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  1. F

    Do american white people get affirmative action when applying to mfe programs?

    Execuse me for being blunt, but I think the discussion is kind of missing the point of AA? Isn't it supposed to help underpriviledged races/ethnicities in America? which white american is anything but. and to BBW: if the preference is entirely based upon culture, then it wouldn't be racism. But...
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    Pen+Paper = 19th century. Wacom tablets = FUTURE

    Glad you like it MRoss. I am waiting for the upcoming Samsung Note 10.1. They upgraded the CPU to a quad core beast and added a stylus slot on the device. It is the perfect match for me!
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    Pen+Paper = 19th century. Wacom tablets = FUTURE

    Interesting points. I did do quite a bit of research online and found, in general, quite positive reviews about Thinkpad Tablet's note taking functions. Granted, you do have to purchase 3rd party apps like Quill mentioned before. But it does do its job. RuzaRoos, why do you think Q550 is...
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    Pen+Paper = 19th century. Wacom tablets = FUTURE

    I am pretty sure it uses N-Trig tech. They call it duo sense or sth
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    Pen+Paper = 19th century. Wacom tablets = FUTURE

    I've definitely been thru that phase... :) Just felt like I have too much experience with apple stuff that its no longer cool...
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    Pen+Paper = 19th century. Wacom tablets = FUTURE

    I ordered a Thinkpad Tablet couple days ago. It seems like the reasonable choice to me.. nice quality, has digitizer, it uses N-Trig duo sense tech. so palm rejection seems to work fine... handwriting sensation seems pretty natural from youtube vids...
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    Pen+Paper = 19th century. Wacom tablets = FUTURE

    Here's a little update: Asus Eee Note EA800 apparently is designed for note taking and drawing. It does use Wacom tech. However, it's incredibly hard to come by and it's not a color screen and does little other than writing....
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    Pen+Paper = 19th century. Wacom tablets = FUTURE

    It is starting to look that way after some search online.. It is hard to imagine that there is not one tablets that support Wacom tech....
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    Pen+Paper = 19th century. Wacom tablets = FUTURE

    Both of the products you recommended are tablet PCs. Hence, they are really overkills for me and out of my price range. I am looking for something less functional, maybe runs on Android that also have a very good handwriting experience.
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    Pen+Paper = 19th century. Wacom tablets = FUTURE

    Since notetaking will be my primary concern, I would prefer products with Wacom tech. I can't seem to find any new ones with explicit support for it tho. Any suggestions?
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    Pen+Paper = 19th century. Wacom tablets = FUTURE

    MRoss Do you have more suggestions? I am quite interested in finding a good notetaking tablet. The LE1600 is too old and chunky tho. Thanks in advance!
  12. F

    Rutgers MSMF Rutgers MSMF incoming student looking for roommates Fall 2012

    Hi! I've decided to attend Rutgers MSMF program and am currently in the process of apt/house hunting. As I am considering living with an roommate if I can find someone like minded. Otherwise, I would probably look for a studio apt. Anyways, if you are at all interested. feel free to shoot me a...
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    COMPARE URGENT: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MFE vs Georgia Tech QCF program.

    I am in a similar situation. Everyone seems to say that Gatech/Gatech QCF program has quite a few connections with the energy sector. This could be largely due to the fact that the program director's research interest is electricity derivative pricing. I don't know anything about UMich's program.
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    UCB MFE UCB wailisted, required to take CFA level I

    I am somewhat confused too. It seems like quite a few people this year got their applications put on hold. But then there are people who got an interview but was rejected, then there are people like me, who didn't even have an interview but was put on hold? I am not sure what the ad committee...
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    Claremont Graduate University CGU MSFE Program 2012 Application Thread

    Nola. Thanks so much for the reassurance!
  16. F

    Claremont Graduate University CGU MSFE Program 2012 Application Thread

    Hey Guys. I just got an email from them asking for an interview a few hours ago. Since there is no other for the 2012 applicants, I decided to start one. Feel free to comment. Personally, I would love to hear from others who have received the invitation. Additionally, it would be great if past...
  17. F

    Quant application - atheist disadvantage??

    I am in the process of finalizing my resume for Columbia. In the extra curricular section, I am not sure as to whether I should include my participation in a local secular student association. What do you guys think? Will my lack of belief put me in an unfavorable position? Or am I just over...
  18. F

    Any thoughts on Wash U Quant Track?

