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Seeking for advice to enhance acceptance.

I am a recent graduate with a degree in Statistics and a GPA of 2.9. I understand that my GPA may be lower than ideal, and I’m looking for ways to improve my chances of acceptance. Currently, I’m self-studying derivatives (options) on Coursera and enhancing my programming skills to strengthen my qualifications. I’ve heard that taking the GRE could be one of the most straightforward ways to improve my profile. Any advice or suggestions on additional steps I could take would be greatly appreciated.
GRE is a basic filter that will not signal or improve your profile. You are expected to do well on it, especially the quantitative part. If English is not your native language or you did not get your degree from an English-speaking institution, then you need to show adequate scores on TOEFL, GRE Q, or AWA.
Coursera courses are not going to cut it. With a 2.9 GPA, you need to invest serious time and money in remaking your profile.
Look at @grxthy's Fall 2026 plan. It will take that much time and effort to compete seriously in this industry.
Getting into a top program is the easiest part. However, many people in the top programs struggle to get internships and jobs.
At least you got the first step right by asking for advice on QuantNet.
Welcome and enjoy your journey with us.