Advanced C++ and Modern Design

Advanced C++ and Modern Design

The course is so well-organized that plenty of useful knowledge are provided in a very reasonable way. I have progressed a lot and thanks very much to this course.
Yes, I would recommend this program to a friend
Highly recommend this C++11/14 course
The advanced course was a great opportunity to expand on what I had learned in the previous C++ course. The new features that came with C++11 and C++14 were great for expanding on previously implemented exercises.

As always the video lectures and reading material were great supplements to complete each exercise effectively. My TA @APalley was great as usual and professor @DanielDuffy was always available for any questions. I'd also like to thank @GONG CHEN and @Pavlos Sakoglou they provided thoughtful and most times necessary pieces of advice to get me through some of the more challenging exercises.

I would definitely recommend this course for anyone trying to expand on their C++ knowledge.
Yes, I would recommend this program to a friend
Great course but need some clean up
The course provides good practices in C++11 syntax.
Avi and GONG are great TAs. They are responsive, concise, straight to the point, and willing to help. I found the forum very useful especially the comments from the two. They are true assets to this course and should get a raise :)

Rephrasing of the exercise questions to give more clear statements would be beneficial from a student perspective. I agree that "understanding the question" is part of the exercise, and that "broad, open-ended questions provide more flexibility and better exercise". However, the situation is that those questions may not seem ambiguous from one who creates the exercise and knows the answer, but it indeed has several valid interpretations and most of them are not what is intended. Those "request for clarification" raised in the forum provides a good list of examples.
I think the questions should be stand-alone without the addition from the forum. However, I find myself spending about 30% of time just to figure out what is the intended requirement. Other students usually needs the same clarification in the forum. This process provides little C++ practice and does not serve the goal of this course. I believe it will benefit the future students by rephrasing some confusing question statements.
Yes, I would recommend this program to a friend
Course helped me learn some advance introduced in C++11 and C++14. Structure of course was efficient and helped me quickly learn the new concepts. My course TA (Avi Palley) was very helpful, prompt and professional. He would respond to questions very quickly and explain the concepts in details with examples.
The advanced C++ course is comprehensive and well structured. The learning curve is smooth, so I was able to follow the instructions and make progression without much pain. It is indeed an intensive course, which covers a wide range of topics and require the learners to do many practices to truly absorb those topics. But, it turns out to be worthy. More importantly, it not only covers topics like modern features introduced in C++11/14 but also topics will be of great importance in the real applications, like various design patterns. It did inspire me to think a lot about the design of a concise, consistent and well functioned program. Besides, the TA is excellent. The answer questions promptly and provide detailed feedback to the homework, which is also a great assistance of your learning. I find the forum to be also quite helpful, TA and classmates can always answer your questions and help clarify the class materials. Overall, I will recommend anyone who is eager to learn some C++ skills for real applications to take this course!
The course is great, the material is highly correlated with financial applications and TA are very professional not only in terms of concept illustrations but also in improving codes to production level for a commercial environment. It is a practical course for anyone who wants to upgrade programming skills to a new level.
Many thanks to Danial Duffy, the course designer and trainer, for such a wonderful curriculum design where I can really gain a deeper insight and understanding of C++s functionality as well as code design principles, and his vivid, detailed demonstration in every lecture. Thanks also go to my TA, Mr. APalley, as he always quickly replies to my question and grades my homework.His feedback and suggestion is always the guideline for me to improve my programming skill. Last but not least, I would like to expression my gratefulness to everyone who have asked questions regarding exercises in the QuantNet forum, which often corrected my misunderstanding and provide me with inspirations.
The course material is clear and informative. As for practicability, I"ll say that after I start to take the Baruch MFE program.

And out TA gives very quick feedback on my homework.

