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which courses

He guys,

I am a mathematics student and I had some questions on the courses I have to choose.

The problem is I don't like advanced courses on stochastic calculus, because I can't see what is going on (and don't get high grades), but I don't have this problem with the (more classical) probability courses, like courses on OR and Markov chains. But is it necessary to go deep into stochastic calculus and get high grades? Is it also important to do some advanced courses on econometrics?
He guys,
But is it necessary to go deep into stochastic calculus and get high grades? Is it also important to do some advanced courses on econometrics?

Necessary for what? For MFE? Yes on Sto Cal, no on Econometrics.
for example for MFE or for investment jobs
Is for example stochastic calculus by Shreve sufficient?