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  1. bigbadwolf

    Financial Calculations Packages

    Way to go. Show us your C++ projects too :)
  2. bigbadwolf

    SVB collapse

    John Derbyshire's take on the situation. I offer it without comment (as there are people who may object vehemently). There's a saying, "Go woke, go broke."
  3. bigbadwolf

    SVB collapse

    I dunno about that. Is the US banking system safe and well-capitalized? But more importantly, will we again have to endure Biden's vacuous and meaningless grin as he assures us that all is well with the American economy? This is the real issue...
  4. bigbadwolf

    Advice about Applied Math MS

    I would say go for it. It's fully funded. Try to learn some interesting and useful math in the process. Employers can go to the devil. The problem with the MFE is cramming too much into too little time. But you won't have that pressure here. UMass Amherst is not a bad school.
  5. bigbadwolf

    Peer-reviewed "research"
  6. bigbadwolf

    Which is better

    Capinski and Zastawniak's Mathematics for Finance.
  7. bigbadwolf

    Chances to be Admitted by Top Programs

    Dicey. Very dicey. Better have a fallback position or Plan B. On the bright side any number of bum MFE programs will be happy to take your money.
  8. bigbadwolf

    The end of financial hegemony?

    Enlightening essay by Cedric Durand in the current NLR:
  9. bigbadwolf

    How to become a quant without a strong maths background

    Ben Garling used to be at Cambridge and probably the three volumes of his analysis book were and are being used for Parts 1 and 2 in DPMMS. Work through that book. It's better than most American texts.
  10. bigbadwolf

    Question regarding major

    Throw away the economics courses -- waste of time. Nothing wrong with applied math but make sure you get a year of real analysis, one semester of ODEs, and at least one semester of PDEs. Two semesters of statistics. A course in probability.
  11. bigbadwolf

    Frequently asked questions, remarks about C++

    All these beginners books? How antiquated are they? Of course they're antiquated: they're introducing people, often with little or no coding experience, to C++. The more recondite and au courant aspects of C++ can wait until a second or third pass. You can't learn to run if you can't even walk...
  12. bigbadwolf

    An Honest Review of the QuantNet C++ Programming Certificate

    Use GCC, preferably on a Linux system. And there are enough basic C++ books around so that one doesn't go into a course like this completely ignorant.
  13. bigbadwolf

    Should I pursue MFE?

    Britain is in seriously bad shape. Your bosses won't be doing you a favor by moving you there. I would stay on in India. The grass always looks greener on the other side.
  14. bigbadwolf

    what, wristwatch is this?

    I use two criteria to judge whether someone is a gentleman: 1) the watch on his wrist, and 2) his mastery of Latin.
  15. bigbadwolf

    Does my Bachelor's have enough mathematics?

    Other than Garling's three volumes, there's also the thre volumes by Amman and Escher, which can again be unequivocally recommended. And also the books by David Bressoud. Zorich is fine as well. I just don't see the rationale in using a book which came out when Elvis Pressley was singing "You...
  16. bigbadwolf

    Does my Bachelor's have enough mathematics?

    That Rudin is still being used just goes to show how ossified US math departments are. My theory is you have all these 60- and 70-something math professors in US universities using the book out of sheer inertia, and because it's what they used in their youth. The same for using Ahlfors for...
  17. bigbadwolf

    Does my Bachelor's have enough mathematics?

    If you are ambitious, put some effort into finding out what books there are on real analysis, and which one/s would suit you. Don't expect to be spoon-fed.
  18. bigbadwolf

    Does my Bachelor's have enough mathematics?

    It's not just Rudin. There are several other books on the list I don't think should be there. If bozos like this designed the reading list and are in charge of the program, what does it say about the program?
  19. bigbadwolf

    Learning the Finance part before pursuing Financial Engineering

    Try "The Bond and Money Markets" by Moorad Choudhry, published by Butterworh-Heinemann.
  20. bigbadwolf

    What happens if you don't get into a top 10 quant finance program?

    The further down the list you go, the slimmer they become. There's a reason why the competition to get into CMU or Baruch or Princeton is white-hot. It doesn't mean that if you earn an MFE from Dogdick University, you can't become a quant at an established firm -- merely that your odds are much...
  21. bigbadwolf

    Create Your Own MFE Program?

    This is perhaps the single best advanced calculus text on the market and has been for the last fifteen or twenty years. It used to be the prescribed text (postscript: at Cornell) for freshmen who had earned a 5 in AP calculus (BC) in high school. It's also used at other universities by freshmen...
  22. bigbadwolf

    C++ will be used for the next 50-100 years in financial services

    Probably more bilateral trading -- I give you oil or wheat and you give me something you manufacture. The USA and Britain are in a poor condition for this as, for example, the USA has been running current account deficits for at least the last quarter century and there's perhaps not so much...
  23. bigbadwolf

    C++ will be used for the next 50-100 years in financial services

    Cast your eye over the history of finance. Until the early '70s, finance used to be a sleepy backwater. The explosion of financial markets -- and by implication quant finance -- occurred after the US went off the gold standard and became completely a fiat currency. This operated in conjunction...
  24. bigbadwolf

    C++ will be used for the next 50-100 years in financial services

    C++ might survive for the next fifty years but it's not clear finance will.
  25. bigbadwolf

