Search results

  1. Andy Nguyen

    Collection of important documents for risk management

    @Ken Abbott Any new reading on VaR being phased out and replaced by Expected Shortfall (ES)? When will MFE programs update their curriculum to focus less on VaR?
  2. Andy Nguyen

    Princeton MFin Princeton MFin Math Assessment

    Correct. The data you see there is following the naming of the yearly ranking. 2024 ranking tracks data for Fall 2023 incoming students. This is true and standard practice for most rankings. We surveyed and released the 2024 ranking in late 2023 and the latest admission/employment numbers...
  3. Andy Nguyen

    What can I do more?

    GPA from IIT, Peking, Tsinghua and the likes are well-understood by admission officers so I wouldn't concern about it. They have their own internal scale. Anything you can do from now is contributing positively to the profile. Paper publication is a good signal. Most applicants don't have that...
  4. Andy Nguyen

    What can I do more?

    For Fall 2026, you have a good amount of time to improve you chance and target more competitive program even Baruch. You said you know C++ so I'll take it that you can handle interviews where they ask hardcore C++. Take this Python course to complement your skills. It is a strong signal these...
  5. Andy Nguyen

    2024 MFE Admission roll call

    This profile has the most admits and scholarships in this 2024 roll call. @sliceofpi got a distinction in the QuantNet C++ course. Congratulations. Looks like you are joining Chicago. Enjoy your Chicago slide of pie.
  6. Andy Nguyen

    Internship Ideas to get into Quant down the line

    This is a very broad question about an industry that has a wide range of job functions. You need to narrow down some more specific roles in order to target and plan. You are still early in the process so no need to rush. The more prepared you are, the happier the outcome. I'll start with the...
  7. Andy Nguyen

    2024 MFE Admission roll call

    I am just happy for selfish reason that you are hanging around here longer.
  8. Andy Nguyen

    2024 MFE Admission roll call

    Smart move. I believe this time you will get into better programs.
  9. Andy Nguyen

    2024 MFE Admission roll call

    What is the final call?
  10. Andy Nguyen

    Maths or Programming competition at graduate level ?

    Here is a more comprehensive list, many of them are at undergraduate level. This is more of a trading competition list but it attracts the same crowd.
  11. Andy Nguyen

    Princeton MFin Princeton MFin Math Assessment

    I was wrong in expecting a higher class size. Even they received over 1000 applicants, they admitted only 26 students in the Fall 2024 incoming class. Probably interviewed 100 people...
  12. Andy Nguyen

    Financial Calculations Packages

    Another Python package from Paul. Thanks for contributing. Let's them grow and the community will benefit.
  13. Andy Nguyen

    Are Stats or Financial Engineering Masters more valuable?

    Here is the latest placement info for Columbia MSFE (Financial Economics) PDF file. Link to Columbia Financial Engineering 2023 employment report. Hard to say which is better given these reports are a year old. We have some mixed reviews of the FE programs lately and very few for the MSFE. I...
  14. Andy Nguyen

    Suggestion on internship

    You have 2 internships which is 2 more than many applicants. As long as you can contribute and learn valuable lessons in those experiences, it will be a big plus in your applications. You are taking the QuantNet C++ course which will give you a leg up and a strong signal to programs that you are...
  15. Andy Nguyen

    Programs that don't weigh work experience heavily?

    No program requires work experience. It may help but not essential. Data point: 82% of CMU MSCF incoming class of Fall 2023 has no full-time work experience. Similar numbers can be found at other programs as well. The typical students in these programs are coming out of undergraduate. Applicants...
  16. Andy Nguyen

    Are Stats or Financial Engineering Masters more valuable?

    Have you consider the Financial Economics programs? There are a few of them that may lead to a PhD down the line. We have a few members here from
  17. Andy Nguyen

    Profile Evaluation for Fall 2025 MFE and usefulness of MFE

    For your goal of moving to the US, MFE is the only way to go. I'm guess people discouraging you to take this path are still in Italy? There is no reason for any employers in the US to bring you or anyone with similar background to the US when there are thousands of MFE graduates coming from the...
  18. Andy Nguyen

    Wish list for QuantNet 2023 and beyond

    The search box is now having an auto complete feature.
  19. Andy Nguyen

    UCB MFE Should UCB MFE students take summer internship?

    Students usually applying for internship right when they start the program. Internship for Summer 2025 is opening right now for most firms. Being an incoming UCB MFE student, this would be entirely on your own without any support from the program. If you get an internship for next summer and can...
  20. Andy Nguyen

    Wish list for QuantNet 2023 and beyond

    A preview of the updated Tracker with many significant improvement over the current version. All Rejected applications are anonymous by default. This removes another barrier for members who may not use it for privacy reason. Only applications with Accepted/Enrolled show usernames. Even then...
  21. Andy Nguyen

    Wish list for QuantNet 2023 and beyond

    Done. You can select them on the bottom left footer of the page.
  22. Andy Nguyen

    Python Option Pricing & Hedging Tool

    Excellent Mark. This is the first of many projects you will be building I am sure. I hope other members take advantage of this to get idea on how to prepare for a career in quant finance. Thank you for your contribution.
  23. Andy Nguyen

    MFE Evaluation

    Don't worry about GPA. They don't scale with the US GPA. The admission committee at each program will use their interpretation. 1) Start with QuantNet Rankings: Begin your search with the QuantNet rankings for the best MFE and quant finance programs in the US or UK. These highly selective...
  24. Andy Nguyen

    Need advice on MFE programs I have a shot at

    Hard to tell. I would say apply to the programs you are most likely to attend. Don't apply to safety programs. Make a list based on tuition, placement, location, job profiles that fit your preferences. I'm hoping to unveil the new Tracker tool where you can calculate your chance of admission...
  25. Andy Nguyen

    Need advice on MFE programs I have a shot at

    If you aim to get into Baruch MFE and do everything needed to give it a best shot, you may not get into the program (6% acceptance rate) but will greatly improve your chance of getting into the other programs on your list. Take C++: Check. Your 1-month goal seems ambitious but can be done. Many...
  26. Andy Nguyen

    How good is Stony Brook QF program?

