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UCL Application

Hi, I applied to Comp Finance MSc at UCL on the first week of Februrary and still haven't received any decision about it? I do not have a lot of hope on being accepted tbh, however, should I worry about taking so much time? And should I email them about it? Thanks.
Please email them and let us know. They admitted students really quickly (within 30 days). Even those rejected get the news less than 90 days so you are due for a decision.
Please email them and let us know. They admitted students really quickly (within 30 days). Even those rejected get the news less than 90 days so you are due for a decision.
Thanks for the advice, I have just sent them an email and will update you ASAP.
Looks like you got a negative result today according to your Tracker. I wonder if it's the result of your inquiry.
Yes, unfortunately my application was unsuccessful. I am not sure whether it was due to lack of relevant work experience, grades, my undergrad uni prestige, ...