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What is the average years of experience of Baruch MFE students?


Cornell FE
I see that Berkeley's average is approx 4 years.
Is it the same for all MFE programs.

Does that mean that its almost impossible to get into a MFE program straight after undergrad program or a year after ?

Average experience is not an accurate representation of the student body. As mentioned by goodstudent, some have none and some have a lot. A better measure might be the median.

To answer your question: no it's not impossible. I personally enrolled directly after undergrad.
What I will say below is obvious, but it is how applications are evaluated here:

If you relevant work experience, your application is stronger in that area.

Otherwise, you will have to be comparatively stronger in other areas, to compensate the initial lack of work experience. The summer internship will give some practical experience.

As Eugene's example shows, if you are strong in other areas and successful in the program, you should be able to start a career in quant finance upon graduation even if you come into the program straight from college.