Recent content by Ken Abbott

  1. Ken Abbott

    Asset Management Introductory Resources

    What Is Asset Management, and What Do Asset Managers Do? Asset Management Overview Asset management - Wikipedia What is Asset Management? (Full Guide) | Career Principles Asset Management: Industry Overview, Careers & Salaries Asset Management Company (AMC)
  2. Ken Abbott

    Counterparty Credit Risk Resources

    Readings Counterparty Risk: Definition, Types, and Examples Counterparty Risk Vs. Credit Risk Management: The Difference Basel Framework The Fed - Supervisory Policy and Guidance Topics - Credit Risk...
  3. Ken Abbott

    Collection of important documents for risk management

    The approach is basically the same. The tricky part is the way the BIS wants it reported. In addition to the ES using a full datatset, you must also do en ES with a limited dataset, and a "worst case" ES, historically. In addition, there are somewhat complex liquidity adjustments to be made...
  4. Ken Abbott

    FX Resources
  5. Ken Abbott

    Best Online R Tutorial

    I'm only going to learn one, and just enough to be able to get my non-quant undergrads started doing some basic statistics. Python is too big a beast for me.
  6. Ken Abbott

    Best Online R Tutorial

    I want to teach myself R. As background, I've used many stat packages and math apps, b ut the last time I actually coded (beyond simple Excel macros was in Xbase in the 1990s. I've looked at several tutorials online, but as a beginner, I find it really, really frustrating when what I see in the...
  7. Ken Abbott

    Hiring Quants from Outside the US

    If you're good, they'll hire you. BUT, unless you have good communication skills in English, you will peak early and never break through to MD.
  8. Ken Abbott

    Purpose of pricing models

  9. Ken Abbott

    Infrastructure Resources
  10. Ken Abbott

    Less Sexy Areas of Quantitative Finance

    I respectfully disagree. They are generally two different species, but I've also seen desk quants switch to risk models when the skills were needed.
  11. Ken Abbott

    M&A Resources

    Here are some that I found. Please feel free to add. Global M&A Industry Trends: 2023 Mid-Year Update
  12. Ken Abbott

    Professor Needs Advice For Model Validation Assignment

    I'm assigning a model validation problem to a graduate class I'm teaching. I ran this function at a big bank, so I'm very familiar with the process. I have a student very interested in the swap market, so I figured a good model for him to validate will be one that takes the short rate...
  13. Ken Abbott

    MFE for Career in Energy/Cleantech?

    Maybe not a full OR program, but something that will help you understand locational marginal pricing. The ISOs (check PJM) have online courses, as well.
  14. Ken Abbott

    MFE for Career in Energy/Cleantech?

    Operations Research would be more relevant for power.
  15. Ken Abbott

    Is there any way to get experience in the quant field without being qualified for a position?

    Develop a skill that quants need, but don't necessarily have. In the 1980s, I became pretty handy with the IBM PC and PC/AT (NB: 640k RAM and a 10 MB hard disk). The quants at my company were all VAX and PDP11 folk. When they saw how easily I could manipulate datasets, they asked me to join...
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