    Stony Brook is enrolling a class size of 18 FT, 1 PT this Fall 2024 compared to only 6 FT, 1 PT last year. As a MS/PhD offering by the Math dept, I don't expect a large class size anytime soon but it's good to see this growth in enrollment...
  27. Andy Nguyen

    LSE - MSc Finance and Economics

    This interdisciplinary degree, taught jointly by the Department of Finance and the Department of Economics, offers exceptional graduates from quantitative disciplines the opportunity to study in two of the most highly rated departments in their subject areas in the world.
  28. Andy Nguyen

    LSE - MSc in Finance

    The programme offers high level graduates, whose backgrounds may not necessarily be in finance, a unique opportunity to gain a comprehensive foundation and subsequent depth in the field. One of the most sought after degrees at LSE, the programme attracts some of the very best students from...
  29. Andy Nguyen

    Worcester Polytechnic Institute - MS in Financial Mathematics

    This program has been discontinued. The Financial Mathematics Professional Master of Science program will equip you with the quantitative and technology skills, knowledge, and experience that investment management firms, insurance companies, hedge funds, and financial technology developers are...
  30. Andy Nguyen

    Purdue University - MS in Computational Finance

  31. Andy Nguyen

    University of Dayton - MS in Financial Mathematics

    Discontinued in Fall 2022 after experiencing a sharp decline in enrollment, averaging only 4 students per year since 2019. The attached PDF details the University of Dayton's decision to close the program. Enrollment in the program over the last five years, by year: 2018 (13) 2019 (6) 2020 (2)...
  32. Andy Nguyen

    Hofstra University - MS in Quantitative Finance

    This program has been discontinued as of 2022 due to low enrollment.
  33. Andy Nguyen

    EPFL - Master in Financial Engineering

    The Master’s program in Financial Engineering (MFE) provides financial education at the forefront of both academic thinking and industry practice and is the result of a multidisciplinary effort involving the Swiss Finance Institute at EPFL, the College of management of technology, and faculty...
  34. Andy Nguyen

    University of Connecticut - Applied Financial Mathematics

    The University of Connecticut’s Professional Master’s in Applied Financial Mathematics prepares a graduate for work in an analytic capacity across a wide spectrum of the financial services industry – investment banks, private equity, hedge funds, mutual funds, consulting firms, investment firms...
  35. Andy Nguyen

    WU Vienna - Master in Quantitative Finance

    In the WU Master’s Program in Quantitative Finance (QFin), you will gain strong financial and computational skills that will make you sought-after in the global finance sector. Study in a truly international environment and lay the foundation for your career as a future quant. Director Kurt Hornik
  36. Andy Nguyen

    University of Chicago - Master in Finance

    At Booth, we’ve designed a Master in Finance Program that will provide you with a broad finance education, so that you’re well prepared with the hard and soft skills necessary to navigate the intricacies of this multidisciplinary industry. Our rigorous and transformative MiF Program is for...
  37. Andy Nguyen

    Temple University - MS in Quantitative Finance and Risk Management

    The Master of Science in Quantitative Finance and Risk Management in Temple’s Fox School of Business. This 30-credit master’s degree program is the only program of its kind in the greater Philadelphia region, offering the ideal way to pursue your Financial Risk Manager (FRM) designation and a...
  38. Andy Nguyen

    University College London - MSc Financial Mathematics

    Students will develop a detailed understanding of the application of mathematics, statistics and computation to problems in finance, and will gain the necessary practical tools for the pricing, hedging and risk management of a diverse range of financial products in several asset classes...
  39. Andy Nguyen

    Maths or Programming competition at graduate level ?

    Rotman trading contest where global MFE teams compete every year.
  40. Andy Nguyen

    Florida State University - Financial Mathematics

    The FSU Financial Mathematics Master's degree program was established in 1998, with the cooperation of faculty from Economics, Finance, Risk Management, Statistics, and Computer Science. In 2002 a formal Financial Math PhD program was approved, with our first PhD granted in 2004. The department...
  41. Andy Nguyen

    Illinois MMF program has been discontinued

    Just want to update that this program has been put on hold since 2022.
  42. Andy Nguyen

    Erasmus University Rotterdam - MSc in Quantitative Finance

    The programme consists of seven core courses, a seminar (Financial Case Studies) and the master’s thesis. Each core course focuses on either particular econometric methods (including time series models, Bayesian techniques, and Machine Learning methods) or a specific area in finance (such as...
  43. Andy Nguyen

    How good is Stony Brook QF program?

    The unique nature of Stony Brook QF program where a mix of MS/PhD students in the same program reminds me very much of Florida State University where they have a very small class (10 students). Some of these will go on the PhD Financial Math program. They have a large Math PhD program which...
  44. Andy Nguyen

    Best double/triple major for a Quant Developer? interested in too many subjects!

