Recent content by Joy Pathak

  1. Joy Pathak

    Is being extroverted vital for success in the financial industry?

    still networking..still hustling. 😀
  2. Joy Pathak

    CFA for Quant career

    No? Why would I ?
  3. Joy Pathak

    Breaking Bad TV show

    haha this is great.
  4. Joy Pathak

    Recession is coming...

    Buy 100 long bonds and go on vacation.. thats my new trading strategy. Disclaimer: This is not investment advice.
  5. Joy Pathak

    Registered Nurse Thinking About Switching Careers and Entering a MS in Financial Engineering program

    yeah it all depends. there are quant developers i know who get paid 500K + just coding. they dont even know what a tick is.
  6. Joy Pathak

    Need some advice regarding learning path for quantitative finance

    Algo trading means so many different things now. but most people in general applying for entry level positions have strong math, programming and finance backgrounds and advanced graduated there you go.
  7. Joy Pathak

    Registered Nurse Thinking About Switching Careers and Entering a MS in Financial Engineering program

    The base is same no matter what part of the bank you are... unless you are a trader or on a profitable desk the only variation is the bonus. It all depends.. if you are front office.. like say an associate or a VP but dont have your own book than your bonus is dictated by how well the desk has...
  8. Joy Pathak

    2019 QuantNet Rankings of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    this is more entertaining than the market. fed who?
  9. Joy Pathak

    Master's Thesis topics in quantitative finance?

    haha you gave me my topic for my masters thesis 8 years ago!
  10. Joy Pathak

    Registered Nurse Thinking About Switching Careers and Entering a MS in Financial Engineering program

    yeah prolly fair statement. in todays climate ... 150-250 range for a VP middle office quant.. makes sense. obviously there are exceptions but that sounds about right to me.
  11. Joy Pathak

    Registered Nurse Thinking About Switching Careers and Entering a MS in Financial Engineering program

    Truer words have never been spoken. I think 200k once you get to VP with bonus at a good bank is prolly the number for most financial engineers. Unless you are a trader at a big sell side bank and making good PnL prop trading or a hedge fund PM you are sitting in the 150-250 range as a...
  12. Joy Pathak

    Recession is coming...

    this is the most bullish season for rates since great would think the treasury is not gonna issue any more long bonds. lets see how todays fed tone goes. Any less then a strong Dovish hike and we see bear flattening in the curve... i think market is overdone.. and it iwll be...
  13. Joy Pathak

    Active Management - Quant Analyst to Portfolio Manager

    PM is a very high position. It is the highest position on the buyside and one of the highest positions in the financial world. Getting to that point is tough and requires a lot of large scale views. It's basically like similar progression from an analyst on a trading desk to an MD on a trading...
  14. Joy Pathak

    Recession is coming...

    Economic slowdown.... is there any other definition? vol spike does not mean recession.
  15. Joy Pathak

    Registered Nurse Thinking About Switching Careers and Entering a MS in Financial Engineering program

    You add real value to society. Unless you just want to make more money don't come to this world...there are better things to do. You can probably pull in at entry level 100-150K in a big city at a bank...maybe slightly lower on buyside. if you make it to VP in front office you can get to 250K...
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