Thank you for the link to the report. I read it and find it interesting and intuitively correct. Will you agree with me that the overall theme of the paper is that education is fundamentally important and that parents play a pivotal role in how a child ends up? If so then we have found common ground.
I also appreciate the link to the Huffington Post. I feel that, like mentioned above, the overall take away from the OECD report is how important income and family is when it comes to education. Correct?
You mention that the dream of working hard is no longer a reality. How so? There are plenty of low cost options for individuals to attain a higher education. Two parents work and live modestly can raise a child or two and provide them with love, food and a free public education. They might have to watch a little closer, but a diligent parent who instills the quality of education can have a child who wants to learn and will do well after graduation. I agree that a college education is almost necessary, but there are plenty of options.
If America is so unfair and unfortunate then why do some many people come here for their education or risk their lives to come here illegally?
You mention Europe as having class mobility. I am going to assume you mean this for everyone who does not happen to be Muslim or from the Middle East. In fact I will extend that to all foreigners since Europe has become substantially far more right wing as of recent.
Comparing a world power such as the USA with Sweden, Norway and Finland are like comparing apples and oranges. Furthermore, the Nordic countries have higher social welfare and very homogeneous societies. That is not the USA.
I also appreciate the humor you injected into this debate. I know you are too smart to think that my statement saying how the USA should not be compared to Nordic countries was referring to the USA not being western and more my point that the USA is very large, very diverse and has many more problems then those 3 countries up north.
I am glad that you are a US citizen. Was not sure. Your previous posts alluded to British schools and their society. I do not think it is fair for someone who is not part of this great land to criticize it. Don't you think that is fair? How can one comment on something unless they know it or have tried it.
I am extremely happy that the US is not as socialistic as Europe. We have a different dynamic here and I do not think it would work. Even if it would work I think it goes against everything that this country stands for. Out deficits and budget are much larger with many more issues than a European country. Which country in Europe are you comparing the US with anyway?
Yes, our military has a lot to do with our budget. I consider the US military to be a world good since we tend to shoulder the burden of the world. I have no doubt that Europeans are forever indebted to the USA for WWI, WWII, Keeping the USSR at bay, Bosnia and Kosovo as well as all the other incursions and missions we have performed. War and violence would be with this world without the USA. Imagine how much Europe would be spending if it did not have it's greatest ally shouldering all the cost.
Companies are free to go overseas. Would you prefer the USA to restrict that? Unions have slowly become less prevalent. Is this necessarily a bad thing? Rising unemployment? Are you talking about now or 5 years ago when things were perfectly fine. Now that you have brought up unemployment in the USA could you also research and interject European unemployment numbers? I am curious to see how we stack up against countries with such a high standard of living and low military budget.
Thank you also for sending me a link in layman's terms. I prefer to speak in common form because I think my argument should stand on its own. I know this form must be made up of recent immigrants as well as natives, all enjoying an American education, trying to make their life better for their families. Speaking in high terms alienates those who might not grasp the fullest extent of the English language and only projects pompousness and social ignorance.
Now that my prose is done, lets get down and dirty. What is your deal bro? You are obviously intelligent. I am sure you have at least a masters. Has the USA not been as lucrative for you as you thought? I will assume you are in finance, most likely a quantitative role. Is 100K not enough to satiate your desire. If you are a native American citizen with such an unhappy disposition then I blame this country for instilling so much greed in our youth. If you are a recent immigrant I would like to remind you how hard and painful it has been for new citizens throughout time. Every group of immigrants has it tough.
I don't know. Maybe I have my head up my ***. I can travel freely. I went to school and studied what I please. I spend my money however I want. I do as much or as little as I want. Will I ever be a Rockefeller? No, Do I care? No. Are there rich people in this country who are lazy and have life handed to them? Yes. How does that effect me other than piss me off?
Injustice obviously angers you. Since you are intelligent and have these gifts I am going to assume that in addition to admonishing the citizens of America you are also donating the majority of your money to help equalize these inequalities. It is a relatively easy task. Since the USA doesn't try and impose rules on parents you can volunteer at a number of charities and help a wayward child onto a better path.Much like I have with Junior Achievement. Trust me, it is ever so rewarding to give back to people when you have lifted yourself out of a bad situation.