    I have actually been looking into this program. I will try to post some additional info I dig up later.
  19. F

    Explain Low GPA in Essay?

    What about programs like CMU where they ask you to address your weakness or strength? I am asking because I am more or less on the same boat.
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    Corruption in India

    to DC, again, I am afraid I have to reject your argument on education. I have read articles about how some Indian students having to pay their instructors in order to pass the course and, due to low pay, Indian professors spend much more time working rather than teaching. Of course, I am not the...
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    CFA Thread

    I am taking L1 in NY this Dec. Been studying CFA everyday.... I tried the CFA books in the beginning and felt like they are too wordy... The Schweser note IMO is much more efficient
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    Corruption in India

    I absolutely agree with you on this. Blaming of course doesnt help with current situation. I feel like there might have been a miscommunication here. Throughout the whole discussion, I never tried to identify a solution to India's corruption problem as that is clearly beyond my ability and...
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    Corruption in India

    to Dominic, Can you be more specific regarding India has a better educated population? It seems to me to be the general consensus that China is actually doing better in this regard. And again, can you be more specific about your point that Indian people have more rights despite having a just as...
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    Corruption in India

    to rishab, Trade of course did not eradicate corruption. I dont think I even hinted that. Corruption, IMO, has a lot to do average income. I believe I saw some amateur research online where the guy ran some regressions and discovered that the correlation between the corruption perception index...
  25. F

    Corruption in India

    to rishab I believe Korea was colonized by Japanese, not British. So I am not sure if it's adequate for you to quote it. Please correct me if I am wrong, so you are arguing that British colonization had actually helped these two regions as evidenced by their economic success after the...
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    Corruption in India

    to bbw Ingratitude? That's very offensive dont you think? It's not like the British just woke up one day and say, "you know what, Indian people seems like they could use some help from us, let's bestow upon them the gift of modernization." We all know why they were in India, let's not pretend...
  27. F

    Quantitative Portfolio Management vs. Prop Trading?

    Hey guys. I have been researching for programs and my future career. Right now, I am kinda confused about the difference between Quantitative Portfolio Management and Prop Trading. Since prop trading just means trading with your (or your employer's) own money. Does that make portfolio management...
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    How to write the personal essay???

    I would like to imagine most people who got into first tier programs done it without any hired help.....
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    How to write the personal essay???

    I believe it's much more prevalent for undergrad applicants. Especially those who have never been abroad. And they usually charge you a hefty fee
  30. F

    How to write the personal essay???

    I do quite finance enjoyable. Having taken an investment course taught by one of our school's B-school professor who is working on asset pricing. But what other reasons can be convincing. To me, I like programming and finance, I dont have much love for math but I can deal with it alright. How do...
  31. F

    How to write the personal essay???

    Great. 1. A MFE degree from a prestigious institution generally means a good job. I want to a career in finance, and MFE would be a good place to start. 2. Work for IB, funds? Anything FE related, asset pricing, risk evaluation, etc? Havent really figured it out yet. 3. Short term: familiarize...
  32. F

    How to write the personal essay???

    Hey guys. So I decided to start working on my application but got stuck at the very first step.... I am having a hard time figuring out what I should put into the essay. The questions are: 1. What are your reasons for undertaking graduate study in the field of computational finance? 2. Please...
  33. F

    Anyone from Quantnet is IAFE member?

    I was wondering how many quantnet members are also IAFE members. It would be great to hear some insights about it as I have been thinking about becoming a member. I have been curious about how helpful the member area discussion and resource they provide are to a newbie. Any comment is...
  34. F

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    I have a question. I scored Q800 V630 AWA 4.0 the first time. And I have been preparing for a second run this year (already registered). Getting a V700+ is my goal. How much does the verbal score help? The primary motives for me to take another GRE is I don't have a good GPA (Currently 3.1, I...
  35. F

    2011 China Investment Guide: How To Marry A Rich Chinese

    lol....interesting piece.. I don't think it sends the right signal tho.... But I suppose it'd happen either way....
  36. F

    Hey! Just saw it on the tracker that you got accepted by MIT. Congrats! I have actually been...

    Hey! Just saw it on the tracker that you got accepted by MIT. Congrats! I have actually been preparing for MFE; and I am quite insecure about my profile. I was wondering if you could tell me something about your profile?/ Thanks in advance!
  37. F

    Hey Michael. Just saw it on the tracker that u got accepted by MIT. Congrats! Could me give me...