    Seeking advice/evaluation on my "2years becoming-a-quant plan"

    Don't overdo it. Slow and steady wins the race. And usually less is more. Machine learning is an ocean unto itself. Monte Carlo simulation takes time to absorb. Likewise for statistics. The same for Brownian motion and stochastic calculus. Start listing the books you will use for each -- in the...
  26. bigbadwolf

    Interview question: "What is your greatest weakness"

    Maybe they're testing your ingenuity in lying. No-one's going to tell the truth (assuming they know what their weakness is). No-one's going to say they can't control their alcohol consumption, they embezzle money, they visit prostitutes too often. Instead, "Well, I do have a weakness for...
  27. bigbadwolf

    How to pick an MFE program

    Not to be the bearer of bad news but for reasons beyond anyone's control, the finance industry in both the USA and Europe is going to suffer a massive reduction in size and numbers employed. And so, if the job market hasn't been anything great the last several years, it's going to become bleaker...
  28. bigbadwolf

    Banning Russian probability

    Good news. A win-win for Russia and India.
  29. bigbadwolf

    How to make myself really stand out

    Agreed. But the OP wanted to "really stick out" and since this is in a population of high achievers I couldn't think of anything else. You don't even have to place top in Putnam -- any score higher than 20 (out 0f 120) is good. I think the median score is still 0.
  30. bigbadwolf

    No, it's not garbage. Stony Brook is a solid second-tier school. If that's the best offer you...

    No, it's not garbage. Stony Brook is a solid second-tier school. If that's the best offer you get, take it. Plus it's probably funded. Also note that many of the universities that have garbage MFE programs have perfectly sound math Ph.D. programs.
  31. bigbadwolf

    How to make myself really stand out

    Get a high score in the Putnam Competition. If you want to stick out in an army of applicants, many of whom will be going to better schools than yours, this is the way.
  32. bigbadwolf

    Banning Russian probability

    Another AZOV chieftain flees to Poland. But he is not -- I repeat not -- a Nazi. How do I know? Because Zelensky is Jewish. So there.
  33. bigbadwolf

    Banning Russian probability

    Your level of discussion -- which I've seen invariably reduces to personal insults and taunting -- is interesting. If this is the way you teach ....
  34. bigbadwolf

    Banning Russian probability

    This is just one assertion after another and for 'source' -- I use the term rashly -- you use Wikipedia. All sources running contrary to Western media -- which in the US is in the hands of six media groups -- have either been banned or gone underground.
  35. bigbadwolf

    Banning Russian probability

    I've noticed that your debating style is to employ ad hominems against anyone you don't agree with, without engaging with the content. Thus anything on RT must be garbage -- but somehow US and British sources are sacrosanct, and if they say a hospital was bombed then, by golly, it must be so...
  36. bigbadwolf

    Banning Russian probability

    Some good discussion here. I don't know how long the video will survive on YouTube.
  37. bigbadwolf

    Banning Russian probability

    Some trenchant analysis from the pen (or probably keyboard) of Gilbert Doctorow: I could use a stiff drink. Four legs good, two legs better.
  38. bigbadwolf

    Banning Russian probability

    Napoleon is always right. I will work harder. Four legs, two legs bad.
  39. bigbadwolf

    Banning Russian probability

    News from the front isn't too good: Comrade Ogilvy single-handedly wiped out a Russian division of 15,000 men yesterday.
  40. bigbadwolf

    Master reading list for Quants, MFE (Financial Engineering) students

    The list was initially made when Fred Flintstone was alive and Tyrannosaurus Rex roamed the earth. It probably needs to be redone from the ground up.
  41. bigbadwolf

    Baruch MFE Is it possible to pass Baruch interview with no C++ experience?

    Even if you could pass the interview without C++, why would you want to? As far as I know there are five Baruch courses that demand C++. You'll be thrown in at the deep end. If you can't already code proficiently in C++, you will drown.
  42. bigbadwolf

    Banning Russian probability

    One thing that should be discussed here is the declining influence of the US and concomitantly, the erosion of the dollar as global reserve. Because this will have an impact on the financial services industry, which as I pointed out earlier, is the handmaiden of US empire. Financial services...
  43. bigbadwolf

    Banning Russian probability

    Good one from Anglin:
  44. bigbadwolf

    Banning Russian probability

    Good insights from Pepe Escobar.
  45. bigbadwolf

    Banning Russian probability

    Brooks, for chrissake. An establishment stooge if ever there was one. And the NYT (and WashPo) are establishment organs just like Pravda was in the USSR. The West is fighting this as a propaganda was -- partly because it can't fight this as a real one (it will be obliterated if it tries). And...
  46. bigbadwolf

    Banning Russian probability

    Okay, now about that 'hospital' in Mariupol, the information now trickling through indicates Azov people were on the rooftop with heavy weaponry and furthermore the 'hospital' had been an Azov barracks for a couple of years. Plus some crisis actors were employed (and have now been identified)...
  47. bigbadwolf

    Banning Russian probability

    Another good one from Tucker Carlson, this one on the US-funded (and probably operated) biolabs in Ukraine, which the Z man was talking about.
  48. bigbadwolf

