Search results

  1. Andy Nguyen

    Career Advice

    Are you Italian? Unless you get into a top tier US program, I think European offers more stability over the US during this uncertain time.
  2. Andy Nguyen

    Will Trumps election affect international student acceptance rates?

    Here are the list of 60 universities that get the letter from DOE about their funding cut. Not everyone has endowment the size of Columbia and it seems everyone is very afraid of the administration...
  3. Andy Nguyen

    Career Advice

    How is your applications process going?
  4. Andy Nguyen

    Fewer acceptances for International Students

    Some of the nationality data is showing up on the Tracker. It already showing some trends. Members can set it in their profile once and it will show up in future application trackers. For existing trackers, they need to edit and update each one to reflect the data. Please DM me if you run into...
  5. Andy Nguyen

    2.5 GPA with good working experience

    I have good news for you. Bad news is it happened 12 years ago.
  6. Andy Nguyen

    Master's in Quantitative Finance around the world and Jobs

    As a rule of thumb, if you want to work in the US, go to the best programs program in the US. Same to the UK. It is impossible to do a program in Asia or UK and apply to the US jobs. US market for quant jobs is bigger than UK, Asia combined. Look at the Tracker to see profiles of people who get...
  7. Andy Nguyen

    Would full-time S&T experience boost my Master's applications?

    Have a game plan. Ideally, it should start 2 years before your intended enrollment date. Identify the programs, take the required courses, plan for GRE, take C++ and Python courses, build projects. Start looking at quant interview books, work on your applications, getting recommenders lined up...
  8. Andy Nguyen


    6 admits out of 8. Congrats and thanks for sharing the results on the Tracker. It helps other members tremendously. My impression with NCSU and their good placement stat is that they turn its location disadvantage into an advantage by working closely with the regional employers in the...
  9. Andy Nguyen

    Would full-time S&T experience boost my Master's applications?

    The advantage of applying straight out of undergrad is that their math won't be rusty. The longer you stay in the work place, the more they resume you would not be able to keep up with the math. This is on you to prove otherwise. Some people take pre-MFE courses from Baruch and do well to show...
  10. Andy Nguyen


    Hey @ecco Congrats on the admits. Please add these programs on the Tracker to share your timeline. Do you get admits elsewhere? I have some thoughts on your question but I want to see your Tracker to see your profile and what other programs you applied to.
  11. Andy Nguyen

    Advice on Going for MFE This Year (Kinda Urgent)

    You are going to limit your job options with Java. Please do yourself a favor and learn C++ and Python. For C++, be at least at the level of our advanced C++ course. For CS grads, unless they are from a...
  12. Andy Nguyen

    Advice on Going for MFE This Year (Kinda Urgent)

    First thing first, please add your admission to the Tracker. Thank you. You are going into one of the worst job market in recent years. Who knows what will happen in the next 2 years. There are some truth to what you hear specially if you read the reviews on QuantNet by recent grads. It's...
  13. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE CMU MSCF Waitlist vs UChicago MSFM

    Given a lack of historical data on the conversion rate from the waitlist, it may be wise to take the best offer. Bird on one hand proverb comes to mind. Unless CMU gives you a decision by March 21, you are making decision based on historical data. CMU yield rate is around 60% meaning 40% of...
  14. Andy Nguyen

    ETH Zurich MQF vs UC Berkeley (Deferred)?

    Programs outside of the US are not really focused on employment stats. Their stats are rarely updated. Overall, they don't have the infrastructure to collect, survey and tabulate the employment data. As a result, the salary data is very low quality. Here is the latest employment data for ETH...
  15. Andy Nguyen

    Impressive but realistic Project ideas (15 weeks)

    Start with this
  16. Andy Nguyen

    Any input?

    I feel the spot you are in. Waitlist outcome is out of your control most of them time. For programs like Chicago which has over a thousand applicants every year, there are more people eager to join than available spots. I don't think what you plan to do will hurt but it may not yield the result...
  17. Andy Nguyen

    Do I still have a chance?

    You can use the Tracker to see your realistic chance. It's the most powerful tool for applicants based on 10,000+ data points. Enter a GPA of 3.3 and with a result Accepted, it shows only one applicant who got into Stevens in 2025...
  18. Andy Nguyen

    Would full-time S&T experience boost my Master's applications?

    Sounds like you are getting some relevant work experience. Take the GRE and do well, have all your math, programming requirement done. Get some strong recommendation from work, professor and prepare a comprehensive package. With a first class, work experience, you should make for a strong...
  19. Andy Nguyen

    Princeton MFin Princeton MFin Admission Discussion

    About a dozen applications with Pending status left.
  20. Andy Nguyen

    Non-fully target trading exp or back to Master’s?

    It would really help if you can add in the Tracker the programs you applied to and not get an admit. This gives people a sense of how competitive your profile at those schools. Without the Tracker info, it's like shooting in the dark. The compensation seems low but given the structure of your...
  21. Andy Nguyen

    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN Admission Discussion

    Detail is in his Tracker. Click on his username and Resources to link to all his trackers.
  22. Andy Nguyen

    NYU MSMF NYU Mathematics in Finance Admission Discussion

    Admit results are coming out. Please update the Tracker and share the news, guys!
  23. Andy Nguyen

    Seeking Feedback on My Self-Designed MFE Syllabus as a BBA Student

    This is a 2 year plan right for Fall 2027, correct? You may want to take a look at this to see where you can complement your plan.
  24. Andy Nguyen