    Read this for some idea on what the level of competition is out there.
  45. Andy Nguyen

    Profile evaluation for MFE 2025

    You should get a >50% shot at some of these programs. I am sure you lowball this to be safe. I will release a tool to give the our members a way to assess their chance against all the applicants based on the data from our Tracker.
  46. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE UCB MFE or Imperial College Math Finance

    If you have can share you final decision with us, it would be great. You must have a strong profile to get admissions from these 2 top programs. Many applicants would want to compare their profiles to yours so if you are willing, please add your timelines to the Tracker. Thanks
  47. Andy Nguyen

    Oklahoma State University - MS in Quantitative Finance

    The STEM-designated program is a 33 hour program, and students may design their plan of study using one of the three areas of specialization to tailor their studies to meet their professional objectives. Graduates are equipped to apply the tools of quantitative analysis in a wide range of career...
  48. Andy Nguyen

    UT Dallas Master of Science in Financial Engineering and Risk Management

    Looks like the Financial Engineering and Risk Management program is gone and replaced by Master of Science in Financial Technology and Analytics
  49. Andy Nguyen

    The case of disappearing MFE programs

    And an article was born.
  50. Andy Nguyen

    HEC Montreal - MSc in Financial Engineering

    Thesis stream Supervised project stream 7 courses (21 credits) 12 courses (36 credits) Research Workshop Thesis (24 credits) Total: 45 credits Supervised Project: organizational intervention mandate, academic case study, specific research mandate or expert opinion (9 credits) Total: 45...
  51. Andy Nguyen

    Profile evaluation for MFE 2025

    A lot of people share your sentiments. Nothing is like home, having your family nearby. Thank you for sharing your advice and experience with people who just starting the same journey.
  52. Andy Nguyen

    Profile evaluation for MFE 2025

    Hey Phani, Welcome back. Haven't seen you for a while. I think keeping the Indian booming market in mind is a good idea as well. Often, MFE grads will work a few years here to pay back their education loan before moving back home. I know a lot of Indian students move back because the H1B process...
  53. Andy Nguyen

    CMU MSCF Difference in acceptance rates between the CMU NYC and Pittsburgh Campus?

    Welcome back :) I think he meant the types of jobs that international can do 20 hours/week while on campus such as working as a lab assistant, TA, etc while maintaining legal F1 status.
  54. Andy Nguyen

    McMaster University - Master in Financial Mathematics

    McMaster’s Master in Financial Mathematics (M-Phimac) program represents the next generation of training in quantitative finance. Like its predecessor, established at McMaster in 2007, the new M-Phimac provides an intensive one-year program that prepares our students for exciting careers in the...
  55. Andy Nguyen

    Washington University in St. Louis - MS in Quantitative Finance

    The MS in Quantitative Finance (MSFQ) program is a powerful combination of mathematical skills and a strategic understanding of financial business decision-making. Designed for students with a strong math background, the technical curriculum is ideal if your career goals include working in...
  56. Andy Nguyen


    The **Fichera function** is a concept that arises in the context of partial differential equations (PDEs), particularly in boundary conditions related to PDEs in finance and other applied fields. It is used to define appropriate boundary conditions for the problem to ensure well-posedness...
  57. Andy Nguyen

    UZH ETH - MS in Quantitative Finance

    Master of Science UZH ETH in Quantitative Finance (MScQF) is a highly international degree program offered jointly by the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich. Highlights and Special Features The MScQF - entirely taught in English - offers its students a unique blend of training in quantitative...
  58. Andy Nguyen

    2024 QuantNet Rankings of UK Quant MSc Programs

    Thank you @blrichard for putting together the list. The great journey starts with this baby step. If you can help, we can create entries for these programs on our list with all the basic info (link, tuition, location, deadline, etc) and fill them over time. I assume you keep on your notes on a...
  59. Andy Nguyen

    Columbia MFE Columbia MFE Admission Discussion

    It's not the end.
  60. Andy Nguyen

    The case of disappearing MFE programs

    You probably are right @kombuchalover The first sign of a dying program, in my limited experience, is an abandoned website. If you see a program's website that still references stats that are several years old, it's a safe bet the program is not pretty good. Someone told me the Temple program is...
  61. Andy Nguyen

    The case of disappearing MFE programs

    Since I made this post on LinkedIn, I found out that the Purdue MS Computational Finance program is no longer accepting students i.e closing down. It has not accepted new students as far back as 2019 per waybackmachine. This is a program offered by the Math Dept. They seem to have another...
  62. Andy Nguyen

    NUS- MSc in Quantitative Finance

    The MSc in Quantitative Finance program at NUS is offered by three strong academic departments in NUS – Department of Mathematics in collaboration with the Department of Statistics and Data Science and the Department of Economics.
  63. Andy Nguyen

    Software engineer -> quant developer

    Your profile reminds me of this member who shared a similar journey.
  64. Andy Nguyen

    Stony Brook University - Master in Quantitative Finance

    The Stony Brook Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics offers both a Masters and PhD degree in quantitative finance. Located within a renowned research institution, the program offers a rigorous curriculum designed to equip students with the advanced quantitative and computational...
  65. Andy Nguyen

    education with no work experience

    Work experience is helpful but not a requirement unless specified otherwise by the quant programs. You just have to meet their admission checklist and create a good application to have a shot. Quant masters programs are meant to get you into the industry. If you plan a PhD, then some programs...
  66. Andy Nguyen

    Bocconi - Master of Quantitative Finance and Risk Management

    The Master of Quantitative Finance and Risk Management is a Specialized Master program taught entirely in English. It focuses specifically on quantitative finance and risk management and covers a broad spectrum of technical financial applications. Finance requires a rigorous math oriented and...
  67. Andy Nguyen

    Birkbeck College - Quantitative Finance with Data Science

    The program MSc Quantitative Finance with Data Science program started in Oct 2023 and replaced the MSc Mathematical Finance program. All previous Mathematical Finance students will transition into the new program. Director: Simon Hubbert
  68. Andy Nguyen

    2024 QuantNet Rankings of UK Quant MSc Programs

    Do you mean a ranking for all European programs instead of just UK programs? It would start with a list of good competitive EU programs which frankly I don't have the bandwidth at the moment. If you are willing to put together that list, it probably has a higher chance of happening. Are you up...
  69. Andy Nguyen