    Banning Russian probability

    For the last 8 years by the Azov Battalion against ethnic Russians in the Donbass region and the Ukrainian government not doing anything with regard to the Minsk Accords, aided in this truculence by a nod and wink from the USA and NATO. With the USA wanting to incorporate Ukraine (and Georgia)...
  49. bigbadwolf

    Banning Russian probability

    The coverage in Western mass media is deliberately stripping the issue of all historical context. The mass media story in essence is that one fine day the evil and vile Putin, who is also stark raving mad and the reincarnation of Hitler, decided to invade innocent and virginal Ukraine. There the...
  50. bigbadwolf

    Banning Russian probability

    With regard to the invasion, both are on the same page. The exception is Tucker Carlson on Fox. I've never seen this level of concerted propaganda and shutting down or censoring of alt news to this extent. It's approaching the level of the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. With regard to war...
  51. bigbadwolf

    Banning Russian probability

    This beggars belief: Saudi and UAE refuse to take Biden's phone call. Reported in the WSJ. Biden is desperate for oil.
  52. bigbadwolf

    Banning Russian probability

    And a good one from Pepe Escobar today. Europe is going down the toilet, with the USA some distance behind.
  53. bigbadwolf

    Banning Russian probability

    More than one reason. One is the bribe money -- Hunter Biden's directorship in an Ukrainian company is just the tip of the iceberg. But beyond personal considerations is the geopolitical one of remaining the hegemon, with the USD as global reserve. A few good essays to point to. One is by Nick...
  54. bigbadwolf

    Banning Russian probability

    More from Ugo Bardi:
  55. bigbadwolf

    Banning Russian probability

    Not the foggiest, I'm afraid. The link was posted on Ugo Bardi's "Seneca Effect" page on FB and I copied it from there.
  56. bigbadwolf

    Banning Russian probability

    All I know is the party line is become more draconian by the day. So you want to protect yourself by going two steps beyond today's party line. This is even worse than French wine being poured down the gutter and french fries becoming freedom fries in 2003. Just look at this, for example, to...
  57. bigbadwolf

    Banning Russian probability

    Comrade, we all have to make sacrifices in this time of crisis. If Russian vodka is being poured down gutters and the Russians are being banned from the Eurovision song contest, it is not too much to eschew splitting methods (whatever they are).
  58. bigbadwolf

    Banning Russian probability

    I hear that the University of Milan has just banned the teaching of Dostoevsky. We all have to pitch in at this time of crisis so how far can we go in quant finance if throw out the contribution of Kolmogorov (i.e., all measure-theoretic probability)? Will we be roughly at the level of Feller?
  59. bigbadwolf

    Confused with the Prerequisites for MFE

    Unrealistic time frame.
  60. bigbadwolf

    Inquiry for Aspiring Quant

    If I can get away with a sweeping statement, economics is mostly garbage. It's elite ideology often dressed in fancy mathematics. Economists are propagandists for the status quo. Sasan Fayazmanesh puts it more eloquently than I could...
  61. bigbadwolf

    I do not think MFE degrees are as valuable anymore.

    It used to be, over a decade back. Then it appears to have stumbled and there were some critical and negative reviews of the program here in Quantnet in years past. If you check Quantnet ratings, it is currently ranked as #12, sandwiched between Georgia Tech and North Carolina State.
  62. bigbadwolf

    I do not think MFE degrees are as valuable anymore.

    Any program outside the leading seven or eight programs -- CMU, Berkeley, Baruch, Princeton, NYU, etc. Employers tend to be sceptical of these programs and they are not their 'target schools.' Some of these second-tier programs do make an effort and try to 'up their game.' Others are thinly...
  63. bigbadwolf

    Does the prestige of the university for untaken pre-requisite classes matter?

    Vector calculus is needed for electrodynamics and fluid mechanics. I don't see it much used in finance
  64. bigbadwolf

    Does the prestige of the university for untaken pre-requisite classes matter?

    Neither of the two courses provides a reference to a physical book. Why is this?
  65. bigbadwolf

    Studying Quantitative Finance as a law graduate

    No. No reputable program.
  66. bigbadwolf

    Explanation of financial engineering

    This seems to be the best one-paragraph explanation of financial engineering I've ever seen:
  67. bigbadwolf

    Top UK undergrad to Top MFE (and a few quanty MSF)

    I wouldn't bother. But if you're weak in ODEs and PDEs, I would spend some time on those.
  68. bigbadwolf

    Top UK undergrad to Top MFE (and a few quanty MSF)

    At this stage of the game there's not much you can do. It's not that you're a weak student -- it's simply the fierce competition for limited seats at the leading programs. You want to be applying to the leading seven or eight programs (which is what you're doing anyway). If you get admitted to...
  69. bigbadwolf

    Top UK undergrad to Top MFE (and a few quanty MSF)

    *Shrug* -- yours will probably be another run-of-the-mill application to the leading programs. Not exceptional, not the worst.
  70. bigbadwolf

    Compulsory pension insurance for USA - check whether Uncle Sam plunders you like Vater Staat does

    The US system is definitely a Ponzi scheme. But to keep a Ponzi scheme running you need more and more people entering the scheme to pay off the earlier people. That's not happening in the USA. And of course -- not that I need to mention it -- young people entering the workforce these days are...
  71. bigbadwolf

    Compulsory pension insurance for USA - check whether Uncle Sam plunders you like Vater Staat does