    Fewer acceptances for International Students

    I have some implementation in place to help track nationality of applicants. This provides us all with insight on domestic vs international applicants. The arguments above all have good merits. In a terrible job market, programs would want to prioritize applicants who do not need visa...
  25. Andy Nguyen

    Chicago MSFM Chicago MSFM Admission Discussion

    For those that joining the program, this is the 2024-2025 curriculum guide to help with planning your courses.
  26. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE Need help deciding CMU MSCF and MIT MFin

    Global brandname recognition may not be as relevant when it comes to super niche field such quant finance. There are lesser known universes that offer top programs in certain disciplines. Many people have a preference for brand names which is understandable especially in certain parts of the...
  27. Andy Nguyen

    MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

    For those that haven't discovered, we have a trove of data on each program, easily accessible. You can learn about the number of applications they received each year, how many admits (acceptance rate), how many join the program (yield rate), percentage of international vs domestic, males vs...
  28. Andy Nguyen

    Fewer acceptances for International Students

    @DeltaNeutral I don't have enough data to see a noticeable trend. The students from India and China make up the bulk of the applicants pool for the quant master programs. There is always a desire to admit qualified domestic students but I reckon there is not enough of them to alter the...
  29. Andy Nguyen

    Will Trumps election affect international student acceptance rates?

    The Trump administration announced on Friday that it had canceled $400 million in federal grants and contracts to Columbia University, an extraordinary step that it said was necessary because of what it described as the school’s failure to protect Jewish students from harassment.
  30. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE Delusional to choose any school over Princeton MFin?

    Congrats. I'm very proud of the admits you have on your Tracker. This shows the quality of members we attract who are well prepared and well researched. I would suggest reaching out to a few recent Princeton graduates on LinkedIn to hear them out. They may share insights that are not captured by...
  31. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE Oxford MSc in Mathematical and Computational Finance Admission Discussion

    We got an admit for @Nut Sueb today.
  32. Andy Nguyen

    Imperial MathFin Imperial - MSc Mathematics and Finance Admission Discussion

    Anyone with 2025 results from Imperial MathFin program? I saw a few results popping up but surely there are more.
  33. Andy Nguyen

    MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

    Congrats. Happy for you. Please add the timelines for any applications to the Tracker. This will help this community a great deal.
  34. Andy Nguyen

    MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

    Congrats. Time for the Tracker?
  35. Andy Nguyen

    MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

    Don't think so. Never heard of admission call to inform rejection. You probably get admitted. Check your online status.
  36. Andy Nguyen

    Chicago MSFM Chicago MSFM Admission Discussion

    Hey @QwarBorpo Any result for you yet? You are the last one with a Pending status.
  37. Andy Nguyen

    Columbia MFE Lots of drama but no conclusion......

    I heard you. I only provided the link so you can temper your expectations and arrange for alternative. Many people from last year did not get any decision until May or later. You should expect the worst based on what other people went through last year. Have a back up plan.
  38. Andy Nguyen

    Columbia MFE Lots of drama but no conclusion......

    Welcome to the party. You should have read the discussion for 2024 applicants.
  39. Andy Nguyen

    MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

    2 admits showing up on the Tracker today.
  40. Andy Nguyen

    Chicago MSFM Chicago MSFM Admission Discussion

    We got a member with an admit today. Only 2 members with a pending status on the Tracker. Everyone else already got either Accepted/Rejected/Waitlisted. Anyone else who has not added to the Tracker, please do so. We need to get a better sample size for our audience applying to Chicago this year.
  41. Andy Nguyen

    Chicago MSFM Chicago MSFM Admission Discussion

    Let see how many admits will commit to the program. It takes time for people to get all decisions, make deposit, and commit.
  42. Andy Nguyen

    Rutgers masters in QF?

    Do the best program that admits you and matches your career goal. Don't do a program because it's convenient. As for the Rutgers MQF program, it's on our rankings since 2014 and there are plenty of info about it on QuantNet...
  43. Andy Nguyen

    Chicago MSFM Chicago MSFM Admission Discussion

    You brought us a glimmer of hope among the darkness and despair. Today bought about waitlist and rejection. There are about 10 more pending applications on the Tracker so we will see how they turn out.
  44. Andy Nguyen

    MMF UofT or MFRE Imperial

    Hey @shiivaana Please do us a favor and add your admits of UoT and RMFE to the Tracker. Thanks
  45. Andy Nguyen

    Chicago MSFM Chicago MSFM Admission Discussion

    Can you please add your timelines and profile to the Tracker? I would be curious to see what your profile looks like.
  46. Andy Nguyen

    Chicago MSFM Chicago MSFM Admission Discussion

    Nothing positive coming out yet. Just a rejection and a waitlist. Anyone with an acceptance today?
  47. Andy Nguyen

    Chicago MSFM Chicago MSFM Admission Discussion

    Interesting observation. I wonder what insights we can learn by analyzing the data on the tracker. Maybe we then can show those insights to only members who have a tracker.
  48. Andy Nguyen

    Chicago MSFM Chicago MSFM Admission Discussion

    Pro tip: follow @Meredith to get the latest updates from her.
  49. Andy Nguyen

    Chicago MSFM Chicago MSFM Admission Discussion

    I love how our members come together during this time of need to dissect minor changes in their application portal. We need more of this sense of collaboration and community. Together, we will overcome! If you haven't added your Chicago application to the Tracker, please do. I suspect Chicago...
  50. Andy Nguyen

    UChicago MSFM vs CMU MSCF

    Here is latest employment report from CMU MSCF (Dec 2023 grads). Read all the details, fine prints to find where their grads end up.
  51. Andy Nguyen