    Stanford University - Mathematical and Computational Finance

    The Mathematical and Computational Finance Program at Stanford University (“MCF”) is one of the oldest and most established programs of its kind in the world. Starting out in the late 1990’s as an interdisciplinary financial mathematics research group, at a time when “quants” started having a...
  70. Andy Nguyen

    MFE at University of York

    Hi @jabbawabba Congrats on getting into York MFE. I don't think it has any tracker data yet. If you have a minute, can you please add your profile there?
  71. Andy Nguyen

    Texas A&M Quantitative Finance

    Use the resume book link I posted above and contact the MQF students directly for questions.
  72. Andy Nguyen

    Texas A&M Quantitative Finance

    Clicking on the link in the first post and it shows this on their site "The M.S. in Quantitative Finance is open to A&M Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors and other college graduates". They have a listing of current students with resume book showing 29 students with MQF track...
  73. Andy Nguyen

    Incoming PhD in Computational Materials Science at target school in UK

    Welcome to QuantNet. You have a great start by joining us. 4 years is a good stretch of time to get familiar with different roles, firms, skills required. I would start with the list of reading materials (many are free) here. This gets you the basic lingos and traditional roles. Strongly...
  74. Andy Nguyen

    The case of disappearing MFE programs

    In recent years, I've observed a growing number of MFE programs with shrinking class sizes. Many of these programs are relatively new, often emerging from smaller state universities, while others have been established for much longer. This trend appears to be a result of market dynamics, where...
  75. Andy Nguyen

    UCB MFE UCB MFE placement stats for class 2024 and Internship for class 2025

    I don't know when they will release it yearly on their website. This year seems to be more challenging than in years past in term of placement. Look at the recent reviews to get some more color from 2024 grads.
  76. Andy Nguyen

    Laptop Recommendation for Financial engineering grad student

    Owner of a 2021 M1 Pro 14" Mac entered the room.
  77. Andy Nguyen

    2024 MFE Admission roll call

    Last call to update the Tracker. We are upgrading the Tracker to a more robust system so it's important that we can clear as many Pending tracker as possible. If you haven't done so, please help us out by finalizing the status. If you haven't added your Tracker there, please consider doing it...
  78. Andy Nguyen

    Profile evaluation for MFE 2025

    Many Indians applying to MFE programs have 1-2 years work experience. This is a big advantage compared to other applicants who come straight out of undergraduate.
  79. Andy Nguyen

    After the deadline

    Yes, the access to materials and course forums is indefinite. The 16 weeks applies only to your eligibility for certificate and your TA support.
  80. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE Worried Master's Programme is not good enough.

    If you believe an additional year will significantly improve your overall profile, then by all means, apply for next year. You can make money and gain relevant work experience in the meantime. UCL is not the worst scenario by any mean. It's a top 3 programs in the UK. You definitely can get a...
  81. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE UCB MFE or Imperial College Math Finance

    Since my last post, there were 7 additional reviews. Those are very helpful from current students and recent graduates. You can clearly see the pros and cons of the program from the very detailed reviews. Appreciate all the time and effort put in by our reviewers.
  82. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE Worried Master's Programme is not good enough.

    Welcome to QuantNet and glad to see another applicant from the UK. My general advice is to get into the best UK master programme you can since you only do it once. The lifetime compensation difference between top program's graduate and a lower-ranked one could be substantial. Exceptions exist...
  83. Andy Nguyen

    Admission Questions for MFEs

    Since C++ is one of the top skills that will serve you a long time, I would do it the right way from the beginning. Take the QuantNet C++ course. It's the toughest one that teaches C++ from the ground up. It is highly recommended and has been taken by thousands of MFE applicants so its quality...
  84. Andy Nguyen

    Computer Science or Data Science master for quantitative finance

    Given the platform you are in, I argue that most will lean toward the CS degree. Data Science is a new discipline and there are little long term data on how the curriculum will change over time. CS is an established degree. Everyone knows what it covers. At the same time, the number of people...
  85. Andy Nguyen

    Very Confused ! Need Evaluation

    I think you should focus on strength the core area which is math. The ext courses are nice to have but their ROI is not as great as taking in more relevant math courses (stats/probability/linear algebra/etc). In addition, the finance courses above are something the master programs may offer so...
  86. Andy Nguyen

    Is the MiQF/E at St Gallen technical enough?

    You have the right inclination. The competitive programs act as a first level filter for the job market so you can use it as a good indicator. We have a many rankings where easy to get into programs have a lower employment rate/salary.
  87. Andy Nguyen

    Very Confused ! Need Evaluation

    You have a background with strong technical skills. Need to take the math courses to meet the requirements of your target school and work on a strong application package.
  88. Andy Nguyen

    How To Improve my Candidature for MFE at Baruch College

    I saw you have a similar thread in a more general question, not Baruch MFE related. The suggestions from @MikeLawrence are valid. Here is another good read from a member here.
  89. Andy Nguyen

    Career and growth prospects in Quantitative Finance

    As long as you have the required coursework by a certain program, you can apply for there. The competition is stiff where top programs have an acceptance rate of less than 20%. This is one reason where applicants take more than the minimum requirement. They take more C++, Python, math courses...
  90. Andy Nguyen

    Programming Courses

    The C++ courses here are far harder than anything you will ever learn in college or MOOC. It is a reason why many top MFE programs require conditionally admitted applicants to complete the QuantNet C++ course as part of admission requirement.
  91. Andy Nguyen

    CS Background interested in buy-side Quant

    QR is a pretty generic title for roles that have widely different daily tasks and skills from firm to firm. Same as QA roles. The skill set that are universally critical is math/programming/stats/database. I would suggest that you go look at job listings for positions in your ideal match and see...
  92. Andy Nguyen

    Second thoughts about Chicago MSFM program

    Traditionally, these quant master programs are used as a main conduit for international students to get into a high paying job in the US and gain a green card at the same time. Given the tough requirements, you can see why it's very popular for STEM students from Asia where people already do...
  93. Andy Nguyen

    WGU + Georgia Tech OMSCS good enough for HFT?