    If you think the German state robs you (which it probably does), the US system is even worse. Social security contributions are essentially just another tax, which the federal government spends whichever way it pleases. Then the social security payments you receive are not indexed to real...
  72. bigbadwolf

    Corporate serfs and tax donkeys

    Always a pleasure to listen to Michael Hudson:
  73. bigbadwolf

    Suggestion for a probability theory book

    One more suggestion is "The Theory of Probability" by Venkatesh.
  74. bigbadwolf

    Suggestion for a probability theory book

    A couple I might suggest are 1) "Measure, Integral, and Probability" by Capinski and Kopp (everything by Capinski is well-written), and, at a greater level of sophistication 2) "An Introduction to Measure-Theoretic Probability" by Roussas.
  75. bigbadwolf

    Suggestion for a probability theory book

    Dineen is a good book but I can't recommend it for learning probability and acquiring computational skill. Likewise for Williams. Do you already have a background in non-measure-theoretic probability? That's arguably the first priority.
  76. bigbadwolf

    Corporate serfs and tax donkeys

    Meanwhile, here is today's post from the Z man. Another good one:
  77. bigbadwolf

    Corporate serfs and tax donkeys

    More like this, I would have thought:
  78. bigbadwolf

    Corporate serfs and tax donkeys

    He is niche. Most people would probably classify him as 'white nationalist' and he would probably not demur. He also writes frequently for Takimag.
  79. bigbadwolf

    Corporate serfs and tax donkeys

    The Z blog is the first thing I search for every morning from Monday to Friday. I didn't realize anyone else on this forum also perused it. This is one of my favorites:
  80. bigbadwolf

    Corporate serfs and tax donkeys

    CHS comes out with fine essays time and again, and this is one such occasion.
  81. bigbadwolf

    Wealth and illth

    Interesting essay by the Archdruid.
  82. bigbadwolf

    Next steps - financial math

    What mathematics do you have under your belt? Be specific in terms of topics. Which math books have you studied? Give titles and authors. If you literally have no math beyond high school algebra, try Aaron Brown's "Red-Blooded Risk" for starters. But after that you will need at least some...
  83. bigbadwolf

    Former Enron CEO, back in business with new energy investment firm

    In the USA every crook gets another chance (except for Madoff and Epstein).
  84. bigbadwolf

    The Dollar System

    An instructive piece by Michael Hudson:
  85. bigbadwolf

    Russian programmers

    There are many Indian IT companies -- doesn't mean they're any good. A strange criterion ....
  86. bigbadwolf

    Russian programmers
  87. bigbadwolf

    Pre Read suggested for an Incoming Financial Engineer Candidate

    This doesn't mean anything to anyone. If you want specific and detailed responses give a detailed account of what topics you know and your level of command of each topic, plus the books you use.
  88. bigbadwolf

    Reference Book on C++ Programming for FE

    The code library is at the publisher's website. Smart pointers are covered on pp194-197 (briefly because this is an introductory book for people who don't kmow any C++). Typedef is covered in the STL chapter (pp 303-306). With regard to price it seems to be comparable to your own C++ book...
  89. bigbadwolf

    Reference Book on C++ Programming for FE

    It was published in 2017 and covers C++ 11 features. Pedagogically speaking it's a masterpiece. Anyone taking your basic C++ course should also have this book at their side. As for price -- *shrug* -- you get what you pay for.
  90. bigbadwolf

    Reference Book on C++ Programming for FE

    John Armstrong's "C++ for Financial Mathematics" isn't bad.
  91. bigbadwolf

    john hulls option,futures and derivatives VS The Concepts and Practice of Mathematical Finance by Mark Joshi

    For some reason almost no-one mentions McDonald's "Derivatives Markets", which I think can give Hull a run for his money.
  92. bigbadwolf

    A first course in probability by Sheldon Ross VS Intro to the theory of statistics by MOOD

    I agree with you. The book is garbage. There are so many other more attractive options available.
  93. bigbadwolf

    Why banks need C++ developers more than ever

    In other words they want trained and experienced C++ programmers -- but don't want to go to the time and expense of training them themselves. Typical. I've got no sympathy for them.
  94. bigbadwolf

    The changing face of New York

    It's all over the country -- not just NYC. East Asians are seen as fair game. Keep in mind the majority of attacks are coming from blacks (something the US mass media studiously avoids mentioning). If you...
  95. bigbadwolf

    Quant programs as a US citizen

    Every MFE program (save the amazingly affordable Baruch program) is a cash cow. It's just that the good ones give something of worth in return -- solid education, placement offices, interview preparation.
  96. bigbadwolf

    Weimar Hyperinflation: a permabear's saga

    Interesting post by Dmitry Orlov today:
  97. bigbadwolf

    Linear Algebra for Machine Learning

    On a side note, that book by Strang is very useful and very well-written.
  98. bigbadwolf


    A Richard Mille is probably throwing your money away. But if you're wearing your grandfather's Patek, it shouldn't be held against you.
  99. bigbadwolf


  100. bigbadwolf

    Proofs and Analysis Course

    At some stage (even for MFE) you will have to take some course on functions of several variables. Metric space theory will be indispensable there.
  101. bigbadwolf

    Advice for Choosing UK MSc Programmes

    Warwick has a really strong math department -- probably second only to Cambridge.
  102. bigbadwolf