    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN Admission Discussion

    Nobody knows since @jaehyukchoi just became the director early this year. Interviews with directors like @dstefan will be pretty technical. Some other directors will conduct a behavioral interview. Best of luck and let us know how it goes.
  52. Andy Nguyen

    Looking for honest career and life advice

    Many graduates of mid-tier programs are not able to find work in the US and UK. There are 1000 applicants applying for 1 position that everyone wants to get. It stands to reason that if one wants to increase his chance, he should broaden the scope and target roles that are less glamorous but...
  53. Andy Nguyen

    Looking for honest career and life advice

    My heart breaks for you. You have my sympathy. Life is tough and so many have been upended by Covid. If it makes you feel any better, your situation is not as bad as other, even if you feel like this. You are not too old by any mean. I started my MFE at 30, around the same as many in my cohort...
  54. Andy Nguyen

    25 Guys to Avoid on Wall Street

    Another bump for this still funny list.
  55. Andy Nguyen

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Discussion

    There is a review posted today that I don't think belong. The reviewer is not a student in the program and everything seems hearsay at best. Given the poster just signed up to post this, I deleted the review and copy what he posted here.
  56. Andy Nguyen

    The most selective MFE, quant master programs in the U.S.

    It's on each program's page under the Admissions tab.
  57. Andy Nguyen

    The most selective MFE, quant master programs in the U.S.

    You can see them from the ranking. Select the Table view which you can sort by column.
  58. Andy Nguyen

    Princeton MFin Princeton MFin Admission Discussion

    Got it. Look forward to seeing all those 3 in the Tracker and with blue status marker.
  59. Andy Nguyen

    Princeton MFin Princeton MFin Admission Discussion

    Did you apply to other programs as well?
  60. Andy Nguyen

    UChicago MSFM vs CMU MSCF

    Congrats on getting 5 admits and scholarships. Thanks for sharing them on the Tracker. That's all the contribution we ever ask of our members. It's a good problem to have picking between the two. The important question you don't address: what do you want to get out of the program so people can...
  61. Andy Nguyen

    Princeton MFin Princeton MFin Admission Discussion

    When will that call take place?
  62. Andy Nguyen

    Do I see Level 2 HW only if the TA approves my Level 1 HW?

    No. You have to pass quiz 1 to access level 2 and so on. By the way, if you previously use a different account to enroll in the Python, we can reset that account so you can get a fresh counter when you re-enroll. You can continue from where you left off. No need to create a different account to...
  63. Andy Nguyen

    Fordham MSQF Fordham MSQF Admission Discussion

    Congrats to those that got admitted to the program for Fall 2025. Seems like most admits got scholarship. If you applied to Fordham, please add your timelines to the Tracker to get a better sample representation on QuantNet. I know many more applied but didn't bother to add to the Tracker.
  64. Andy Nguyen

    International student at Australia - Need advice

    What other jobs with your skills or similar that do not require citizenship/PR?
  65. Andy Nguyen

    Retaking Certificate

    Access is indefinite. The time limit is only for TA support and certificate eligibility.
  66. Andy Nguyen

    Chicago MSFM Chicago MSFM Admission Discussion

    You can create one right here. I can help set it up and add admitted people in. No need to go elsewhere and deal with multiple apps and accounts.
  67. Andy Nguyen

    Retaking Certificate

    You get $250 off the original price so you only pay $1,000 to reenroll. Please DM if you need instruction to do so.
  68. Andy Nguyen

    Princeton MFin Princeton MFin Admission Discussion

    They do give out $15K scholarship. Some of our QuantNet members received them in the past. Not sure anyone will get one this year but I have seen graphics where they show the amount of fund they give to students over years...
  69. Andy Nguyen

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission Discussion

    Yes, we've seen $15K offered so far. Here is a list of the range of scholarship offered by all programs recorded on QuantNet Tracker.
  70. Andy Nguyen

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission Discussion

    3/3 so far? Congrats Congrats. Time to update your Tracker :) With a scholarship. Nicely done!
  71. Andy Nguyen

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission Discussion

    Looks like you haven't added the timelines to the Tracker. Can you do that please? Thanks
  72. Andy Nguyen

    Columbia MSFE Columbia MSFE (Financial Economics) Admission Discussion

    Can you add your timeline and profile to the Tracker? We have fewer 2025 on the Tracker compared to 2024.
  73. Andy Nguyen

    NYU Tandon MFE NYU Tandon MFE Admissions Discussion

    Anyone still not with a Pending status? Any more decision to share on the Tracker?
  74. Andy Nguyen

    2.5 GPA with good working experience

    Your full profile can't be summed up in a few lines. I'm sure you have more to offer than this. Give it a try. You have relevant work experience which may be important to some programs.
  75. Andy Nguyen

    Princeton MFin Princeton MFin Admission Discussion

    There are more to come. They will release decision up to March 15. Thank you for adding your application to the Tracker.
  76. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE MIT MFIN vs Imperial MSC Mathematics and Finance

    Please add your application timeline details on the Tracker. Thanks Getting into the Imperial program is a good sign. MIT is so different from Imperial and they are in two different continent. Nobody can advise unless they know what you want to do out of the program.
  77. Andy Nguyen

    Princeton MFin Princeton MFin Admission Discussion

    Congrats to all the admits today. You make QuantNet look good. Look forward to seeing more admits in the coming days. A reminder to add your timelines to the Tracker if you haven't done so.
  78. Andy Nguyen

    Columbia MAFN vs Chicago Booth MiF: Which is Better?

