Splus Can't open _nonfi file

Good afternoon,
Hope you all have a wonderful day. I am trying to figure out one of error message from Insightful Splus which i think it is very simple since i am new to the language.
I hope you could give me some help if you may have known the answer.

Th error i got were all related to the _nonfi file and last.dump

Can't access to _nonfi for read/write
Can't create file for assigning "last.dump" ("C:/DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS/UMKTDM.EUH/WORKSPACE/DUNG/.Data/___bd40"

It is frustrating since i look under data and there is a _nonfi file.
I don't know what the compiler is complaining about since al lfile are there.

I just ran a very small program to see if i could write my project in Splus.

for (i in 1: 1)
x <- rnorm (1000);
y <- rnorm (1000)
newx <- x
newy <- y​
hist (newx)
hist (newy)

If you use Splus, probably you may remember if you un into same problem. If you do, please let me know.

Thanks alot,
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