen has 1 page resume.

ya , i was exactly looking for a resume template, thanks . Most of the resumes that I have seen on the college websites have Linkedin type template. i.e. plain text with Headings and descriptions under them. No boxes or anything, just plain formatting. Is that the template used by majority of students ?
I'm attaching sample resumes from Harvard MBA and Stanford MBA. You can use them as template and modify to your need.

According to a recruiter of MBA graduates, "Harvard Business School forces its students into a standard resume format, so after paging through a few they start to blur fast. On the other hand, it is a simple and elegant style. Stanford’s Graduate School of Business allows variety in their students’ resumes."


thanks Andy for the inputs. I used Princeton - Mfin's resumes as a template. It looked great. Princeton too forces its students into a fixed format.
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