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I have been admitted to both programs and am having a difficult time to decide which program to choose. Both have a few advantages and disadvantages.

I have had the chance to speak to UIUC's current students and UIUC has shown interest in me and is willing ti share all information. Its drawback is that it is a new program.

Michigan on the other hand is an established program with good reputation but I did not get the vibes that they were as enthusiastic about me as UIUC was. Also, there is a lot of crucial information which is not being provided by them and they lack transparency.

It would be a great help if you people could help me out and give your opinions/views. I sincerely appreciate your time and effort to share your thoughts on this. Your help will be highly valuable and I';ll be grateful for it.

I had the same two programs to decide between so I can let you know what I was able to find out. All I can tell you is what I have read from other people. Your advantages and disadvantages are accurate. The following link talks about michigan mfe and if you find my response to that thread, you will see 3 more links regarding michigan mfe program.

The next link will take you to a thread regarding UIUC's program. It will expound on your advantages and disadvantages for UIUC.

I ended up choosing UIUC over Michigan MFE mainly due to what I said in the top link. What I have read seems to suggest that Michigan MFE is on the decline while UIUC is brand new and is taught out of a top ranked engineering school and a great business school. I'd rather be part of a newer program in which the director and professors are more energetic in having the program succeed rather than one that fails to give out information. That's just my opinion and once again, I'm sure there is someone with the opposite opinion of me.

If you find out any additional information regarding UIUC vs. UofMichigan, let me know.

Honestly the easiest way to answer your question is to search for UIUC or Michigan and you will find your answers in this forum. However, no one has actually given their opinion which one is better. Everyone always says it depends on the person and circumstances, but if you were an employer and you had to two candidates one from Michigan and one from UIUC with all else being equal, which would you choose? Anyone?

thanks for your views. Actually, I had already read all the links you sent me. I have been regualry visiting QuantNet trying to dig out information regarding both the programs.

The thing is that Michigan has the experience of havign an MFE program, it is established and a has brand value but it is on the decline. UIUC is new and the only thing assured is that they will try to help their students ladn internships and jobs coz thats the only way they can establsih themselves and have positive word-of-mouth publicity.
The only thing common is that both programs have their share of satisfied students and detractors. There is no clear-cut winner among the two as both have mixed reviews.

My heart says UIUC while my mind says Michigan!!! Anyway, can you put me in touch with any current Michigan student? It would be very helpful to tlk to someone who is currently there!!

Hi Varun,

I am from India, and will mostlly be heading to Michigan. I know its not the best program out there and I know i'll have to work my ass off in both studies and networking...but i think its not something i'll regret.All this talk of it being on the decline..may or may not be true..expect for negative comments here on quantnet..i havent heard much.
Yes ..there is a gereral lack of information even form the college itself and this makes it harder to decide but imo it s still a good school.

I have been admitted to both programs and am having a difficult time to decide which program to choose. Both have a few advantages and disadvantages.

I have had the chance to speak to UIUC's current students and UIUC has shown interest in me and is willing ti share all information. Its drawback is that it is a new program.

Michigan on the other hand is an established program with good reputation but I did not get the vibes that they were as enthusiastic about me as UIUC was. Also, there is a lot of crucial information which is not being provided by them and they lack transparency.

It would be a great help if you people could help me out and give your opinions/views. I sincerely appreciate your time and effort to share your thoughts on this. Your help will be highly valuable and I';ll be grateful for it.

I'm facing exactly the same problem and also confused. Have you made your decision?
Hi all,

I have got the call from Purdue MSF and UIUC MFE.

I am very confused about which program to chose. Both are new and not much information is available.

Can anyone help ??

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