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UCB MFE UCB MFE director search

The program's executive director Jacob Gallice @jacobgallice has moved to another role at UCB. The program is currently searching for a new executive director.
How long can Linda stay in the program?
I don't foresee any scenario where Linda will come back and run the UCB MFE program full-time. She has done so since 2002 and now moved to other endeavors in her life. The directors of that generation have retired, mostly.
Dan Stefanica of Baruch MFE is now the longest serving director since the program's inception in 2002.
As much as we recognize the outside role Linda played in the UCB MFE program, it's time we accept that she is not coming back and the program already has a new executive director. Her name is Fiona Taft.
I don't foresee any scenario where Linda will come back and run the UCB MFE program full-time. She has done so since 2002 and now moved to other endeavors in her life. The directors of that generation have retired, mostly.
Dan Stefanica of Baruch MFE is now the longest serving director since the program's inception in 2002.
As much as we recognize the outside role Linda played in the UCB MFE program, it's time we accept that she is not coming back and the program already has a new executive director. Her name is Fiona Taft.
Can you tell me something about Fiona Taft?