Remember to use the forum, I have get plenty of explanations of the homework.
The course is a great. It not only teaches me C++ new features but also deepens my understanding in C++ class design. I can feel that my C++ skill has improved a lot after enrolling in this course.
This course is a great extension on the Baruch MFE C++ Programming course and the C++ course taught in the universities. It covered the higher-level and more up-to-date applications of C++, which is beyond the scope of most programming class but is very useful and make life much easier in the practice. Important topics include the up-to-date C++ 11 and 14 features which learn a lot from other languages and make coding more straightforward and convenient, the advanced C++ and Boost libraries such as multi-thread processing and regular expressions which is powerful when dealing with real-life applications, and the introductions to the GOF and Next-Generation design patterns which focus on writing structural, maintainable and reusable projects. Prof. Daniel Duffy works very hard on the materials and the videos, with wonderful homework design to let us practice and extend what we've learned. Mr. Palley and other TAs are ready to help students figure out all problems every day. They're very enthusiastic and with their kind help, we can learn the course much quicker and much deeper.
It is really a wonderful experience to learn the stuff with all TAs patient answer when I got confused and ask for help in the forum. Besides, this course is really worthy and teach me a lot of cutting-edge knowledge about C++11/14 as well as other computer science knowledge like multi-threading and design pattern.
Advanced C++ 11/C++ 14 is really a great course. Honestly speaking, it's more difficult that C++ for Financial Engineering, however, each level is fascinating. TA and forum are truly helpful, when I met difficulties, their advice was essential for me to make my mind clear. The course is mature enough, so I have no suggestion.
The course was kind of pushing, but through the exercises I definitely learnt a lot. Surely there were some difficulties, but with the help of TA and the forum, I discussed the problems I met and finally managed to solve most of them. Anyway, it has been a great pleasure to join the course!
TA responses very quickly and helpful. Learn a lot from the course.
1. More concrete examples are preferred. For example, design pattern is quite abstract and plain English explanation is not informative enough. If more toy examples on patterns are presented, I believe students will have a better understanding.
2. Though TA points out the problem of submitted homework, I still want a homework solution. I just want to know the best coding solution. One drawback is that the solution may be passed around among students and incoming students. But any coin has two sides.
The course has a very rigorous arrangement and brilliant course materials. My TAs and Dr. Duffy are very helpful. They usually answered my questions within a very short time period, which gave me great support to complete this course.
This course has potential
The TAs were uniformly helpful! Thank you so much for all the support.
Much of the material could stand some further proofreading. It would also be nice if there were a sound reference text. An index to the slide notes would be invaluable.

I understand that part of the intent of the course is to learn how to become life-long programming learners - that is, to interact on the forum (analogous to professional collaboration) and research various websites (probably a career-long necessity) in order to add the dimension of autonomous pedagogy to the course outline. Sometimes, however, this seemed like an excuse to give certain subjects short shrift.

Building the Shape classes and associated arrays step by step was easily the best part of the course. This was hands-on work with the absolutely practical nature of constructors and operators, and, to a certain degree, inheritance. I'm sure it's hard to teach programming without resorting to occasional examples that are shallow and contrived, simply because it's too complicated to set up a real-life situation; this felt very much like we were creating something useful, which was good.

Working with the Boost libraries, on the other hand, wasn't such a bundle of joy. It was hard to see what problems the Boost functions, such as variant, were intended to solve. It seemed like Boost mostly made things more complicated; I never understood the point of Variant. The random number generator seemed like a good idea, as did the shared pointer, but their implementation seemed almost more complicated than it was worth. I'm sure I'll get more comfortable with them down the line, but I did wish their introduction had made more sense in the context of the Shape classes we were developing.

By the way, I far prefer the pacing of the Beginning class videos to the way they have been edited for the Advanced class. I know you probably get a lot of feedback that people need to watch the Beginning videos on double speed. I found Dr. Duffy's natural speech rhythms to be perfectly paced to my detailed note-taking. In the Advanced class, I find you have edited out all of the pauses, to the point of sentences running into each other. Dr. Duffy pauses after a sentence in order to let something sink in! (And, occasionally, to sip his tea). Removing those pauses means I continually have to pause the Advanced videos by hand, and often rewind, so I can take notes, which is much more cumbersome and winds up not saving me any time at all.

Yes, I would recommend this program to a friend
This is a very great course. The learning experience of this course is invaluable for me. The course of each level is very well organised. The provided learning materials are very useful and inspiring. I want to thank Prof. Duffy and my TA @APalley for their guidance and help. The knowledge I learned during this course will be very useful at my study and work in the field of financial engineering.
The C++11/C++14 with Multidisciplinary Applications online course is a excellent course! Every level is interesting and many exercises are real world problem. The homework will help you to understand new principle of C++11.

The course is well structured, students with some background of C++ can improve a lot during the course. Some exercises are challenging, students who want to got the certificate with distinction must pay more time to deal with these exercises. In return, you will be more confident about your coding skill and ability to solve real world project!

TA is really helpful. Whenever I post my question on the forum, he will always be there to help me on my questions. His comments will make your code perfect!

I also made friends on the forum, we discussed the homework, without the support from TA and students, I cannot finish this course.

If you want to improve you programming skill, it is a good chance to take the course! Your effort is worth!
The course is quite useful and practical. The assignments are very helpful in providing hands-on practice for advanced C++.

My favorite part of the course is the design patterns and a final project on how to combine structured analysis, system patterns and C++11 in the finance. The discussion board is pretty responsive from TAs and other students in the course. Overall an excellent course and well worth the time investment.
Practical C++ knowledge
Thank you so much for making very interesting and practical course in C++ with up-to-date content.
I think the knowledge acquired during the course will be very useful at my work and in my personal life.
Among other things I would like to point out that tutor's assistance during the course are always prompt and helpful.
Yes, I would recommend this program to a friend