I also appreciate the link to the Huffington Post. I feel that, like mentioned above, the overall take away from the OECD report is how important income and family is when it comes to education. Correct?
You mention that the dream of working hard is no longer a reality. How so? There are plenty of low cost options for individuals to attain a higher education. Two parents work and live modestly can raise a child or two and provide them with love, food and a free public education. They might have to watch a little closer, but a diligent parent who instills the quality of education can have a child who wants to learn and will do well after graduation. I agree that a college education is almost necessary, but there are plenty of options.
If America is so unfair and unfortunate then why do some many people come here for their education or risk their lives to come here illegally?
You mention Europe as having class mobility. I am going to assume you mean this for everyone who does not happen to be Muslim or from the Middle East. In fact I will extend that to all foreigners since Europe has become substantially far more right wing as of recent.
Comparing a world power such as the USA with Sweden, Norway and Finland are like comparing apples and oranges. Furthermore, the Nordic countries have higher social welfare and very homogeneous societies. That is not the USA.
I also appreciate the humor you injected into this debate. I know you are too smart to think that my statement saying how the USA should not be compared to Nordic countries was referring to the USA not being western and more my point that the USA is very large, very diverse and has many more problems then those 3 countries up north.
I am glad that you are a US citizen. Was not sure. Your previous posts alluded to British schools and their society. I do not think it is fair for someone who is not part of this great land to criticize it. Don't you think that is fair? How can one comment on something unless they know it or have tried it.
I am extremely happy that the US is not as socialistic as Europe. We have a different dynamic here and I do not think it would work. Even if it would work I think it goes against everything that this country stands for. Out deficits and budget are much larger with many more issues than a European country. Which country in Europe are you comparing the US with anyway?
Yes, our military has a lot to do with our budget. I consider the US military to be a world good since we tend to shoulder the burden of the world. I have no doubt that Europeans are forever indebted to the USA for WWI, WWII, Keeping the USSR at bay, Bosnia and Kosovo as well as all the other incursions and missions we have performed. War and violence would be with this world without the USA. Imagine how much Europe would be spending if it did not have it's greatest ally shouldering all the cost.
Companies are free to go overseas. Would you prefer the USA to restrict that? Unions have slowly become less prevalent. Is this necessarily a bad thing? Rising unemployment? Are you talking about now or 5 years ago when things were perfectly fine. Now that you have brought up unemployment in the USA could you also research and interject European unemployment numbers? I am curious to see how we stack up against countries with such a high standard of living and low military budget.
Thank you also for sending me a link in layman's terms. I prefer to speak in common form because I think my argument should stand on its own. I know this form must be made up of recent immigrants as well as natives, all enjoying an American education, trying to make their life better for their families. Speaking in high terms alienates those who might not grasp the fullest extent of the English language and only projects pompousness and social ignorance.
Now that my prose is done, lets get down and dirty. What is your deal bro? You are obviously intelligent. I am sure you have at least a masters. Has the USA not been as lucrative for you as you thought? I will assume you are in finance, most likely a quantitative role. Is 100K not enough to satiate your desire. If you are a native American citizen with such an unhappy disposition then I blame this country for instilling so much greed in our youth. If you are a recent immigrant I would like to remind you how hard and painful it has been for new citizens throughout time. Every group of immigrants has it tough.
I don't know. Maybe I have my head up my ***. I can travel freely. I went to school and studied what I please. I spend my money however I want. I do as much or as little as I want. Will I ever be a Rockefeller? No, Do I care? No. Are there rich people in this country who are lazy and have life handed to them? Yes. How does that effect me other than piss me off?
Injustice obviously angers you. Since you are intelligent and have these gifts I am going to assume that in addition to admonishing the citizens of America you are also donating the majority of your money to help equalize these inequalities. It is a relatively easy task. Since the USA doesn't try and impose rules on parents you can volunteer at a number of charities and help a wayward child onto a better path.Much like I have with Junior Achievement. Trust me, it is ever so rewarding to give back to people when you have lifted yourself out of a bad situation.