    Congrats on getting into both programs. 1) Please add your application timelines to the Tracker. Thanks for your contribution. 2) Columbia is mathematical rigorous. You can see its placement record over the years on QuantNet rankings. Chicago Booth MiF is a brand new program which has not...
  79. Andy Nguyen

    Chicago MSFM Chicago MSFM Admission Discussion

    No. Several without scholarships. Click on the Applications tab to see. You are currently under the Discussion tab.
  80. Andy Nguyen

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission Discussion

    Survivor alert!
  81. Andy Nguyen

    Columbia MSFE Columbia MSFE (Financial Economics) Admission Discussion

    Looks like everyone who applied to MSFE 2025 is admitted on the Tracker. Anyone else applied but haven't added to the Tracker can please update us on the result? Decisions should be out by now according to last year and this year's data.
  82. Andy Nguyen

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission Discussion

    Maybe you will if you put your timelines there :) Don't need interview invite to put up your profile and timelines on the Tracker so we can offer support to one another fellow applicants.
  83. Andy Nguyen

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission Discussion

    @staringfungus @fishoutofwater @sheamusthegreatkhali Please add your application timelines to the Tracker. Thank you.
  84. Andy Nguyen

    How to verify your QuantNet account

    Just a reminder for folks to get a verified status on QuantNet if you already have a verified LinkedIn account. We will be create data, benefits and events exclusively for verified members or those who contributed data to the Tracker, etc. It takes only 5 seconds and it's free but you benefit a...
  85. Andy Nguyen

    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN Admission Discussion

    You did a smart thing by contacting recent and current students of both programs. They are the one with the most current state of the programs. Behind the scenes, they can be very frank and tell you what they like or don't. Best of luck with the program. Make sure you pay it forward by sharing...
  86. Andy Nguyen

    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN Admission Discussion

    The Columbia MAFN program has a new director, Prof. Jeahyuk Choi who is very engaged in promoting the program. We have 8 new reviews of the program all came in Feb 2025. During the 10 years span 2010-2020, the programs only have 6 reviews. I'm encouraged by the new activity and I hope it points...
  87. Andy Nguyen

    Chicago MSFM Chicago MSFM Admission Discussion

    This must has changed recently. This is what we have during last admission cycle on the overview page. Alpha Scholarship recipients are offered a financial award in the amount of 60% of total tuition costs in 2023. Maroon Scholarship recipients are offered a financial award in the amount of 30%...
  88. Andy Nguyen

    C++ course (Datasim or Baruch)

    Confirm @willmlee enrolled today to the QuantNet C++ course. Welcome to the course and I'm pretty sure with the help of our TA @APalley and the extensive community, you will find it the learning experience very rewarding.
  89. Andy Nguyen

    QuantNet Employment Rate Statistics

    All data in our rankings are directly submitted by the programs. No other third party sources involved. I can’t speak to why some programs have outdated data on their websites. We strive to provide the latest and most accurate data available to our members.
  90. Andy Nguyen


    It depends on your purpose. If it is for MFE admission, a certificate is required.
  91. Andy Nguyen


    Please also add your application timelines to the Tracker.
  92. Andy Nguyen


    UCLA MFE made recent changes to their team recently. A new executive director, new faces on the team. The NYC liaison person was no longer with the program as of the end of last year.
  93. Andy Nguyen

    Chicago MSFM Chicago MSFM Admission Discussion

    More people need to add their timelines to the Tracker. Please do so if you have not. I dont understand the hesitation to contributed to Quantnet when doing so will be so quick and yield more benefits to oneself and the community. One can’t just benefit from the collective knowledge here...
  94. Andy Nguyen

    QuantNet Employment Rate Statistics

    We have various type of data programs submitted and the ones we release are on the rankings.
  95. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE NYU MFE vs. Columbia MAFN vs. UChicago FinMath vs. NCSU MFM

    Here is the 2024 comp level for QD/QT/QR roles at different firms. They are not representative but at least give you some idea. The QT/QR comp is very PnL driven. High stress and short tenure. A lot of these guys want to retire and raise cows as soon as they can. For QD roles, depending on the...
  96. Andy Nguyen

    Which one to choose

    Imperial is a good name that attracts employers in UK. If you do well in their MSc Math program, you can have a decent chance of getting a job. I just feel that a MSc Math degree will set you up better for PhD Math than a Math/Comp degree.
  97. Andy Nguyen

    Chicago MSFM Chicago MSFM Admission Discussion

    Congratulations to everyone with an admit from Chicago. You guys have collectively received a $436,550 in scholarship amount so far, with $28,350 min, $47,250 max and $36,380 average. This is an amazing achievement and a huge statement of the high calibre of our members. The numbers will grow as...
  98. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE NYU MFE vs. Columbia MAFN vs. UChicago FinMath vs. NCSU MFM

    I believe QD is a truly legit career path that many MFE graduates look down in favor of more glamorous QT/QR roles. The fact is that many roles are basically QD but dressed up in more fancy titles. I have seen many members here got internships and FT jobs offers based on their strong coding...
  99. Andy Nguyen

    Princeton MFin Princeton MFin Admission Discussion

    Mid March 2025. They made that public for months.
  100. Andy Nguyen

    UCB MFE UCB MFE placement stats for class 2024 and Internship for class 2025

    The 2025 ranking takes the latest employment stats. In UCB MFE case, it would be for those graduated in Dec 2023. It also takes the latest incoming cohort which is 2024.
  101. Andy Nguyen

    QuantNet Employment Rate Statistics

    The placement rate is based on size of graduation class, number of people seeking jobs, number found jobs, etc. It has nothing to do with the admission cohort size. Please reach out to programs for any requested data.
  102. Andy Nguyen

    Is the SIE worth spending time on.