    I was thinking about voting for the first option in the poll but I realize I don't know anything about WGU and I suspect so is most people. Since you are going for heavy dev roles, your skillsets and current projects have more weight than what you did undergrad. You are an experienced hire with...
  94. Andy Nguyen

    CMU MSCF Course Requirements - How bad it is if I didn't take a course listed on the website?

    You can take the QuantNet C++ course to meet the programming requirement by Baruch MFE, CMU MSCF, UCB MFE and other programs.
  95. Andy Nguyen

    UCB MFE UCB MFE director search

    They are hiring a Director of Career Development now
  96. Andy Nguyen

    UCB MFE UCB MFE director search

    Nothing more than what her LinkedIn profile can provide. They have online admission chat frequently so I would recommend that you use it to learn more about the program.
  97. Andy Nguyen

    Increase MFE/Mfin/Comp Sci 2025 Admission chances

    If you have time to significantly strengthen your profile, I think you can properly plan for the Baruch MFE and other programs on your list. In addition to the C++, Python courses here, may I suggest also taking the Options course as well as the Baruch pre-MFE courses. The Options course is...
  98. Andy Nguyen

    The most selective MFE, quant master programs in the U.S.

    Yeap, it was discussed in January.
  99. Andy Nguyen

    Baruch MFE - do I have any chance?

    Definitely take the C++/Options courses here and the full set of pre-MFE courses when they open. I believe starts in August. The courses here are open 24/7 year round and at your own pace. The pre-MFE math courses are offered at certain specific dates. They are especially beneficial for you as...
  100. Andy Nguyen

    Baruch MFE - do I have any chance?

    @grxthy You sound like a perfect candidate to do the part-time program there. You get to keep your current job, earn a salary, get the company to pay the tuition. All the courses are in the evening. It will be a tough 2, 3 years but I think you should play more to your strength as a working...
  101. Andy Nguyen

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission Discussion

    Thank you for sharing. Thanks to both the host Harshith and Naitik who are current CMU MSCF student. MFE programs are getting increasingly more popular to Indian students who traditionally do STEM programs in the US. These social media channels play a big role in that trend as well.
  102. Andy Nguyen

    UCB MFE UCB MFE director search

    I don't foresee any scenario where Linda will come back and run the UCB MFE program full-time. She has done so since 2002 and now moved to other endeavors in her life. The directors of that generation have retired, mostly. Dan Stefanica of Baruch MFE is now the longest serving director since the...
  103. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE UCB MFE or Imperial College Math Finance

    Joe You brought up a good point. The UK programs are all one-year whereas most US programs are usually 3 semesters. A few can be stressed to 2 full years. There is a cost benefit to go to one year program and get a job quicker. The bigger downside is that many people have said that one year is...
  104. Andy Nguyen

    MFE Programs in Canada

    Yes, there are a handful of PhD programs in the US specializing in financial engineering and its similar names. Here are top of my head There were more in the past but many are long...
  105. Andy Nguyen

    MFE Programs in Canada

    These are useful info. Thank you. I did a quick search for those and it seems like UdeM and Ualberta are bachelor degrees, not masters. Calgary has a master degree and a PhD program.
  106. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE UCB MFE or Imperial College Math Finance

    Keep an eye on the recent reviews of the UCB MFE program. It seems they are having a challenging time due to ongoing issue with the change of director. It's been tough for the 2024 graduates of the program. I hope the issue will be resolved soon...
  107. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE UCB MFE or Imperial College Math Finance

    Did you get accepted into these 2 programs? Both are one year program which is very compressed for some people. The US job market is much larger than the UK but you would need a lot of help from a good career service. If you are just looking into applying, you can apply to more programs to give...
  108. Andy Nguyen

    2024 QuantNet Rankings of UK Quant MSc Programs

    We implemented a table view on the UK ranking as well where you can sort by column header to compare between programs easily. Additionally, we provide the latest ranking data on the sidebar when you click the program's name...
  109. Andy Nguyen

    2024 QuantNet Rankings of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    This has been implemented for both the US and UK rankings. Please take a look, use the table view where you can sort by column. Let us know if you run into any issue.
  110. Andy Nguyen

    Reading -Quant Developer and Research

    Subscribe to Justina's Quant Newsletter
  111. Andy Nguyen

    2024 QuantNet Rankings of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    We would soon implement a table view in addition to the card view where you can have the programs in a table like in previous rankings. You can sort by column headers and switch between card and table view. More improvements coming.
  112. Andy Nguyen

    Paid for the c++ for financial engineers and haven't received an account upgrade?

    Bjorn, Thank you for letting us know. This has been taken care of. Looks like there is a small delay on your account upgrade. Please let me know if you run into any other issue.
  113. Andy Nguyen

    Trading vs Dev

    Have a good read at this and let me know if it answers some of your questions
  114. Andy Nguyen

    Quant without a STEM degree?

