Recent content by FEnzo

  1. F

    Do american white people get affirmative action when applying to mfe programs?

    Execuse me for being blunt, but I think the discussion is kind of missing the point of AA? Isn't it supposed to help underpriviledged races/ethnicities in America? which white american is anything but. and to BBW: if the preference is entirely based upon culture, then it wouldn't be racism. But...
  2. F

    Pen+Paper = 19th century. Wacom tablets = FUTURE

    Glad you like it MRoss. I am waiting for the upcoming Samsung Note 10.1. They upgraded the CPU to a quad core beast and added a stylus slot on the device. It is the perfect match for me!
  3. F

    Pen+Paper = 19th century. Wacom tablets = FUTURE

    Interesting points. I did do quite a bit of research online and found, in general, quite positive reviews about Thinkpad Tablet's note taking functions. Granted, you do have to purchase 3rd party apps like Quill mentioned before. But it does do its job. RuzaRoos, why do you think Q550 is...
  4. F

    Pen+Paper = 19th century. Wacom tablets = FUTURE

    I am pretty sure it uses N-Trig tech. They call it duo sense or sth
  5. F

    Pen+Paper = 19th century. Wacom tablets = FUTURE

    I've definitely been thru that phase... :) Just felt like I have too much experience with apple stuff that its no longer cool...
  6. F

    Pen+Paper = 19th century. Wacom tablets = FUTURE

    I ordered a Thinkpad Tablet couple days ago. It seems like the reasonable choice to me.. nice quality, has digitizer, it uses N-Trig duo sense tech. so palm rejection seems to work fine... handwriting sensation seems pretty natural from youtube vids...
  7. F

    Pen+Paper = 19th century. Wacom tablets = FUTURE

    Here's a little update: Asus Eee Note EA800 apparently is designed for note taking and drawing. It does use Wacom tech. However, it's incredibly hard to come by and it's not a color screen and does little other than writing....
  8. F

    Pen+Paper = 19th century. Wacom tablets = FUTURE

    It is starting to look that way after some search online.. It is hard to imagine that there is not one tablets that support Wacom tech....
  9. F

    Pen+Paper = 19th century. Wacom tablets = FUTURE

    Both of the products you recommended are tablet PCs. Hence, they are really overkills for me and out of my price range. I am looking for something less functional, maybe runs on Android that also have a very good handwriting experience.
  10. F

    Pen+Paper = 19th century. Wacom tablets = FUTURE

    Since notetaking will be my primary concern, I would prefer products with Wacom tech. I can't seem to find any new ones with explicit support for it tho. Any suggestions?
  11. F

    Pen+Paper = 19th century. Wacom tablets = FUTURE

    MRoss Do you have more suggestions? I am quite interested in finding a good notetaking tablet. The LE1600 is too old and chunky tho. Thanks in advance!
  12. F

    Rutgers MSMF Rutgers MSMF incoming student looking for roommates Fall 2012

    Hi! I've decided to attend Rutgers MSMF program and am currently in the process of apt/house hunting. As I am considering living with an roommate if I can find someone like minded. Otherwise, I would probably look for a studio apt. Anyways, if you are at all interested. feel free to shoot me a...
  13. F

    COMPARE URGENT: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MFE vs Georgia Tech QCF program.

    I am in a similar situation. Everyone seems to say that Gatech/Gatech QCF program has quite a few connections with the energy sector. This could be largely due to the fact that the program director's research interest is electricity derivative pricing. I don't know anything about UMich's program.
  14. F

    UCB MFE UCB wailisted, required to take CFA level I

    I am somewhat confused too. It seems like quite a few people this year got their applications put on hold. But then there are people who got an interview but was rejected, then there are people like me, who didn't even have an interview but was put on hold? I am not sure what the ad committee...
  15. F

    Claremont Graduate University CGU MSFE Program 2012 Application Thread

    Nola. Thanks so much for the reassurance!
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