    Critique/Review of my Quant Path Plan

    What was your AP Calc grade? A 4 or a 5? I presume it was AB calc rather than BC calc? What's your list of books for foundational math? For calc? For linear algebra? For probability? What's on your reading list generally? The online Python programming courses are usually nothing great. Ideally...
  103. bigbadwolf

    Weimar Hyperinflation: a permabear's saga

    This forum is probably not the place to talk about these things. Finance professionals are not trained to think and talk about these things -- more accurately, they're trained to not think and talk about these things. The global economic system is in a state of slow-motion collapse. Financial...
  104. bigbadwolf

    Weimar Hyperinflation: a permabear's saga

    Easily. But Covid is not the culprit: it has merely accelerated underlying tendencies. Weimar Germany was printing money. The USA is printing money.
  105. bigbadwolf

    The changing face of New York
  106. bigbadwolf

    Quant View on Pure Math

    You don't know what you're talking about. I've seen Ghrist's work before. I don't know whether you got this in a hurried Google search to prove me wrong. This is not a serious application of cutting-edge algebraic topology. I'm wondering what kind of background you have in the subject.
  107. bigbadwolf

    Quant View on Pure Math

    Why not familiarize yourself with, for example, index theory so you have a clearer idea of what you're talking about? Or the more recent work of Witten?
  108. bigbadwolf

    Quant View on Pure Math

    The use of differential geometry was in the air after Riemann, Levi-Civita, and Ricci. These other links you're posting can be dismissed. You're arguing for the sake of arguing and scoring some points.
  109. bigbadwolf

    Quant View on Pure Math

    Nowhere. Pure math. Some theoretical physicists take a stab at using some of this material (cohomology, sheaf theory, fibre bundles). Over the last 40 years or so a major research direction has been using physics to understand mathematics (rather than the other way around). People like Atiyah...
  110. bigbadwolf

    Quant View on Pure Math

    Wallace is an old text and not very inspiring. Fulton is more interesting in that it has a foray into algebraic curves as well, including Riemann-Roch.
  111. bigbadwolf

    Quant View on Pure Math

    The research frontier has moved on. After undergrad courses in linear algebra, differential equations, differential geometry, complex analysis, etc., no way are you prepared to start even baby research. Not in pure math at least.
  112. bigbadwolf

    Quant View on Pure Math

    It's just sheer lunacy to assign Hartshorne as first reading to grad students. There have been perfectly capable grad students who have struggled with Hartshorne for two years and then given up their Ph.D. in disgusted failure. Hartshorne should be approached after having gone through three or...
  113. bigbadwolf

    The COVID-induced demise of the university

    Ugo's latest, on why virtual sex ain't as good as the real thing. Or in more polite language, why science in late capitalism (i.e., sclerotic financialization and bureaucracy) has been going down the...
  114. bigbadwolf

    Quant View on Pure Math

    Um, I'm not blaming them for doing PDEs and not homeomorphisms. Someone has to do the gritty and unpleasant work of PDEs so that the more poetic and artistic types can prove theorems in etale cohomology. It's that old Morlock/Eloi divide.
  115. bigbadwolf

    Quant View on Pure Math

    Not really a common language -- not past the idea of continuity. One step past continuity to homeomorphism and you've already lost the PDE crowd.
  116. bigbadwolf

    Quant View on Pure Math

    Nope, it's basically a year and a half of grad courses crammed into one year. For example take a look at this course: Even at good US universities this will be a second-year...
  117. bigbadwolf

    Quant View on Pure Math

    I don't know about now but I remember that in my day a 2:1 from Cambridge wasn't enough to get admitted to the Part III (in mathematics). The Part III is demanding and punishing and it's designed to give a solid foundation to prospective research students (I think you need a Distinction in Part...
  118. bigbadwolf

    Quant View on Pure Math

    At a mid-tier British university, the fourth year will be roughly the same as the third, but with slightly more advanced courses. It won't be like a Cambridge Part 3 or the Warwick M.Sc. Probably the Warwick third-year undergrad courses will be like your fourth year. The point of saying all this...
  119. bigbadwolf

    The changing face of New York

    Looks like London is changing rapidly as well, though not because of crime:
  120. bigbadwolf

    Considering a second MFE, what are my chances to admission? not doing great in career after a Quantitative finance degree from a nowhere school in us

    Probably the idea is to use the brand name and the placement services. But that aside, there's a difference in coursework between top-tier programs and the ersatz bum programs, even if the courses have the same name. Edit: Though having covered some of the material already, even if ill-taught...
  121. bigbadwolf

    How relevant is M.Sc in Scientific computating to get in the quant career

    You're only fooling yourself. You will never get fluent sitting in a class with other people in the same position as you. I went through the same process when I was learning Norwegian in Norway. The only way you become fluent is when you interact with locals.
  122. bigbadwolf

    How relevant is M.Sc in Scientific computating to get in the quant career

    Anyone who talks like this in the USA is upper middle class or above and went to a private school. Maybe a WASP. I might change the sentence slightly: "I don't smoke but were I to smoke, I would smoke Marlboro."
  123. bigbadwolf

    How relevant is M.Sc in Scientific computating to get in the quant career

    Hindi is Indo-European but it won't help much in learning a European language.
  124. bigbadwolf

