Salary data on Renaissance Hedge Fund jobs

Almost all quant/dev jobs at RenTech requires strong C++ and Python skills. Anyone with an MFE degree and very strong programming training would have a good chance to land these jobs.
Base salary ranges from 120K-220K but the bulk of compensation would be bonus.
It would be useful to browse their job offers and see the requirements.

Thanks for linking this.

Are these the job postings currently available or the job posting of all possible positions? If it was all positions, is five programmers to one researcher a normal ratio? It isn't clear from the site, but based on the layout I think it might be all possible.

Almost all quant/dev jobs at RenTech requires strong C++ and Python skills. Anyone with an MFE degree and very strong programming training would have a good chance to land these jobs.
Base salary ranges from 120K-220K but the bulk of compensation would be bonus.
It would be useful to browse their job offers and see the requirements.

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