Recent content by bigbadwolf

  1. bigbadwolf

    Financial Calculations Packages

    Way to go. Show us your C++ projects too :)
  2. bigbadwolf

    SVB collapse

    John Derbyshire's take on the situation. I offer it without comment (as there are people who may object vehemently). There's a saying, "Go woke, go broke."
  3. bigbadwolf

    SVB collapse

    I dunno about that. Is the US banking system safe and well-capitalized? But more importantly, will we again have to endure Biden's vacuous and meaningless grin as he assures us that all is well with the American economy? This is the real issue...
  4. bigbadwolf

    Advice about Applied Math MS

    I would say go for it. It's fully funded. Try to learn some interesting and useful math in the process. Employers can go to the devil. The problem with the MFE is cramming too much into too little time. But you won't have that pressure here. UMass Amherst is not a bad school.
  5. bigbadwolf

    Peer-reviewed "research"
  6. bigbadwolf

    Which is better

    Capinski and Zastawniak's Mathematics for Finance.
  7. bigbadwolf

    Chances to be Admitted by Top Programs

    Dicey. Very dicey. Better have a fallback position or Plan B. On the bright side any number of bum MFE programs will be happy to take your money.
  8. bigbadwolf

    The end of financial hegemony?

    Enlightening essay by Cedric Durand in the current NLR:
  9. bigbadwolf

    How to become a quant without a strong maths background

    Ben Garling used to be at Cambridge and probably the three volumes of his analysis book were and are being used for Parts 1 and 2 in DPMMS. Work through that book. It's better than most American texts.
  10. bigbadwolf

    Question regarding major

    Throw away the economics courses -- waste of time. Nothing wrong with applied math but make sure you get a year of real analysis, one semester of ODEs, and at least one semester of PDEs. Two semesters of statistics. A course in probability.
  11. bigbadwolf

    Frequently asked questions, remarks about C++

    All these beginners books? How antiquated are they? Of course they're antiquated: they're introducing people, often with little or no coding experience, to C++. The more recondite and au courant aspects of C++ can wait until a second or third pass. You can't learn to run if you can't even walk...
  12. bigbadwolf

    An Honest Review of the QuantNet C++ Programming Certificate

    Use GCC, preferably on a Linux system. And there are enough basic C++ books around so that one doesn't go into a course like this completely ignorant.
  13. bigbadwolf

    Should I pursue MFE?

    Britain is in seriously bad shape. Your bosses won't be doing you a favor by moving you there. I would stay on in India. The grass always looks greener on the other side.
  14. bigbadwolf

    what, wristwatch is this?

    I use two criteria to judge whether someone is a gentleman: 1) the watch on his wrist, and 2) his mastery of Latin.
  15. bigbadwolf

    Does my Bachelor's have enough mathematics?

    Other than Garling's three volumes, there's also the thre volumes by Amman and Escher, which can again be unequivocally recommended. And also the books by David Bressoud. Zorich is fine as well. I just don't see the rationale in using a book which came out when Elvis Pressley was singing "You...
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