    How relevant is M.Sc in Scientific computating to get in the quant career

    They're both technically insolvent -- but I think the same applies to the big French and Italian banks as well.
  125. bigbadwolf

    GameStop GME and WSB saga

    With regard to gold and silver, these ideas apply to the paper market. And not of course the physical market. Hardcore committed investors in gold and silver are insisting on physical possession and physical delivery. It's the paper market that's responsible for the manipulation of the price --...
  126. bigbadwolf

    GameStop GME and WSB saga

    What you are saying makes sense. Silver is not likely to be their kind of thing. These people are speculators and not in it for the long haul.
  127. bigbadwolf

    GameStop GME and WSB saga

    Looks like the Reddit crowd is now going after silver. Gold and silver have been among the most manipulated markets in the world.
  128. bigbadwolf

    Funding Options for MFE programs

    The decision is yours (and I'm glad I don't have to make it). Just make sure the salary figures and the placement rates you get for the programs are accurate. Baruch is a good program but not expensive. Private schools are more expensive than state schools, true. Quite a few people think they're...
  129. bigbadwolf

    GameStop GME and WSB saga

    By Matt Taibbi. This one is beautiful.
  130. bigbadwolf

    Funding Options for MFE programs

    I don't have a fixed opinion on this. There seems to be a loose consensus here on this site (or there used to be) that the top 7 programs were the ones to aim for. There are quite a few "bum programs" in the top 20. They're cheaper than the top programs for a reason -- the teaching isn't great...
  131. bigbadwolf

    GameStop GME and WSB saga

    It was originally published on a white nationalist site and Unz also is white nationalist (lite). Mainstream media does not provide this kind of reporting and analysis.
  132. bigbadwolf

    Funding Options for MFE programs

    Not that I am aware of. That's why it's so important to get into a good program, to know the placement rates, and to make sure you are prepared and hit the ground running, so to speak. Also, it's false economy to choose some bum program merely because it's a little cheaper. This has to be a...
  133. bigbadwolf

    GameStop GME and WSB saga

    This two-faced haramzadi ....
  134. bigbadwolf

    GameStop GME and WSB saga
  135. bigbadwolf

    GameStop GME and WSB saga
  136. bigbadwolf


    Upper-class English accent -- maybe RP (received pronunciation). A welcome relief from US accents, which are as harsh and abrasive as those of Shagrat and Gorbag.
  137. bigbadwolf


    Th confidence that a good watch imparts (the watch here is a Rolex Day-Date Yellow Gold):
  138. bigbadwolf

    Is a minor in math worth it?

    The C++ and Python is not where the problem lies -- you can learn these at any time. But math requires a slow and careful buildup, usually over years. With analysis, it's not so much prior calculus knowledge that's a stumbling block -- in theory one can do analysis without knowing any calculus...
  139. bigbadwolf

    Is a minor in math worth it?

    Royden is a graduate level text. I can't believe it is being used as an undergrad text at a Turkish university. The Kolmogorov book is also not easy, despite its title. I don't understand the choice as there are several excellent undergraduate analysis texts on the market. Lang and Blyth and...
  140. bigbadwolf


  141. bigbadwolf

    Is a minor in math worth it?

    Works like "nefret" and "dushman" (as well as many others in the song) will be recognised by any Urdu speaker. Anyway, back to the matter at hand: what books does your university use for real analysis and linear algebra and what are the topics covered? Probability and ordinary differential...
  142. bigbadwolf

    Is a minor in math worth it?

    I should be ashamed of myself as the word for "fairy" in Urdu is almost the same (pari) : پری
  143. bigbadwolf

    Is a minor in math worth it?

    I visited Turkey, Georgia, and Armenia a year and a half back. In Turkey I was in Istanbul, Ankara, Amasya, and Trabzon (ie., mostly Anatolia and the towns that Kemal Ataturk liked so much). I have also taken some Turkish lessons as I believe Turkey will be the heart of the Ottoman Empire 2.0...
  144. bigbadwolf

    Is a minor in math worth it?

    By the way, what does "denizperi" mean? "Deniz" means sea, but what does 'peri" mean? Dweller?
  145. bigbadwolf

    Is a minor in math worth it?

    If you're going into stochastic theory seriously, then real analysis is indispensable. It seems to cover the same material as calculus but with this annoying obsession with careful definitions, statements of theorems, and proofs. It's a different way of thinking -- more abstract and conceptual...
  146. bigbadwolf


    They're garish and gaudy to my mind. In your face. Brash and insolent and lacking in dignity. I'm of the school of thought that a gentleman's watch should be discreet and unobtrusive, with an understated style and elegance.
  147. bigbadwolf


    In that case a quartz watch or even your cell phone will serve you fine. A $10 Casio digital watch will give you more accurate time than a $20,000 Rolex. And indeed that cheap Casio watch is exactly what Bill Gates wears -- he wants merely an accurate timepiece and he has it. But his friend and...
  148. bigbadwolf


    You have to be careful -- there are expensive watches out there that are not worth the thousands (even tens of thousands) you shell out for them. Hublot is perhaps one such example. This is one reason people go for known brand names like Rolex -- though to my mind Rolex is over-priced for what...
  149. bigbadwolf