    @jarryds provided some wise advice above. Quant Finance is a highly cut throat industry at every stage of one's career. Getting into a top MFE program does not guarantee any high salary job, let alone one at a top trading firm. The industry is huge with many different roles that allow one to...
  115. Andy Nguyen

    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN Admission Discussion

    We have about 5 pending and 2 waitlisted on the Tracker. Not a huge number. Hopefully we get all finalized soon.
  116. Andy Nguyen

    Honest Career Advice

    Your profile does not highlight quantitative ability. No math or programming skills mentioned. India has a booming financial market and I'm sure in times, it will become a developed hub in Asia much like Hongkong. The straightforward way for most people is to go study in NY, London and get a job...
  117. Andy Nguyen

    early career setback advice

    CQF is unnecessary when you already have an MFE degree. Taking some stats/ML courses to freshen your skills from time to time would be a good option. We also have a few interviews AMA with members working in QR here. I recommend reading those threads to glance valuable bits of advice.
  118. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE UCB MFE vs NYU Courant Math Fin

    I would not say antisocial but "not properly incentivized" would be more appropriate. For working professionals, if we properly incentivize them, maybe we have better chance to solicit a review.
  119. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE UCB MFE vs NYU Courant Math Fin

    @joe_boy You are probably correct in your observation and analysis. Most people don't have any incentive to write a review if they get what they want. Only if you feel strongly about something, either negatively or otherwise. Working in finance is extremely stressful and busy so it's another...
  120. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE UCB MFE vs NYU Courant Math Fin

    Very aware of it. I reached out to many Courant grads to see if they can review the program with us and share their experience. No bite yet. It's a mystery why we got no review since 2014.
  121. Andy Nguyen

    early career setback advice

    Don't do anything sketchy. It never ends well. Having a gap in your employment is fine, especially in this market. You already get the next job lined up so no need to stress over the time it takes for the paperwork to process. You have no control over this. During this time, maybe take some...
  122. Andy Nguyen

    QuantNet Ranking Q&A

    This has been asked many times. It comes down to whether it makes sense for QuantNet to do so given the number of random rankings popping up these days. For financial engineering and quant master programs, QuantNet has been doing the ranking since 2011 and our rankings and methodology have been...
  123. Andy Nguyen

    The most selective MFE, quant master programs in the U.S.

    Hey @Agrawal_Harsh You can see historical trend of acceptance rate, application numbers, cohort size on our Programs section. Each program has a page and these data can be found on the Admissions tab. Here are a few examples...
  124. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE UCB MFE vs NYU Courant Math Fin

    Do read the reviews on those programs so you can get the latest insight. UCB has a few recent reviews.
  125. Andy Nguyen

    Am I on a good track to become a quant dev out of undergrad/masters?

    If you can highlight your strength in C++ and Python to the level covered in our online courses here, I think you have a good shot at getting a quant dev out of BS. Also, broaden your search to include tech firms as well. Get familiar with SQL queries and finance databases. You can learn finance...
  126. Andy Nguyen

    Quant Internship and Graduate recruitment - A Firms List

    The 2023-2024 Banking Careers Guide from eFinancialCareers has a list of banks/hedge funds and other financial firms where one can apply for internship and jobs.
  127. Andy Nguyen

    LaTeX: Matrix math format generator

    Would ChatGPT help with this?
  128. Andy Nguyen

    Jane Street interview questions

    Added a PDF file (collected) on the first post.
  129. Andy Nguyen

    MSc Statistics (Statistical Finance) Imperial College

    This MSc Statistical Finance at Imperial is different from the more renown Mathematics and Finance program. It does have a much lower acceptance rate 2.6% (2019-2020 data) compared to 7.1% at Mathematics and Finance program at the same time. The Imperial brandname can be good to open doors for...
  130. Andy Nguyen

    Trump promises green cards to all US college foreign graduates

    They already walked back his comment. But hours after Mr. Trump’s remarks aired, his campaign’s press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, walked back the former president’s comments, saying in a statement that there would be an “aggressive vetting process” that would “exclude all communists, radical...
  131. Andy Nguyen

    Trump promises green cards to all US college foreign graduates

    Appearing with the host David Sacks, a Silicon Valley investor who backs the former president’s 2024 campaign, on a podcast that aired Thursday, Mr. Trump repeated his frequent criticism of high levels of immigration as an “invasion of our country.” He was then pressed by Jason Calacanis...
  132. Andy Nguyen

    UCL Application

    They are still around next year so you can improve your profile and apply again.
  133. Andy Nguyen

    Masters Degree vs. Work Experience

    Get more work experience and then target better programs in the future is a sound plan. Working gives you better focus on what you need to learn and which program is a better fit.
  134. Andy Nguyen

    UCL Application

    Looks like you got a negative result today according to your Tracker. I wonder if it's the result of your inquiry.
  135. Andy Nguyen

    The most selective MFE, quant master programs in the U.S.

    Correct. The data is for 2023 incoming students. The data for 2024 will not be available until we release the 2025 QuantNet MFE rankings.
  136. Andy Nguyen

    UCL Application

    Please email them and let us know. They admitted students really quickly (within 30 days). Even those rejected get the news less than 90 days so you are due for a decision.
  137. Andy Nguyen

    The most selective MFE, quant master programs in the U.S.

    This article has been updated with data from 2023 incoming cohort vs 2022. The top 3 most selective programs according to acceptance rate are Baruch MFE (7.1%), Princeton MFin (7.7%) and MIT MFin (9.2%).
  138. Andy Nguyen

    Columbia MFE Columbia MFE Admission Discussion

    I think we have several current and recent Columbia MFE grads participating in this conversation who share their personal experience. It is very valuable and greatly appreciated. We have student reviews which are very insightful and hard to come by. Thanks to those who shared with our community...
  139. Andy Nguyen

    MSFE in Santa Clara University

    Not familiar with it. do you mean this program instead
  140. Andy Nguyen

    C++ will be used for the next 50-100 years in financial services

    June Headline: C++ surpasses C for the first time in history C++ is the new number 2 in the TIOBE index. Originally, dubbed as the better and object-oriented version of C, it took C++ 39 years after its inception to beat C's popularity. C++ has never been that high in the TIOBE index, whereas C...
  141. Andy Nguyen

    Seeking advice on whether MFE is a good idea

    If you are moving to the US regardless of the MFE concern, why not try getting a job as a quant dev? If you plan to leverage the MFE degree, you will be considered for mid-level, experienced roles instead of entry level roles like most fresh MFE grads. Whether MFE is a good ROI depends on which...
  142. Andy Nguyen

