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University of Toronto - Master of Mathematical Finance

Toronto MathFin UofT MMF Students

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dibbs
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That is interesting. I thought Shari was simply HR. During my interview she did not ask any technical questions only the typical HR questions. Also I did not get any questions on Statistics.
Shari ask me tech questions too:)
I guess she might write down what I said and deliver it to the pros, or hold the write answers
in hand to judge if I can answer it or not
basic concepts in Stochastic Process, such as Brownian Motion, Markov Chain.
I think they ask most students with math or stat background the similar questions

I was also asked brain teasers like if it takes 10 minutes to cut a piece of plank into 2 pieces how long does it take to cut it into 3 seperate pieces ? I said as close to 10mins as you want.

I was also asked brain teasers like if it takes 10 minutes to cut a piece of plank into 2 pieces how long does it take to cut it into 3 seperate pieces ? I said as close to 10mins as you want.

haha~~cool~~with two knives or cutters~~
we are asked such kind of questions in the assessment~
I am preparing for the visa material now:p
They have started sending individual reject emails, sigh. I asked Janesh, he told me that they sent him a rejection letter