Recent content by Dcai

  1. D

    "Don't do an MFE to become a trader"

    People apply for mfe for different reasons. 1.) Swayum, it is okay to gear your statement of purpose toward being a trader. That is actually what I did. keep in mind that you have to convince the admission officers that their mfe program will assist you in reaching your goal 2.) captn, are you a...
  2. D

    Black Friday wishlist

    Galaxy Nexus as well
  3. D

    About Stanford's new coursework

    I think there are some differences between Stanford and OCW courses. The 3 online courses offered by Stanford seem to be very organized. I received emails from them regarding which videos i need to finish by the end of the week. There are deadline on quiz and assignments, and the forum is...
  4. D

    Online Trading Platform

    if you want the lowest commission trades, then go with optionshouse. they are very cheap with equity options.
  5. D

    how to get an entry-level intern in trading or quant

    The easiest way to get an entry level intern in trading is the following: 1. ivy league undergrad 2. exceptional at networking
  6. D

    C++ Online Certificate Students' intro thread

    Hello everyone, so excited to finally start! Objective: Learn C++ to meet programming requirement by UCB Programming experience: none Current work: unemployed, waiting for graduate school to start Intended pace of program: Finish before the end of the year
  7. D

    C++ online certificate for MFE applicants

    So the first group will be announced in the next couple days through email?
  8. D

    Rogue Trader Lost $2B at UBS

    I have a feeling that we will never find out what exactly Mr. Adboli did. Even though Mr. Adboli worked at Delta One trading desk, I remember reading a WSJ article stating that Mr. Adbloi specialized in hedging of risk, which could means OTC complex derivatives.
  9. D

    Rogue Trader Lost $2B at UBS

    There are so many useless stories on Mr. Adoboli's $2 Billion loss. Can't UBS just tell us how he lost so much money. I highly doubt Mr.Adoboli lost that much money by trading ETF. He must be involved in complex derivatives trades which allowed him to take this much risk and hide it for so long.
  10. D

    Columbia December 1 deadline and new GRE Reporting Schedule?

    I think you should just call the admission office at Columbia
  11. D

    im going to ucb

    im going to ucb
  12. D

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Based on my personal experience, a minor in business is not that essential at all. Programming course will definitely help you more. I was kind of in your situation last year, and I took the GRE exam at the end of October. I definitely think you have time to study to get a 800/500 score. If I...
  13. D

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    It all depends on your application and interview. If I were you, I would only apply to tier 1 programs such as CMU, NYU, UCB, Baruch, Columbia...
  14. D


    670 is more than enough. I was admitted to some of those schools with a much lower score
  15. D

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    An internship in the financial area can definitely help. Also I would recommend taking 1-2 finance/econ classes and maybe take cfa level 1 if those classes do not fit in your schedule. make sure you get good recommendation letters.
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