Why does my safari show me the mobile version instead of desktop?

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Dear friends, why does my safari show me the mobile version of this website instead of desktop one? Can anyone tell me how to go back to the desktop???? Also my Chrome in mac os x...
Can you let me know what browser agent is reported back when you visit this link http://whatsmyuseragent.com/ from your Safari?
This does sound like our site detects your Mac laptop as a mobile device.

In any case, at the bottom left of the Mobile version, there is a link when you click on will allow you to switch to the desktop version.
Andy Nguyen
Actually I have tried that left-corner botton to try to switch to the desktop. However, it just give me the options of EN.QN version and mobile. After clicking the EN.QN, it is still the mobile version... I am using windows now. I will turn to mac os later and try that link.
Your User Agent is:

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_3) AppleWebKit/534.55.3 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1.5 Safari/534.55.3

This is my result. So what should I do? This is really awkward...
Using the mobile link at the bottom left corner does not allow me to switch to the full desktop version too, on both my iPad and Android phone (both default browsers).

iPad: Mozilla/5.0 iPad CPU OS 5_1 like Mac OS X ...... 5.1 Mobile/9B176 Safari/7534.48.3
Android phone: Mozilla/5.0 Linux U Android 2.3.5 en-sg ...... 4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1
Using the mobile link at the bottom left corner does not allow me to switch to the full desktop version too, on both my iPad and Android phone (both default browsers).

iPad: Mozilla/5.0 iPad CPU OS 5_1 like Mac OS X ...... 5.1 Mobile/9B176 Safari/7534.48.3
Android phone: Mozilla/5.0 Linux U Android 2.3.5 en-sg ...... 4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1
I have the same problem. I was trying to switch to the desktop version on my iPad but it kept giving me the mobile version no matter which version I chose ..
Countdown box works now?
I'm trying to see how to squeeze in that replies count with the fixed width.

iPad should not be redirected to the mobile version. I'm using one now.
I have an HTC Android which works much better with the mobile version. Is there any reason/feature you want to use the full desktop style on Android?

Does that work if you change style while not logged in? Can you post your browser agent?
OK guys.
I have turned off the auto mobile detector/switcher. You can switch from one version to another now.
Let me know how the mobile version works. I work from my phone a good deal so I want to make it as functional as possible.
OK guys.
I have turned off the auto mobile detector/switcher. You can switch from one version to another now.
Let me know how the mobile version works. I work from my phone a good deal so I want to make it as functional as possible.
Do you plan on turning the auto detector back on? It is annoying having to manually change evey time I use phone or computer

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