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University of Toronto - Master of Mathematical Finance

Toronto MathFin UofT MMF Students

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dibbs
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Hi, dismantler:

I used to focus my application and attention on programs and lives in US, less concentrated on life in Canada.
I just know that it's a beautiful and peaceful country, in quite good economic condition. Now I'd to know more about Canada, such as the life expense, the working markets, the immigration policy and the visa policy there.
Do you have any idea about where I could get this, such as some good forum or posts?
Hi, dismantler:

I used to focus my application and attention on programs and lives in US, less concentrated on life in Canada.
I just know that it's a beautiful and peaceful country, in quite good economic condition. Now I'd to know more about Canada, such as the life expense, the working markets, the immigration policy and the visa policy there.
Do you have any idea about where I could get this, such as some good forum or posts?
I can answer some questions. :)

Living expense in Toronto is not too bad. You can get a good place to live close to downtown Toronto with about 600$ a month. The working conditions for quants is less stressful and the pay is less ( so I hear). From my friends, it is easier to get a green card in Canada than it is in the USA but that does not mean it is easy.

MMF and Waterloo's program are the only ones in Canada so the competition for quant jobs is not as high as in the USA (obviously).
I can answer some questions. :)

Living expense in Toronto is not too bad. You can get a good place to live close to downtown Toronto with about 600$ a month. The working conditions for quants is less stressful and the pay is less ( so I hear). From my friends, it is easier to get a green card in Canada than it is in the USA but that does not mean it is easy.

MMF and Waterloo's program are the only ones in Canada so the competition for quant jobs is not as high as in the USA (obviously).

Living expense is quite less than in US, especially some big cities, say, NY.
Even the paying would not be as much as NY, I think living and working there should bring people more happiness.
What a peaceful life, less stressful than US, however, if I have such a chance, I still hope to move to WS, the most dynamic financial center in the world, after working some years in Bay Street.
Living expense is quite less than in US, especially some big cities, say, NY.
Even the paying would not be as much as NY, I think living and working there should bring people more happiness.
What a peaceful life, less stressful than US, however, if I have such a chance, I still hope to move to WS, the most dynamic financial center in the world, after working some years in Bay Street.
That price is with flatmates and in an okay place downtown. My friend paid 600$ living in very close to China town which is about 5mins, walking, from UofT.

If you move uptown you can get a good place at that price but you will have to commute. I commute myself.
Yes, I think so. There are lots of yoga classes in the downtown area.
Thank you~;)
If I decided to live off-campus, I might try to contact other people in this program or in UT, and to co-rent a department.
Living on campus is super expensive. It will add at least 6K$ to your tuition.
Yeah, that's really expensive~~
That site is for people who want to live in NYC, maybe we could start a post for people who want to live near UT to leave a massage;)
Yeah, that's really expensive~~
That site is for people who want to live in NYC, maybe we could start a post for people who want to live near UT to leave a massage;)
If you join the Facebook group later you could find MMF students who may want to share a place. However, I go to school in downtown Toronto and some of my classmates live in/close to downtown so I can help you with some information.
I'm surprised we have a lot of chatter about the Toronto program this year. There was little discussion about it last few years.

hahaha~~Yeah, I follow this post from page 6 to page 18.
This is great, more and more people came there to talk about their programs and life;)
If you join the Facebook group later you could find MMF students who may want to share a place. However, I go to school in downtown Toronto and some of my classmates live in/close to downtown so I can help you with some information.
OK, Thank you.
I will let you know as soon as I start to prepare for my living there~