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  • I don't know what to tell you man. I haven't started my MFE degree. Starting this summer. I have a Mechanical Engineering degree. MFE will be all about differential equations, statistics/probability, stochastic calculus and programming. If you feel like you won't be able to handle high intensity of these courses I suggest you re-think entering the MFE degree.

    I crave for advance mathematics and financial modelling. I don't have the strongest background but I am willing to learn and work hard as a study. If you have similar sentiments then go ahead and enter the MFE line.

    Think about it though. It is an expensive decision.
    If you do not mind: can you pls share your profile: like scores, degree, work exp.
    Hi subhrain,

    I was also admitted by Columbia MSFE, UChicago MSFM (declined), and Cornell MEng in FE concentration. Still waiting for CMU and NYU. Good luck!

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