    Hey Michael. Just saw it on the tracker that u got accepted by MIT. Congrats! Could me give me some info about ur profile if it's not too much trouble? I've been preparing for a top mfe program. And I'm really not sure how competitive I'm. Thanks so much!
  38. F

    The underground world of China

    I wouldn't be so sure. But I do see your point. The report only reflects the living condition of a very small portion of Chinese people. That is not the big picture - not that I am sure the big picture is definitely better. The effect of increase in disposable income in cities maybe weakened by...
  39. F

    The underground world of China

    I guess what iddqd was trying to say is that that's not the whole picture. The truth is there is a HUGE income disparity. The problem is a lot more visible in big cities because a lot of fresh college graduates came there to chase their dreams, but unfortunately, they usually end up living in...
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    10 industries in which the US is no longer #1

    Lettuce production? Besides, per capita tells a much better story.....
  41. F

    Hey! Sura. Could you tell me why did you pick columbia's MSOR instead of the MFE program?

    Hey! Sura. Could you tell me why did you pick columbia's MSOR instead of the MFE program?
  42. F

    Very dumb C++ programming questions.

    Thanks!. This worked. I don't know why but, Andy's method didn't work. I might input it wrong. but thanks anyway
  43. F

    Very dumb C++ programming questions.

    So I just started learning C++ and tried a few programs myself. I was using Xcode on mac, which is so user friendly, and everything was fine. Then I start programming on my laptop using visual studio, everything went alright, but my question is every time the program done running, it just shuts...
  44. F

    Who Owns the Future?

    Your argument is quite weak as one person's or even two person's intelligence is far from enough to represent people from a whole continent. Then again, I do believe that the tests that had been taken in this subject are biased towards people from developed countries. First, the researchers will...
  45. F

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    What's a good verbal score tho? I got Q800 and V630. A4.0 I am planning taking it again to improve the V and A. How much do you think it would help?
  46. F

    How should I prepare for MFE's requirement on C++ programming ability as a complete newbie??

    Oh man. Senior year is going to suck for me. I just decided to double math last semester which means I will have to take 7 math courses in my senior year. anyway... DC. Thanks so much for the help! What do you think about this one, it's offered in summer Course Description: CSC170...
  47. F

    How should I prepare for MFE's requirement on C++ programming ability as a complete newbie??

    I actually just checked out this one earlier today. It is set then! BTW, how much do you think a lack of work experience would hurt my portfolio?. And THANKS! for the advice!
  48. F

    How should I prepare for MFE's requirement on C++ programming ability as a complete newbie??

    Is "Absolute C++" suitable for people with zero programming experiences?
  49. F

    How should I prepare for MFE's requirement on C++ programming ability as a complete newbie??

    I am a junior in college is currently planning on following the MFE path, seeing that practically all the MFE programs require C++ coding ability makes me quite anxious as I have never programmed before. Do you guys have any suggestion as to where to start? Should I just buy a book and try self...
  50. F

    What laptop do you have?

    For price/performance ratio, I'd go for Acer.
  51. F

    Jintao on the dollar

    I think you are referring to the average disposable income?
  52. F

    Jintao on the dollar

    I can't find any evidence that would support your "the Chinese is investing in Africa because of their sense of superiority" argument, I believe you meant it in a sarcastic kind of way? Anyway. Political reform is actually already happening in China. I feel like a lot of people, esp in the west...
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    Jintao on the dollar

    I am guessing Africa isn't China's first choice, but only choice. I do agree with you that military action is far from what Beijing would deem optimal for the country. But probably sooner than later, Beijing will start to exert its power in adjacent regions due to the rapidly expanding economy...
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    Jintao on the dollar

    I agree. but only for now. Eventually China's gonna reach a stage where it can't help but to start actively intervening other coutries which it has economic or political interests in.
  55. F

    Jintao on the dollar

    I am not quite familiar with the history of USD and thus, might be wrong. But I don't believe the USD is popular simply because the world has faith in the US system, but also because the world has too - as the USD is the only standard unit of currency for commodities such as gold and petroleum...
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    Who Owns the Future?

    So you have a better solution of uplifting millions from poverty? I DONT THINK SO. I know it's none of my business but - plz dont be so arrogant.
  57. F

    Who Owns the Future?

    the analysis has some valid points, but many fall outs as well. but that aside, I really hate how the author keeps generalizing and profiling, it is really annoying.
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