    These are all good watches -- PP and AP are two members of the holy trinity (PP, AP, and VC). Both VC and Lange cost serious money. Other good brands are Breguet and F.P. Journe (though I think it's difficult to get hold of the latter). Oh, and I forgot to mention Jaeger Le Coultre (which is...
  150. bigbadwolf


    As another poster has pointed out, people generally don't notice. But also, they can't tell the difference between a quality watch and one that tries to imitate it (but at a much lower price). Frederique Constant comes to mind as one such brand. Here's the scathing opinion of Archie Luxury:
  151. bigbadwolf


    That applies with ever more force to quality watches where you can usually recoup most or even all ofyour money if you go for an Omega, Rolex, or better (and of course provided you've kept the box and papers). But you can't do that if you buy something for, say, $800. That is, you'll take a hit...
  152. bigbadwolf


    I agree with everything in your post (i.e., I don't need a watch and I started this discussion not because I need one but simply to diversify the discussion away from the same dreary lot). Longines used to be a good brand (it's older than Rolex and Omega) but it never really recovered from the...
  153. bigbadwolf


    These people make instructive videos on real watches:
  154. bigbadwolf


    There's no promo for the high-end watches. But you can haggle with the authorized dealers and it's best to buy on the grey market, if you can. Also a good idea to buy on the used market (but from a reputable seller, as there are fakes and "frankenwatches" galore).
  155. bigbadwolf


    Ah, now we're entering acceptable territory. Rolex is the low end of the high end. On a side note, the discussion on a watch forum is whether the watch was gifted to him by China, Ukraine, or Wall Street.
  156. bigbadwolf


    The Casio uses a -- *shudder* -- quartz movement and the Apple doesn't even have a movement. I can't imagine creating a good impression with timepieces like this (in fact Apple is not even a timepiece). I want a watch that whispers "upper management."
  157. bigbadwolf


    What kind of wristwatch should a quant wear to make a good impression? At what kind of price point?
  158. bigbadwolf

    What route of education to become a quant?

    Out of the question. Are you serious or is this just another troll post?
  159. bigbadwolf

    The COVID-induced demise of the university

    Since Professor Bardi has condescended to write here and since I'm a great fan of his, let me mention in passing a couple of recent books of his, both published by Springer. The first is The Seneca Effect and the second Before the Collapse. Here is Prof Bardi saying a few words about his second...
  160. bigbadwolf

    Bliss's Theorem and/or Duhamel's Principle

    Here is someone asking about Bliss's theorem. The person responding is clueless: Here someone has excerpted the theorem and outline proof of Bliss's theorem from some old book...
  161. bigbadwolf

    Bliss's Theorem and/or Duhamel's Principle

    Probably the same thing as the principle. You find it discussed in the old advanced calculus texts but never modern. You need it to justify, among other things, the formula for arc length, which these days is just defined as an integral (without giving any idea of where it came from). It's...
  162. bigbadwolf

    Is lebesgue integral/measure theory critical for MFE admission?

    You'd be wasting your time taking a full-blown course on Lebesgue integration. In Klebaner's book on stochastic processes there's coverage of different kinds of integration -- Riemann, Riemann-Stieltjes, Lebesgue, Lebesgue-Stieltjes, and Ito. That's probably all you'll need (maybe more than what...
  163. bigbadwolf

    Bliss's Theorem and/or Duhamel's Principle

    Out if curiosity, is anyone here acquainted with Bliss's Theorem and/or Duhamel's Principle? None of the modern texts seem to mention them.
  164. bigbadwolf

    The changing face of New York

    I'm part of a group of "Upper West Side Residents" so I get news pertaining to the UWS. But I imagine something similar is true for other parts of the city.
  165. bigbadwolf

    The changing face of New York

    I keep reading these stories about the NYC sub:
  166. bigbadwolf

    The Queen's Gambit

    Fischer was sui generis. In the the period 1970 to 1972 the difference in rating between him and his closest rivals (Spassky, Larsen, Petrosian) was perhaps the greatest ever seen. But there were reasons for the public attention: he was young and photogenic; he was eccentric and made outrageous...
  167. bigbadwolf

    The Queen's Gambit

    The book was dramatic, with just about every game not only ending in a win (or loss) but a win or loss in spectacular style (i.e., mating attack). Yet around 55% of games among strong grandmasters (i.e. FIDE rating of over 2600) end in draws. And even where the result is a win, it's often a dry...
  168. bigbadwolf

    The Queen's Gambit

    Those 300 points are very hard to gain -- it's like trying to scale a vertical rock face with no handholds or footholds. You are playing experienced, skilled, and knowledgeable players and trying to beat them consistently. Decades ago Botvinnik made the trivial observation that getting to the...
  169. bigbadwolf

    The Queen's Gambit

    An authentic prodigy, though I don't know if he is still playing.
  170. bigbadwolf

    The Queen's Gambit

    I read the book back in 1987, while taking a bus from Biggleswade to Cambridge. It was a riveting read. But a little -- how to put it politely? -- unrealistic. Later I found out that the author (Tevis) was a middling player himself (probably rated between 1400 and 1500) and so couldn't be...
  171. bigbadwolf

    The Queen's Gambit

    Has anyone watched "The Queen's Gambit" series on Netflix? General impressions?
  172. bigbadwolf

    I do not like Math

    The admissions people must have seen something in your background that indicates you will get through the program -- unless they're being even more mercenary than usual and just want your money. Let us assume the first. That means you can do the math but don't like it (which is way better than...
  173. bigbadwolf

    What courses should I take as an undergrad?

