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Software engineer to quant analyst/trader

  • Thread starter Thread starter shabba
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Hi All,

I am a recent 2017 graduate, and landed a job as a software engineer at Qualcomm. I like the position and it is challenging, but I know that long term I do not want to be a software engineer. Math is and has always been my favorite subject, I would like to get a job as a quant analyst/trader and move back to NYC.

Some background about myself: I graduated with a electrical & computer engineering degree from UT - Austin (3.7 GPA). From this degree I have a good background in calculus, statistics, & linear algebra. At the moment I am a little out of practice, but could pick these up easily and push my knowledge further. I am currently working in high performance C++ software for cellular base stations (I think this will play well for trading systems, because the software I work with has to be super low latency). I also have some other engineering internships (flight simulation software at Boeing, and statistical failure analysis at Cypress semiconductor).

I am willing to dedicate about ~25-30hrs/week to self study to become a quant analyst/trader at a top firm, for as long as it takes (hopefully sub-12months). Its also important to note I'm not interested in becoming a pure quant developer. I like software as a tool, but I don't want it to be my only focus. Also, I would prefer not to spend the money on a masters, if possible.

My question to anyone who has done something similar: what should my roadmap look like? I'm talking specific books/courses. How to prepare for interviews. How to market myself/resume tips. Which jobs at which firms I should target. And how long of a timeline I should realistically have.