    Not sure what that is. There are better ways to strengthen your profile for MFE program instead of taking unnecessary exams.
  103. Andy Nguyen

    Stanford ICME (MCF) Admission Discussion

    I was told that they had around 250 applicants last year and rate limited their offers to aim for a class size of 10 for the MCF track.
  104. Andy Nguyen

    Seeking Advice: Personalised routemap to get into quant roles.

    You should spend more time networking, get some mentors, learn about the industry and basically have a good idea of what you want to do before you graduate.
  105. Andy Nguyen

    Stanford ICME (MCF) Admission Discussion

    Opening this for the 2025 applicants. As far as I can tell, only a handful of students are admitted to the program each year. @JLabko @Areohfore @Manjushri @Aman Singhal @hrpowers @edo
  106. Andy Nguyen

    Imperial MathFin Imperial - MSc Mathematics and Finance Admission Discussion

    Congrats @karelm Can you please add your timelines to the Tracker? It's a top ranked program in UK Please read the reviews and see if a path exists that comparable to your career goal.
  107. Andy Nguyen

    Imperial MSc RMFE vs MathFin

    Yes, Imperial RMFE is from its business school with 3 times the enrollment of Math Finance program. Admission to MathFin program is tougher as far as the requirements go. It's more mathematically rigorous and prepares you better for the quant roles. Are you sure you have to decline the RMFE...
  108. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE NYU MFE vs. Columbia MAFN vs. UChicago FinMath vs. NCSU MFM

    @markbogorad can give you some pointers on the NYU Tandon MFE program as he is currently studying there. What are your other alternative roles besides quant trader?
  109. Andy Nguyen

    Columbia MAFN Chances

    If you meet the requirements in term of courses and GPA/GRE of those programs, just apply. Don't listen to anyone who say you will or will not get into a specific program unless they are admission officers of that program. Use the data on the Tracker to get a sense of who get into but it will...
  110. Andy Nguyen

    NYU MFE have to decide

    @TweetyD First, please add your application timelines to the Tracker. This helps us provide better services and insights to all members. Then, reach out to NYU Tandon to see if they can offer an extension for deposit as you are waiting for other decisions. Every program will require a deposit...
  111. Andy Nguyen

    Better schools worth paying premiums?

    Cheers to the planned move to Europe. Maybe I can see you there someday. You brought up a good point that many quant jobs in Europe requires a PhD while there are plenty of jobs in the US that a master suffices. Buy-side Quant Research is a tough job to get no matter which program you graduate...
  112. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE Imperial Mathfin vs Columbia MFE vs CMU MSCF

    @gkngm Congrats on getting into these programs. Can I request that you put your application timelines to the Tracker? Having the data points from a high calibre applicant like you helps our community a lot in accessing the chance to get into top programs. Did you apply to other programs besides...
  113. Andy Nguyen

    Better schools worth paying premiums?

    If leaving the US after 3 years (OPT), your criteria should be different than those planning their career in the US. I assume you go back to India and hope to join the next wave of finance job there. Do you need a brand name and extensive alumni network in India from the program? Will the...
  114. Andy Nguyen

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Discussion

    Did you get an admit? When did you apply and get the decision?
  115. Andy Nguyen

    Seeking Your Advice: Columbia MSFE Vs NCSU MFM & Duke MEng Fintech

    Columbia is in NYC, the world's biggest financial center. This means easy access to all the biggest firms and the wide breath of opportunities. At the same time, Columbia has multiple master programs producing hundreds of graduates aiming for the same kind of jobs that you apply for. NYC and the...
  116. Andy Nguyen

    NYU MSMF NYU Mathematics in Finance Admission Discussion

    How is everyone applying to NYU? Can we have a show of hands of people who are applying there?
  117. Andy Nguyen

    Seeking Your Advice: Columbia MSFE Vs NCSU MFM & Duke MEng Fintech

    As someone without relevant experience, you will have a really hard time to get a role as a buy-side quant trader out of the Columbia MFE (Financial Engineering) program. A lot of their graduates struggle to find jobs from the recent reviews on QuantNet. What is your backup plan if you fail to...
  118. Andy Nguyen

    QBA readiness.

    All topics are covered in this review guide. You can get books to review these topics. Khan Academy or other online resources can be used to practice them. You will have a chance in college to further learn them. As far as difficulty goes, these are fundamental and elementary knowledge.
  119. Andy Nguyen

    🎉 QuantNet Hall of Fame: Most Admit Offers for Fall 2025! 🎉

    We are looking forward to celebrating a QuantNet member who will secure the most admit offers from top quant programs for Fall 2025! 🏆 We’d love to see your journey and insights in the Tracker 📊. Sharing your application timelines, interview experiences, and admit results will inspire and...
  120. Andy Nguyen

    Baruch Quant Background Assessment Experience

    I added everyone who requested to join the group. May your QBA goes well and you get 8/8.
  121. Andy Nguyen

    GaTech QCF Georgia Tech QCF Admission Discussion

    If you applied by Dec 15 and have no decision yet, reach out to Laura Czyzewski.
  122. Andy Nguyen

    GaTech QCF Georgia Tech QCF Admission Discussion

    Every application has to go through the faculty and the professors can look at the application when they are available. This is beyond control of the staff and explains the delays.
  123. Andy Nguyen

