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Wall Street no longer is the world's financial capital- Lond
Is it really ? What do you think Dominic ? Since you are based in the City, maybe you can give us some inside info.
Is it really ? What do you think Dominic ? Since you are based in the City, maybe you can give us some inside info.
More from NYT http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/27/business/worldbusiness/27london.htmlAt a black-tie event this summer, some of the world's most powerful bankers and business executives gathered for a toast: "We are the international finance and business capital of the world, the world's greatest global financial center, without question," the mayor told the assembled crowd.
Canary Wharf, a financial district in London, which is enjoying a resurgence in banking and lending.
But that was not Michael R. Bloomberg talking. The city was not New York — it was London.
Even as the Dow Jones industrial average reaches new highs and Wall Street companies report robust profits, by some measures New York's long-held crown as the financial capital of the world may be slipping.
London, whose lord mayor, David Brewer, made the summertime boast at the city's annual merchants and bankers dinner, has had a heady resurgence in banking and lending. In recent years, its stock market has attracted a growing number of companies that once would have sought to list in the United States. And London is drawing an increasing tide of hedge fund assets.
Other financial centers are growing, too: Chicago will be the home of the world's largest derivatives market when the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade merge, while Hong Kong is poised to be the biggest market for initial public offerings this year, with today's pricing of the huge offering of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.
The possibility that New York is losing ground has raised alarms in Washington and in Mr. Bloomberg's office.
"There's a genuine recognition that we need to make some changes," said Laure Aubuchon, head of international business development for the New York City Economic Development Corporation. Winning financial business is "so important to New York City," she said. The financial services industry makes up 9 percent of the city's work force and provides 31 percent of the tax base, she said.
The rise of London has been particularly notable as a reflection of its geography. Some of the most rapidly developing markets and fastest-growing companies can be found in Asia and Russia, which are within time zones that can do business easily with London but not with New York.
"In the 1980s and 1990s, large transactions did not get done without the United States capital markets," said Michael Cole-Fontayn, a managing director with the Bank of New York in London. That is no longer true, he said.
"The European and Asian capital markets are becoming deeper and more liquid by the day," he said. "You can get a $5 billion stock global depository receipt offering or a $10 billion privatization satisfied outside the United States S.E.C.-registered markets."
TMK, a Russian pipe manufacturer, hopes to raise $1 billion in a November public offering. The company was approached by the New York Stock Exchange but chose to list on the London Stock Exchange.
London "is the world's biggest financial center and very internationally flavored," Vladimir Shmatovich, the chief financial officer, said in a telephone interview. And, he said, London is a closer flight to Moscow.
Of course, Wall Street banks dominate London and have benefited from doing business with the new wealth of Russia, Asia and the Middle East. But because the banks do a growing amount of business outside New York, the city misses out on some of the taxes, the financial services jobs and the jobs that support those jobs.
Beyond its location, London is attracting investors and companies because of a perception that regulatory scrutiny is more burdensome in the United States than in London. At the same time, while London does not use the euro, that common currency has helped bring depth to the capital markets of Europe, benefiting London.
"At the moment, people are still arguing New York versus London," said Shaun Springer, the head of Napier Scott, a headhunting firm based in London that specializes in trading jobs. In five years, he predicts, "there will be a real, visible gap," with London taking the lead.
So far, the only financial arena where New York is clearly being surpassed is initial public offerings. This year, through the end of September, companies raised £17.9 billion ($33.2 billion) in initial public offerings on London's exchanges. In New York, initial public offerings raised $26.5 billion through September. By the end of 2006, more than $40 billion will be raised in Hong Kong, thanks to two oversize bank offerings. Hong Kong's leadership in public offerings is not expected to extend to 2007, when the battle between London and New York will be fiercer than ever.
Other trends seem to favor London. Syndicated lending grew 54 percent in Europe in 2005, but just 15 percent in the United States, according to Thomson Financial. Hedge fund assets in Europe grew 80 percent from 2003 to 2005, versus 28 percent in the United States, according to International Financial Services London, which promotes British banking business.