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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
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University of California, Los Angeles - Master of Financial Engineering

UCLA MFE UCLA MFE Admission Results

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kratos
  • Start date Start date
Nope, not applied as yet ... Waiting for this decision .... And i dont knw anyone else ... I am totally banking on replies on Quantnet .. Thats it ... BTW , whats ur profile...
hi amane,can the admit result be realeased before sep 30?i applied in round 3 and waiting for result?what abt u
hi amane,can the admit result be realeased before sep 30?i applied in round 3 and waiting for result?what abt u
even i am waiting, they told me in 2nd week of sep , results will be announced, did u contact with ucla ?
Hey Jojo,

I would also be joining, btw are you taking up any of the prep courses?..just got another mail from Francesca today..
Taking the Math/stat...took two c++/c# course from UCLA Extension earlier this summer...