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE Admission Discussion

    Decisions are coming out. Looks like all of them are rejection. Anyone applied, please update your Tracker if you get an update. If you have not added your timelines to the Tracker, please do so. Thanks very much.
  124. Andy Nguyen

    NCSU MFM NCSU MFM Admission Discussion

    @davidsj @Yash Jain Can I request that you add your application timelines to the Tracker now that you have an admit from the program. This helps us provide insights into the programs such as NCSU.
  125. Andy Nguyen

    Quant Trader vs Dev vs Research and Investment banking?
  126. Andy Nguyen

    Ranking of Programs

    Chicago 6 Columbia 9 Yale not ranked (no data)
  127. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE Edinburgh( CMF) VS Warwick (MF) VS UCL(CF)

    Congrats on receiving these offers. Can I request that you put the application timelines of those programs on the Tracker? On our latest 2024 ranking, UCL is ranked higher than Warwick by a small edge. UCL has more reviews which gives a better insight.
  128. Andy Nguyen

    2025 MFE Admission Roll Call

    Time to decide for those that got all their decisions. Let us know where you got in (or not), how much scholarships you receive and where you join.
  129. Andy Nguyen

    How smart do you have to be to make more money as a quant than being a investment banker?

    Since when making 200K a year while not very smart is an issue? You either have a very skewed view of the industry or got your information from the wrong sources. This is an industry with different roles and if you have something unique to offer, you will find your own spot.
  130. Andy Nguyen

    Oxford MCF Decision Dates

    I just looked at 2024 data on the Tracker and it appears most admission came out on Feb 27-28.[program_resource_id]=44&custom_fields[result]=accepted
  131. Andy Nguyen

    Oxford MCF Decision Dates

    @Yeat Congrats on the offer. It's the top ranked program on our 2024 UK ranking so you won't go wrong with either Imperial or Oxford. Can you add your timelines of those programs to the Tracker so we have more data for our growing UK audience. @shrdlu Congrats and thank you for sharing your...
  132. Andy Nguyen

    Program advice to career: UW vs NCSU

    If you are comfortable with having a job in risk with a regional employer in Charlotte area, NCSU will serve you really well. Many students from that program seem to be happy with the ROI. They seem to create a niche for themselves in that area. UW is well-known and have connection with big tech...
  133. Andy Nguyen

    NYU MFE vs U Washington CFRM vs NCSU Financial Mathematics

    If you just want to have a job, historical data indicates that NCSU has pretty good placement stats with placing all their students with a job within 3 months. Keep in mind that many of those jobs may be in risk and located in Charlotte area. This can be a good thing for some people (lower cost...
  134. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE MIT Math PhD vs Princeton ORFE PhD vs NYU Courant Math PhD vs Columbia Stats PhD

    They are all solid, top programs. If you get into any of them, it becomes more about how you make your coursework and research relevant to the niche field that employers hire. Reach out to alumni of those programs to see where they end up and how they apply the PhD to the work. The compensation...
  135. Andy Nguyen

    Boston MSMFT BU Admissions Thread

    Everything is right here under the Admissions tab.
  136. Andy Nguyen

    AI/ML roles in quant?

    You can. You have to make sure to keep an eye on the requirements of the job market to learn the relevant skills.
  137. Andy Nguyen

    Cornell FE Cornell M.FinEng Admission Discussion

    This is terrific. So nice to see our members getting the scholarship, meaning they are top applicants that programs are trying to retain.
  138. Andy Nguyen

    How much does undergrad matter after you get a masters/PHD

    The higher your education, the less your undergraduate matters. Everything else being equal, candidates who came from prestigious/well-known universities fare better. This just means you must have strong signals on your profile. How about having a very strong C++ or Python skill? Have done some...
  139. Andy Nguyen

    Seeking Advice on Key Skills & Courses for Market Risk Career

    Read this document and documents posted by @Ken Abbott
  140. Andy Nguyen

    AI/ML roles in quant?

    Yes, AI is a thing that some quant programs are adapting in their curriculum. For example, here is how GaTech QCF is refocusing and rebranding their program towards AI/ML.
  141. Andy Nguyen

    Cornell FE Cornell M.FinEng Admission Discussion

    6/22 applications for 2025 applications on the Tracker got an admit so far. Not a bad percentage. Either putting the timelines on the Tracker brings good luck or good applicants put their applications there.
  142. Andy Nguyen

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE - Part Time

    Baruch MFE partime is the right move in your case. There is no distinction between part-time or full-time as far as career services and job opportunities in their program. You will take the same classes and have the same access as FT students.
  143. Andy Nguyen

    GaTech QCF Georgia Tech QCF Admission Discussion

    In the Zoom event today, Laura mentioned that if you applied before December 15 and have not received decision, reach out to her. Applications after Dec 15 will hopefully get results by March 15. They also admitted that they over admitted last year so this year, they will correct that. It will...
  144. Andy Nguyen

    Cornell FE Cornell M.FinEng Admission Discussion

    Appreciate it @chickenguy
  145. Andy Nguyen

    Cornell FE Cornell M.FinEng Admission Discussion

    So far, nobody has received a scholarship yet for the 2025. They offer in the range of 7.5K-20K based on data on Tracker. This is why having more people using Tracker will benefit everyone and I applaud everyone who contributes with their Tracker data...
  146. Andy Nguyen

    Cornell FE Cornell M.FinEng Admission Discussion

    We have way more members with Pending status in our Tracker so hopefully those will be converted to admit soon. Sending good vibes to you guys. Please remember to add timelines of other programs to the Tracker as well. It helps grow our community and make the data more relevant.
  147. Andy Nguyen

    Cornell FE Cornell M.FinEng Admission Discussion

    Congrats. Let's put the timelines in the Tracker, guys.
  148. Andy Nguyen

    Columbia MFE Columbia MFE Admission Discussion

    Congrats @Csp @efffff Thanks for your contribution by sharing your timelines on the Tracker.
  149. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE NYU Tandon vs Morgan Stanley

    You already know the answer. Your reason is very reasonable.
  150. Andy Nguyen

    NYU Tandon MFE NYU Tandon MFE Admissions Discussion

    Looks like that means a rejection in your case. Best of luck with the remaining applications.
  151. Andy Nguyen

    They are all important factors. The more the better.

