Advanced C++ and Modern Design

Advanced C++ and Modern Design

Reviews 4.84 star(s) 109 reviews

Improved greatly my C++ skills
This course leads me to the C++11/ C++14 world. I think I improve my C++ programming skills a lot through this course. The course is required for Baruch MFE students, and I do not regret taking it. The TAs and Professor Daniel are helpful in the forum.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Highly recommend the course for serious programmers
The C++11/14 course is complete and packed with essential material that not only builds upon what you learn in the first course but also reinforces that knowledge as well. The emphasis on style, conciseness and clarity using the functionality of C++11/14 really takes your programming skill above that of an average programmer. This course as well as the first one have helped me land an internship at a bank that involves programming in C++. I highly recommend the course to anyone who is serious about becoming a great programmer.
Yes, I would recommend this program
The course quite difficult but enjoyable and worth the effort.
In terms of material, I feel amount of coverage between Boost and C++11 libraries is a good balance. I like how new core and STL features from C++11 were emphasized and put to use.
Homework is quite comprehensive; I like how there are many chances to get hands dirty, and troubleshoot errors with VC++, which I had previously found confusing.

I also appreciate how we were somehow taught to understand CPPReference / Boost Libs References, as before the course I found them to be too technical and inaccessible.

Overall I found the course quite difficult but enjoyable and worth the effort. Would like to thank Dr Duffy for formulating this learning journey and my TA (Avi Palley) for guiding me through it!
Yes, I would recommend this program
It's an excellent course, you can always get help from personal TA and active classmates on the forum, which makes it much more efficient than reading a book about advanced C++ topics alone.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Worth all the challenges to complete these C++ courses
Thank you so much! These 2 online courses help me greatly in C++ especially in computational finance field. There's been tough moments understanding the concepts and coding, but sense of achievements always follow behind. Keep up the hard work and let me see what the future holds.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Very useful for MFE students
I think the course covers a wide range of knowledge and materials which is very useful and sufficient for all kinds of applications for MFE students. It definitely matches my goal and I will keep using and reviewing these materials in the future.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Super good materials
The contents and materials are super good, I really like them. However, the some of the HW's descriptions are confusing, sometimes I have to spend a lot of time to figure about what this HW really want me to do.
Yes, I would recommend this program
The course is really good although some levels are difficult. It really helped me a lot to build a comprehensive understanding of C++. I believe when I use C++ in the future I will never be afraid of it.
Yes, I would recommend this program
The course provided excellent exposure to important concepts in C++ and computer science in general that are immediately useful to my current job.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Exceeded my goal
This course exceeded my goals. It was a nice complimentary certificate to my computer science degree. It reminded me of what it was like to be in my CS classes.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I believe this course and its predecessor were instrumental in me getting accepted to Baruch's MFE.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Solidify my understand of C++11/14
This course has helped me become familiar with new things in C++11/14 applications and improve my programming skills to prepare for the MFE program.
Everything in this course (such as Prof. DD's videos, slides, the forum, and the TA's advice) is helpful. It also requires me to do some extra research outside of the course to solidify my understanding of the knowledge. The whole studying process makes me achieve a lot.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Challenging but rewarding
The course is very challenging but also interesting, refreshing me with a lot of new features and design techniques about C++ and programming. Thank you!
Yes, I would recommend this program
Much better than other expensive courses
I have taken introductory courses that cover the most basic of topics over 4 days that cost $2500. That you are able to offer an in depth Masters level programming course with nearly instant feedback for questions is amazing. Not only that, but it challenges you in a way that re-aligns how you think about programming. By taking this course, I know I am prepared to learn more advanced programming concepts.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Homework questions should be clarified
The course was a good introduction to C++11/14. I felt like the material was challenging and the topics covered were comprehensive. However, I feel like many of the questions could be reworded to be a bit more clear about exactly what was being asked. Some questions weren't difficult once the problem was clarified through reading the forum posts, but the initial question posed could have been asked better. I do wish there was a little more interaction between between the TAs and students and maybe face to face office hours would help. I felt like I had a couple questions that would have been much easier to ask over the phone or Skype rather than typing out. Moreover, I think it would help to include specifically which reading material was pertinent to the question being asked (although ctrl + F) is quite useful.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Help me understand and design better
The quality of the course is great, the C++11/14 features is well divided into each levels. And TAs are so responsible and effienct: my questions can always be answer in 30mins. It has been a pleasure to learn the advanced C++ in these course, it help me to get a deeper understanding about not only how to make the program work but also program desgin and other things.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Difficult but really interesting journey
This course is definitely a useful one, though I have to admit that it may be a bit difficult. The video courses are useful and financial-related, the materials are more than adequate, and teacher and TAs are really responsible and ready to answer your any question in C++ programming. It's really an interesting journey :D
Yes, I would recommend this program
Good choice for C++ developers
Just like the name of the course has implied, we learn a lot of advanced functionalities of C++ which can be applied to multidisciplines. Never does this course confine itself to just teach the learnes new syntax of C++, in every level, it tries to guide us to think about how to combine what we learn now with what we will do in the future. I do learn a lot from this course, believe it or not, I think this course is beyond my original goal for taking it. You can not only learn by watching the video but also from your TA and the fellow students on the public forums. If you are interested in C++ or have a plan on taking a jod related to programming, taking this course will always be a good choice for you!
Yes, I would recommend this program
The course is so well-organized that plenty of useful knowledge are provided in a very reasonable way. I have progressed a lot and thanks very much to this course.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Highly recommend this C++11/14 course
The advanced course was a great opportunity to expand on what I had learned in the previous C++ course. The new features that came with C++11 and C++14 were great for expanding on previously implemented exercises.

As always the video lectures and reading material were great supplements to complete each exercise effectively. My TA @APalley was great as usual and professor @DanielDuffy was always available for any questions. I'd also like to thank @GONG CHEN and @Pavlos Sakoglou they provided thoughtful and most times necessary pieces of advice to get me through some of the more challenging exercises.

I would definitely recommend this course for anyone trying to expand on their C++ knowledge.
Yes, I would recommend this program