    This is how long recruiters spend looking at resumes

    What would you guess that a recruiter will spend looking at your resume that you spent so much time perfecting? Sounds like they should spend at least a few minutes to get to know you, right? According to this study (attached PDF) and confirmed by recruiters on LinkedIn, the answer is... 6-7...
  143. Andy Nguyen

    A day in the life of a quant researcher at Citadel Securities in Miami

    Will Kaufhold is a quantitative researcher in Citadel Securities’ Miami office. He joined the firm in 2021 after completing a PhD in physics at the University of Cambridge. 7am-8am: I wake up. I live a five-minute walk away from the office in an apartment complex north of the river in Miami. I...
  144. Andy Nguyen

    C++ Software Engineer job listing from Citadel Securities

    Just some info for our members who are looking into C++ roles at one of the most prestigious firms. It sounds like a strong knowledge of C++, multi-threaded design and implementation is important. These topics are covered in our advanced C++ course. Base salary $125K/yr - $350K/yr About the job...
  145. Andy Nguyen

    Looking for insight

    This program was still called a Master in Finance as of Feb 2024. They renamed it Master of Science in Quantitative Finance very recently. If you click on their curriculum, you will see all the courses still refer to the old Master in Finance so my guess is that they are not being quantitative...
  146. Andy Nguyen

    Citadel internship acceptance rate for summer 2024

    It is an astounding 0.05% (1 in 2000 applicants) which speaks to how brutally competitive to get a spot at a top firm.
  147. Andy Nguyen

    Columbia MFE Columbia MFE Admission Discussion

    There is a new reviews of Columbia MFE. Check it out.
  148. Andy Nguyen

    2024 QuantNet Rankings of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    They have never participated but with such a small size they will likely not be ranked.
  149. Andy Nguyen

    Advice Request: Taking a job in an unrelated field (Real Estate) vs holding out for a quant position

    It takes lot of courage to face one's failure and realize the need to find a different approach. I see so many students who couldn't face it, did not reach out for help and just simply gave up. You only need one offer, one interview to justify the 500+ cold emails. Just a story to put things in...
  150. Andy Nguyen

    Advice Request: Taking a job in an unrelated field (Real Estate) vs holding out for a quant position

    Yes, there was a discussion recently with @weab who is in your Columbia MFE program. I think the fact that Columbia MFE has so many students competing against so many other MS IEOR students who took the same courses, it's extremely hard to distinguish yourself. It's impossible for career...
  151. Andy Nguyen

    Advice Request: Taking a job in an unrelated field (Real Estate) vs holding out for a quant position

    It's uncommon to apply to 500+ plus and get few interview in this market. I have heard a few recent MFE grads mentioned this. I don't believe taking another unrelated job when money isn't a huge factor is a wise move, career wise. I take it your MFE program's career services and alumni network...
  152. Andy Nguyen

    Columbia MFE Advice on Columbia MFE

    Curious to hear how much help the knowledge you learned in the C++ and advanced C++ courses you completed on QuantNet with the courses at Columbia MFE? Would you say it make you more competitive compared to your peers?
  153. Andy Nguyen

    Profile Evaluation for Fall 2025 MFE

    Profile sounds good. Take the QuantNet C++ course to beef up your profile.
  154. Andy Nguyen

    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN Admission Discussion

    18.1% for the 2023 admission cycle according to the 2024 MFE ranking.
  155. Andy Nguyen

    I don't have much info to give an educated opinion. It appears the program is more theoretical...

    I don't have much info to give an educated opinion. It appears the program is more theoretical since it's in the Math dept.
  156. Andy Nguyen

    Columbia MFE Columbia MFE Admission Discussion

    For those anxious about admission, maybe taking a look at their hard-to-find historical acceptance rate would help.
  157. Andy Nguyen

    Columbia MFE Columbia MFE Admission Discussion

    There are many people from years past that never got off Waitlisted. It's unclear that they didn't update the Tracker when they got a decision or just never got a decision.
  158. Andy Nguyen

    Help needed: Unsure about what Quantitative Finance Program to choose

    Very helpful insight on Erasmus university and Rotterdam. Thanks @joeharristhethird .
  159. Andy Nguyen

    Chances of admission MFE EPFL / QF ETH Zurich

    C++ is a big deal for many top MSc programs since they have courses where you have to use it. It's a crucial keywords for many job listing these days. Many company will use automatic programs to filter CV/resumes from applicants and will filter out those without these keywords. The issue is many...
  160. Andy Nguyen

    Help needed: Unsure about what Quantitative Finance Program to choose

    @Christian just moved to Amsterdam so see if you can get some market perspective from him.
  161. Andy Nguyen

    Chances of admission MFE EPFL / QF ETH Zurich

    See that you are in the Netherlands, maybe get with @jonathank to see if you guys can get together this summer to beef up your profile. Seems like C++ and Python are missing on your list.
  162. Andy Nguyen

    Help needed: Unsure about what Quantitative Finance Program to choose

    Amsterdam is #3 hub for finance job in Europe after London and Paris so it's not that bad as a place to do your MSc. If you are set for London then it may make sense to use this extra year to learn C++ and Python, strengthen your application and apply to the top UK programs next year. A lot of...
  163. Andy Nguyen

    Need help in choosing colleges for msc.

