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Searching for Quant jobs in Singapore

Hi there,

I'm currently trying to secure work in Singapore and was wanting some help, tips, contacts etc. about doing so.

I'm living in Munich, Germany, and will be on a "reconnaissance mission" in two weeks time to try to build up networks and attend meetings/interview etc. for a couple of weeks. I've already secured a work visa (EPEC) so just need to secure the position.

If anyone can help or offer suggestions then this would be greatly appreciated.

have to check efinancialcareers.com.sg
there are more quant jobs in hong kong/india than in singapore
Go to LinkedIn, find people working in Singapore in roles that interested to you. Kindly ask to buy they a cup of coffee in return for a quick talk, 30 minutes of their time.

I do this all the time for people who ask me nicely and to people I like to talk to. I met ton of people in NYC.
Supposedly, Singapore is a nice and friendly place so the people may be as well.