    They are all important factors. The more the better.
  152. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE Compare NYU Tandon vs Fordham

    Reach out to recent graduates of both programs on here or LinkedIn to hear what they say. If most of them is happy with the quality of the program, career services and getting relevant jobs, then it is worth attending.
  153. Andy Nguyen

    Suggestions for finance student?

    Just plan your courses accordingly so you can have all the prerequisite courses. Take math and programming courses and see how you like or perform. Fintech is a revolving field. AI may make everything irrelevant in a few years. Maybe not. Keep an eye on how the trends and industry reacts to new...
  154. Andy Nguyen

    Advice for Cornell Freshman Wannabe Quant

    Do one thing well is better than half-a** a bunch of stuff. Pick your core strength (either math or CS) and maximize your knowledge there. As far as CS knowledge is concerned, most quant programs will only require you to know C++ or Python really well. That said, it will be your meal ticket to...
  155. Andy Nguyen

    A graduate degree is almost a requirement to break in the industry these days. Very rarely that...

    A graduate degree is almost a requirement to break in the industry these days. Very rarely that undergraduates can break in given the competition where thousands of master students flood the job market. In that approach, you don't want to get too specialized in undergraduate, just focus on core...
  156. Andy Nguyen

    Yale Asset Management Admission Discussion

    You should add your applications to the Tracker to attract more discussion and updates.[program_resource_id]=82
  157. Andy Nguyen

    Deciding Between Quant Role at Small HF vs Big 4 Tech Consulting

    Looks like the big 4 position gives you more headroom to grow. That may also pigeonhole you into accounting role the longer you stay. As long as you enjoy the work, the culture and the comp, I think it's something to weigh against chasing the allure of a quant job. Life is short, as long as you...
  158. Andy Nguyen

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission Discussion

    Tracker checks out.
  159. Andy Nguyen

    Evidence of Start and End Date of C++ Online Course

    You can get that letter 14 days after your enrollment.
  160. Andy Nguyen

    Evidence of Start and End Date of C++ Online Course

    You can request a letter from Baruch MFE program to show your dates of enrollment and completion.
  161. Andy Nguyen

    TDOE at Jane Street

    What is TDOE internship? What it entails?
  162. Andy Nguyen

    Profile Evalutation for MS in Statistics

    Programs don't determine whether you end up in a quant trading role. Your knowledge and ability to demonstrate fitness do. Look at the common requirements of such roles and build your profile accordingly. Some programs have more graduates end up in such roles. Prepare and apply to them.
  163. Andy Nguyen

    Seeking Affordable Master’s in Finance Programs in Europe (Excluding UK & US)

    ETH Zurich is one of the good programs out there if you can get in. Finance is a high paying industry i.e competitive and it almost always means you have to invest a lot of money, time to get in by whatever means necessary. A program with very high ROI means it's extremely hard to get in. Coming...
  164. Andy Nguyen

    Princeton MFin Princeton MFin Admission Discussion

    All bets are off with alumni interview. There is no guideline for these and the questions will be based off your profile and resume. Anything that they feel you should know based off your resume is fair game (fairly or not).
  165. Andy Nguyen

    Columbia MFE Columbia MFE Admission Discussion

    Yeap, the Tracker is extremely helpful for all applicants as you mentioned. It's made possible by members who willing to help the community by sharing their timelines. So please help us out, do your part and add your applications to the Tracker. It could become much more valuable if every...
  166. Andy Nguyen

    How to add my projects to my resume ?

    Whatever project you create, you should add them to our directory and link to your github. This will help get them greater exposure.
  167. Andy Nguyen

    Did QuantNet suffered a data breach?

    No data breach that I'm aware of.
  168. Andy Nguyen

    MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

    The admission process is not exact science so some people with identical background may get different results. Thanks @Econogeek for sharing your timeline on the Tracker. Appreciate your contribution to Quantnet. There are other programs that may lead you to the ultimate goal. MIT is not the...
  169. Andy Nguyen

    NYU Tandon MFE NYU Tandon MFE Admissions Discussion

    A rejection means that your application is not competitive considered the given applicant pool to that specific program. There is no appeal. You need to improve your application and apply next year.
  170. Andy Nguyen

    NYU Tandon MFE NYU Tandon MFE Admissions Discussion

    Can you update your status on the Tracker?
  171. Andy Nguyen

    MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

    Have you applied? Looks like you don't have any applications on the Tracker.
  172. Andy Nguyen

    MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

    A bunch of rejects are out. Thanks to everyone who updated their Tracker.
  173. Andy Nguyen

    UCB MFE UCB MFE director search

    At last, the new executive director has been announced.
  174. Andy Nguyen

    Realistic chances for landing a role in Quant Finance?

    It has been done. With experience and right skills, people can make the transfer. It is much harder to get those QT/QR roles right out of graduate school without proper experience.
  175. Andy Nguyen

    Realistic chances for landing a role in Quant Finance?

