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Undergraduate assessing progress

Hey all, I'm seeking general advice as to what prospects I can anticipate with the degree I'm pursuing and the effort i've shown.

I'm currently a Junior pursuing a degree in Applied Math at a top 50 U.S University. This semester i've worked as a professor's learning assistant (think of it as an undergrad TA) for a Calculus 1 course. My GPA is currently a 3.4, not proud of it. In my freshman year my efforts were not what they should have been.

However, I was able to receive some private equity experience this past summer, and am currently enrolled in PDE's, Mathematical Statistics, and electives. I have only one course in C++, which barely covered data structures. I'm curious to know of anyone's assessment of my ability to succeed in graduate school via a Financial Mathematics Masters.

Should I be studying for the GRE soon? The general GRE or Mathematics GRE?
How could I best improve my programming proficiency outside of taking courses?
Any course I should be targeting for senior year?

Please feel free to DM. Thank you.