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University of Toronto - Master of Mathematical Finance

Toronto MathFin UofT MMF Students

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dibbs
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i just got an email from Victoria, saying that I will have an interview on Apr 10th...
I had thought that they have already given out the admissions...i almost give up
Me too. Mine is on Apr 9th.. I have no other admission yet. So I will not give up this opportunity.
really happy for you.

I think that my application for MMF ends now.

I start moving on now.

Bye guys.
Hi, Ji Yan:

I understand that waiting is suffering. If you really want to know the results, I think you could consider email them, Petra
is very sincere, and I believe she would provide you something helpful.
"if I didn't get emails when they begin to offer ads to international students, I think my application is over." This exactly what I thought a couple of days ago. And I used to decide to ask them for my chance being admitted next week, if what I though really happened.
i just got an email from Victoria, saying that I will have an interview on Apr 10th...
I had thought that they have already given out the admissions...i almost give up
Since you have the change, just work for that.;)
Please give up until you have tried and done what you can.
Thank you so much, your encouragement really means a lot to me when I feel down.:)

I am in China now, and I have to get outside the "WALLS" to reach facebook, and I will try.
By the way, do you use renren or have a QQ?
No worries! :)

renren? QQ? I have never heard of such things LOOL.
No worries! :)

renren? QQ? I have never heard of such things LOOL.

;)I guess you should not be Chinese student, a Canadian?~~
Renren is something like facebook, and is widely used in China.
QQ is something like MSN, widely used in China too~~~
;)I guess you should not be Chinese student, a Canadian?~~
Renren is something like facebook, and is widely used in China.
QQ is something like MSN, widely used in China too~~~
Yeah, I have Canadian citizenship :)

Ohh, okay. Well I don't use them.
It is hard for international students to get an offer. good job.
Thank you;)
I was surprised and very delighted to get this AD email~~
And thanks to encouragement from dismentler, I always kept hope for that
seems like more ppl got offers today. I am wondering how many spots remaining...although they are still interviewing ppl.
seems like more ppl got offers today. I am wondering how many spots remaining...although they are still interviewing ppl.
I guess they might have received some rejections from the early admitted students, so just work for that;)