    Risk management, regulation are a big segment where jobs are more plentiful. Look more broadly to employers outside of the big name trading firms. Insurance, credit rating, govt agencies all hire MFE grads. Once you are outside of the major financial center (NYC, London, Chicago, etc), the job...
  176. Andy Nguyen

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Discussion

    Thank you @nhusv. The information you shared with us is very valuable. Appreciate it. This is what makes QuantNet great.
  177. Andy Nguyen

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Discussion

    Unsure if the latest review posted today referred to the new program director. No announcement has been made so lot of guessing.
  178. Andy Nguyen

    Realistic chances for landing a role in Quant Finance?

    There is a non zero chance to get into top tier firm from a middle tier program but as it's clear to you, it's extremely rare. When there are 1000 applicants for a job opening, firms are not going to look at every resumes. They will just filter by Oxbridge, Imperial or whatever they use. My...
  179. Andy Nguyen

    Is there still time for me to pursue Financial Engineering?

    Get a solid STEM degree and load up on math stats and programming course.
  180. Andy Nguyen

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission Discussion

    Best of luck and appreciate your contribution to QuantNet by sharing your timelines on the Tracker.
  181. Andy Nguyen

    MS CS or MFE to get into Quant

    That means employers are seeking candidates who can contribute on day one which many MFE graduates generally are underprepared. You don't need stochastic calculus or any of the generic stuff you learn in MFE program. You need to know how to work with large data set which means SQL queries...
  182. Andy Nguyen

    Computer Science Required to be a Quantitative analyst

    Quantitative analyst is a very generic term. Analyst term comes from the old days where quants are part of investment banks. As such, the "quant analyst" can describe a large range of job profiles. This is usually a more theoretical role that requires an advanced degree in Math, Stats, CS...
  183. Andy Nguyen

    Advice on Improving Profile for Baruch MFE or Similar Programs

    You have time to properly prepare for Baruch and other programs. Focus on the foundation knowledge you need: math/programming/finance/stats/etc. Read as much as you can from QuantNet master reading list. Research the target programs extensively. Reach out to alumni for review/input. Follow what...
  184. Andy Nguyen

    Is MFE a possible option for me or should I look elsewhere?

    You probably can apply to a development role at a financial firm, fintech and get some understanding of what they do and what you want to do after a few years. At that point, you can decide whether MFE is the right call. Right now, it is not advisable to get into an expensive education until you...
  185. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE Rochester MSF v. WashU MSFQ

    You will unlikely to get useful input on these as most people here apply to quantitative programs, not generic finance programs. My feeling is that generic MFin programs have little appeal in the job market these days. Your question is eerily similar to this a decade ago...
  186. Andy Nguyen

    Columbia MSOR- Financial Markets and Management for Portfolio Management/ Quant trader/Quant Researcher Roles?

    The heyday of MSOR program as a substitute for MFE was a decade ago. Look at the Tracker for historical data. At that time, many people applied to MFE, did not get in but got offered admission in MSOR instead. The fact that many students can take same courses under IEOR dept gives people the...
  187. Andy Nguyen

    Princeton MFin Princeton MFin Admission Discussion

    Congrats. Can you please add your timelines to the Tracker as well? It will be so helpful to your fellow applicants to Princeton and avoid such anxiety.
  188. Andy Nguyen

    6 Months Before Starting My MFE—Seeking Guidance for Best Use of Time to Break Into Quant Roles

    This should help you get started. I assume you have top C++/Python/SQL skills already.
  189. Andy Nguyen

    On the right path to quant?

    Does not sound right. Bunch of red lights flashing. The point of doing a quant internship is to be part of a team of experienced quants where you can learn and grow. If you are the only one, I'm not sure what values you can get from this without proper guidance. If the firm has 1B AUM, it's a...
  190. Andy Nguyen

    Princeton MFin Princeton MFin Admission Discussion

    @maryk @altopt can you share your profile and timelines on the Tracker?
  191. Andy Nguyen

    MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

    You need to put your application timeline on the Tracker to get an update when people update their MIT Tracker.
  192. Andy Nguyen

    MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

    Interviews happened in mid Jan to Feb in last admission cycle. If it follows the same schedule this year, people would have received invitations by now.
  193. Andy Nguyen

    Wishing to work on research projects

    That's a very good way to get in the door. It has been done before. They will welcome someone with technical background to help them to test thesis or publish papers. You will learn more about finance and have some relevant contribution you can talk about during interviews. You may even get...
  194. Andy Nguyen

    MFE Grad School advice

    Quick self-check: can you get into the top MFE programs like Baruch, Princeton where acceptance rate is <10%? If not, then forget about getting a QT/QR roles where the acceptance rate is < 0.1%. First step would be to recognize that QT/QR roles are extremely rare to obtain, especially for fresh...
  195. Andy Nguyen

    GaTech QCF Georgia Tech QCF Admission Discussion

    So sad. I hope you applied to other programs as well. Care to share your profile and timelines on the Tracker to help other QuantNet members?
  196. Andy Nguyen

    Advice for Baruch MFE

    Sounds similar to this.
  197. Andy Nguyen

    UIUC Financial Engineering MS vs. Georgia Tech MSQCF – Which Path to Quant Finance? Or Should I Hold Out for NYU?

    Congrats on your offers. You may want to put the application timelines on the Tracker so people can help you better. Without your profile, background and job target, it's impossible to give any input. I'm sure you have done researches on these programs and have a good feeling which one is a good...
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