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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
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COMPARE University of Toronto MMF vs MFE

I've graduated from the MMF program.

The MMF program and MFE program are very different in nature. The MMF program really teaches you about the mathematics of finance in terms of instrument pricing, portfolio theory, optimization and risk management (to name a few.) as opposed to the MFE which is more oriented towards economics.

The skillset that you need for the MMF is indeed different than for the MFE program. We have had a few finance majors in the MMF program, but most of them had followed extra math courses during their undergrad. The program is quite intense and a good mathematical knowledge is expected of students and is most likely considered during program interviews.
What extra math courses should I do online as a prerequisite for MMF?
MFE alumni here. I have also worked with a few MMF’s.

MFE students take courses on economics and a few MBA electives. MFE graduates from my year went into IB, S&T, Risk Management, Equity Research, Commercial Banking, Actuarial Science, PhD, etc.

On the other hand, the MMF courses are a lot more quantitative and requires programming. The MMF prepares for careers in quantitative finance, risk management, model validation, etc.

Both programs are well-respected by the industry, especially on Bay Street. I like to view MFE’s as well-rounded analysts who have the capability to understand the technicals and to bridge the gap with MMF’s quants who are more specialized.
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