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University of Toronto - Master of Mathematical Finance

Toronto MathFin UofT MMF Students

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dibbs
  • Start date Start date
Hello everyone,

Can I ask everyone for some of their statistics like GPA? Experience? I feel like my current cumulative average is simply too low to be competitive in the future (Will apply in 2 years)

here are my stats (I am entering 3rd year so this can change):
- 80% cum average, 82% major average (CS and Math), local canadian
- some volunteer experience
Hello everyone,

Can I ask everyone for some of their statistics like GPA? Experience? I feel like my current cumulative average is simply too low to be competitive in the future (Will apply in 2 years)

here are my stats (I am entering 3rd year so this can change):
- 80% cum average, 82% major average (CS and Math), local canadian
- some volunteer experience
You can take a look at the official website. As far as I know, most admitted Mainland China students have very high GPA and top rankings, say higher than 3.7 out of 4.0, and this program require strong background in Mathematics.
I had my interview early March and haven't heard anything from them since then. Damn, the waiting is painful.
Hi community, is there anyone who has received the interview invitation for 2024-2025 University of Toronto MMF program?