    Warwick is on our 2024 ranking of UK MSc programs. So is Queens' University Belfast. You can have some basic info on them from that ranking. I don't have any info on the other programs.
  164. Andy Nguyen

    2024 MFE Admission roll call

    Anyone with a pending decision on where they will enroll in the Fall? Would love to see a final count where our 2024 incoming cohort joining.
  165. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE NCSU MFM vs Ga Tech QCF (In State vs. Out of State)

    Have you made your decision yet @thcreech ? GaTech and NCSU have distinct job profiles for their location. Take a look at the main employers, job types from these programs to see where it aligns more with your career goal.
  166. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE Oxford MSc in Mathematical and Computational Finance Admission Discussion

    You can delete those 2 trackers (option at the bottom when you click on them). Curious why you chose Oxford over Imperial.
  167. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE Oxford MSc in Mathematical and Computational Finance Admission Discussion

    Congrats. Did you have any update for your pending Tracker from LSE, etc? Would be great if you can update them and change the Oxford from Accepted to Enrolled. Did you also read the recent reviews for Oxford yet? Pretty informative.
  168. Andy Nguyen

    Columbia MFE Columbia MFE Admission Discussion

    Looks like the samething happened last year as well but this year got worse.
  169. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE Oxford MSc in Mathematical and Computational Finance Admission Discussion

    Congrats @shaps If you please can add your profile and timelines to the Tracker, you will be able to see other people with admits to Oxford MCF program. By next year, you mean Sep 2024? You can read more about the Oxford MCF program, reviews, admission stats here...
  170. Andy Nguyen

    Columbia MFE Columbia MFE Admission Discussion

    Did you have any other applications somewhere else? I didn't see anything on the Tracker.
  171. Andy Nguyen

    Columbia MFE Columbia MFE Admission Discussion

    Let me know your final decision when you make them. Thanks. I'll be interested in where your journey goes.
  172. Andy Nguyen

    Columbia MFE Columbia MFE Admission Discussion

    Hope your UCLA application gets accepted. Have you heard from them yet?
  173. Andy Nguyen

    2024 QuantNet Rankings of UK Quant MSc Programs

    By the way, the UK ranking now shows acceptance rate for the programs where the numbers are available.
  174. Andy Nguyen

    2024 QuantNet Rankings of UK Quant MSc Programs

    Of the 3 programs above, only Queen's University Belfast MSc Financial Analytics program is listed in the 2024 UK ranking and it's unranked due to its lack of data. I haven't heard about the other two programs, definitely not as popular as others. I don't think rushing to get into any program...
  175. Andy Nguyen

    I plotted the QuantNet best US quant programs

    Updated the first post for you.
  176. Andy Nguyen

    2024 QuantNet Rankings of UK Quant MSc Programs

    Please do share as more discussion will be beneficial to everyone.
  177. Andy Nguyen

    2024 QuantNet Rankings of UK Quant MSc Programs

    . Which programs from each of those universities? Do you have link to them?
  178. Andy Nguyen

    How bad are things for Int'l MFE graduates in context of the deteoriating US job market ?

    It's a tough market for sure. It makes coming out of a program without excellent dedicated career service like jumping in the pool without life jacket. Some programs have offered students an extra semester so they can stay in status while looking for jobs. There are lots of uncertainty and...
  179. Andy Nguyen

    How difficult would it be to get a 400k-500k+ salary in the US?

    With the right role and the right skill set, such a number is obtainable for that proposed timeline. One may want to set expectation to a lower bracket which is still much higher than other industries' average.
  180. Andy Nguyen

    How can I prepare for quant and MFE

    Spend time to learn programming, preferably C++ and Python. Do some of the brainteaser quant interview books. Do online leetcode.
  181. Andy Nguyen

    How 'smart' do I realistically need to be?

    You just have to be good enough to get into a good master program, do well in interviews and get a job. To look at the real world data, go to the Tracker and see the profiles of people who get accepted into the top MFE programs to see how you fare. Those are the profiles you compete with. It's...
  182. Andy Nguyen

    I plotted the QuantNet best US quant programs

    Doesn’t seem correct from the total number of programs. 2024 ranking has 21 programs and there is no Michigan.
  183. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE Oxford MCF and Columbia MAFN

    @mariosniper Have you decided yet? Haven't seen it on your Tracket yet so not sure. We just got a review for the Oxford MCF program which you may find very comprehensive. Thank you so much @jeffjeffw...
  184. Andy Nguyen

    Columbia MFE Columbia MFE Admission Discussion

    This discussion has 26 pages, most among the 2024 MFE discussions and almost the last 10+ pages from people still waiting for a result.
  185. Andy Nguyen

    LSE - MSc Quantitative Methods in Risk Management

    Program director is Dr. Andreas Sojmark
  186. Andy Nguyen

    New website/job-board for quant work

    We need a way to pull similar listings but for internships or entry level jobs.
  187. Andy Nguyen

    Seeking candid advice on what to focus on for a chance at top 10 MFE-equivalent programs

    This is a popular book, usually referred as the green book.
  188. Andy Nguyen

    Seeking candid advice on what to focus on for a chance at top 10 MFE-equivalent programs

    You aim for Fall 2025 admission cycle at top MFE programs which starts in a few months. Here is the plan as I would do starting this summer. Take Python and C++ in any order. We have the most appropriate courses for those subjects here. Work on your applications, reference letters, essays. Get...
  189. Andy Nguyen

    Warwick or bristol for maths and cs? International student who has a scholarship from one uni (I want to work in Quant or AI/DS)

    It's worth it if you can get a job paying several times that amount after graduation. With a Math/CS undergrad degree, what is the employment stats coming out of Warwick? It's not clear to me what public numbers they have for us to provide a good answer.
  190. Andy Nguyen

    2024 QuantNet Rankings of UK Quant MSc Programs

    @fufutoogud In general, there are many reasons why programs are unranked. Ranked programs generally do a better job at gathering important statistics, raising their profiles and being more popular as a result. In my experience, you always have some successful people coming from unranked or...
  191. Andy Nguyen

    Applying to UCL/Imperial for Master's

    Thank you. I saw your Tracker and wonder why no decision after 3 months. Please let us know when you hear back.
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