    No, I didn't say that either. But if there's a way of circumventing it -- taking some analysis course that uses a more modern text, one not so terse and opaque, then one should go for it.
  174. bigbadwolf

    What courses should I take as an undergrad?

    He asked for "thoughts." I gave them.
  175. bigbadwolf

    What courses should I take as an undergrad?

    425a is using Baby Rudin, and I'm not a keen fan of the book. It came out almost 70 years ago and should be in a nursing home for the elderly. The course on vector analysis and differential geometry looks interesting, particularly as the book being used is the relatively modern Pressley...
  176. bigbadwolf

    What courses should I take as an undergrad?

    You probably still don't need 471, which will focus on the structure theorems of linear algebra. If you're interested in abstract algebra it will be great fun. But probably not pertinent to quant finance.
  177. bigbadwolf

    What courses should I take as an undergrad?

    471 is not a first course in linear algebra. Unless you've taken a prior course in linear algebra and/or abstract algebra, you will have problems. The pre-req for 471 is 410. On a side note, it's not clear to me that you need 471. Also note that 425a is using Baby Rudin. Unless you have some...
  178. bigbadwolf

    HFT firms mainly hiring mainly PhDs?

    Some of the companies think that having a Ph.D. is more than having, say, an MFE. I'm not saying they are right in their judgement. Maybe they think having a Ph.D. shows commitment and intellectual stamina -- who knows? But in a buyer's market -- one in which they are flooded with Ph.D. and MFE...
  179. bigbadwolf

    Boston MSMFT Boston MSMF-Video Essays

    Okay, the rationale behind the video essay is plausible: the written essay could be plagiarized or written by someone else. A video essay is more likely to be authentic.
  180. bigbadwolf

    Boston MSMFT Boston MSMF-Video Essays

    Is writing not in vogue any more?
  181. bigbadwolf

    Finance vs Quantitative Finance

    Fundamental investing is dead and has been since at least 2008 (maybe even earlier). As for "quantitative investing", that's a misnomer. I'm not even clear as to what it means. I don't know who has been filling your head with this drivel.
  182. bigbadwolf

    The COVID-induced demise of the university

    Interesting post by Ugo Bardi, who is a professor of physical chemistry at the U of Florence.
  183. bigbadwolf

    The changing face of New York

    I'm sick and tired of living in the USA. I'd rather live in Sweden.
  184. bigbadwolf

    The changing face of New York

    Meanwhile, on NYC's subway system:
  185. bigbadwolf

    The changing face of New York

    At the end of WW2, New York City, with its environs, was a manufacturing hub. But the jobs steadily left, initially to the non-unionised US south, and later to Mexico. NYC's financial crisis of 1975 provided the raison d'etre for neoliberal reforms (which were later extended to the USA as a...
  186. bigbadwolf

    The changing face of New York

    These are figures for carjackings in Chicago and DC but I daresay something similar has occurred in NYC.
  187. bigbadwolf

    Holter and Sinclair

    Always a pleasure to listen to Bill Holter and Jim Sinclair. The talk show is not the brightest spark but his redeeming virtue is that he often has well-informed and astute guests.
  188. bigbadwolf

    What is Quant Strategies?

    It's a bullshit word, sorry to say. The term "quant strategies" was probably concocted by some corporate empty suit. If you're forced to discuss it, you'll find yourself having to talk specious and vague bullshit. On a side note some of us were discussing the difference between tactics and...
  189. bigbadwolf

    I did bad in introductory level computer programming, does it hurt?

    Probably not since AFAIK, they typically don't involve intense coding. What I would really like is some course on programming to involve creating a rudimentary chess engine. This is not as difficult as it sounds but it seems that neither authors nor publishers are interested in putting out a...
  190. bigbadwolf

    I did bad in introductory level computer programming, does it hurt?

    These intro programming courses are almost invariably vacuous and mind-numbing horseshit, with a focus on syntax and brainless coding projects. The problem is that if you do well on them, it doesn't mean much of anything but if you do poorly, it raises eyebrows. Find a non-trivial programming...
  191. bigbadwolf

    First they came for the Chinese
  192. bigbadwolf

    The changing face of New York

    If you won't say it, I'll say it: I see no reason why the South Dakota rally should not have taken place. Show me the number of deaths and seriously sick that unequivocally ensued from the rally and I may revise my opinion. Otherwise the fabricated number of "250,000 cases" is simply devoid of...
  193. bigbadwolf

    The changing face of New York

    Trump is a moron. The majority of deaths that can be attributed to the virus are mostly septuagenarians and octogenarians in nursing homes, most of whom have other health complications. At the moment if I die from an automobile accident and they discover COVID-19 in my system (as they probably...
  194. bigbadwolf

    The changing face of New York

    Just more baloney.
  195. bigbadwolf

    The changing face of New York
  196. bigbadwolf

    The changing face of New York

    Do you mean Jackie Onassis?
  197. bigbadwolf

    The changing face of New York
  198. bigbadwolf

    The changing face of New York

    Where is Batman?
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