Search results

  1. Joy Pathak

    General Quant Education

    Where did you do your Comp Sci degree from? I would suggest you getting an MFE degree. You have good experience and that will suffice to get a decent quant position.
  2. Joy Pathak

    Amazon Coupon

    HAHA This is amazing.
  3. Joy Pathak

    Acceptance Rates for MFE programs

    Boston Math Fin got 825 applications? That seems a bit intense. They got even more than CMU.
  4. Joy Pathak

    "What salary do you require?"

    What I do is I give out the average salary number of Baruch MFE graduates for the past year.
  5. Joy Pathak

    Amazon Coupon

    I found a great amazon coupon. for $10 you get a $20 gift card. The Best Daily Deals in Washington, D.C. - $20 Gift Card The new semester is starting and I am sure everyone can use some discounts on books.
  6. Joy Pathak

    What is going to happen?

    lol We should have some disclaimers on this thread, or people posting atleast.
  7. Joy Pathak

    What is going to happen?

    I have seen that on few other forums. AAPL Watch . NFLX Watch. etc. Or Hedge fund performance. Ren Tech Watch Jobs had to be really sick to leave at such a timing, or maybe he thought that the earnings report will overshadow his leaving.
  8. Joy Pathak

    What is going to happen?

    $AAPL is down almost 5% in pre-market.
  9. Joy Pathak

    Statistical arbitrage

    I don't know any. You will have to find this out by yourself. Look for quant hedge funds.
  10. Joy Pathak

    Statistical arbitrage Statistical arbitrage quant, works on nding patterns in data to sug- gest automated trades. The techniques are quite di erent from those in derivatives pricing. This sort of job is most commonly found in hedge funds. The return on this type of...
  11. Joy Pathak

    What is going to happen?

    I agree on the long BP and long AAPL. AAPL to be bought on any dips.
  12. Joy Pathak

    Statistical arbitrage

    Yes. It's a part of Quantitative Finance.
  13. Joy Pathak

    What is going to happen?

    Hey guys I thought I would make a thread where we can discuss what will happen to certain equities or whatever as we go further. Ex: BP oil spill. What kind of opportunities will this create for shorting BP, etc. I hope this lasts... Maybe we can make it sticky if this is successful. There are...
  14. Joy Pathak

    Would you add MFE after your name?

    It's an engineer thing. ;)
  15. Joy Pathak

    Would you add MFE after your name?

    I like the P.Eng. ;)
  16. Joy Pathak

    Would you add MFE after your name?

    Because MFE is not a designation. Most of the MFE programs are not even called MFE. All MBA programs are called MBA. All PhD programs are called PhD. If MFE was a standard certification or designation then I would use it. I would just say.. for me.. Joy Pathak (M.Sc, BSc.) if at all.
  17. Joy Pathak

    Football season

    Jets beat Patriots.
  18. Joy Pathak

    MetaTrader FX trading platform

    Naw. Have not tried Meta Trader. I have tried Oanda and FXCM. They are both great. Oanda has the best spreads and fills though from what I have seen and what people have told me too.
  19. Joy Pathak

    My study experience, MFE internship and job offers

  20. Joy Pathak

    2010 Wall Street Bonus Watch

    JP Morgan bankers to share $10bn bonus pot after profits leap | Business |
  21. Joy Pathak

    My study experience, MFE internship and job offers

    It’s been a while since my last post. It has been quite the semester. I am currently visiting my parents and girlfriend in Canada during our winter holidays. I figured I would take the time to talk about my first semester in the Baruch Financial Engineering program. The first semester included...
  22. Joy Pathak

    MFE Career Path

    If you're good you can go up in your field with only a bachelors degree. I know of a person who is also my professor, who just has an undergrad in physics and was recently an MD at Credit Suisse. He was for 10+ years an MD at Merril Lynch before that. I also know of an MD at a large american BB...
  23. Joy Pathak

    internship or position

    Take whatever you can get. You can find algo trading related internships at various prop firms websites. As you mentioned Jump Trading is one of them.
  24. Joy Pathak

    Quantitative Developer to HF trading

    A friend of mine works on a high freq desk of one of the largest I banks. From what he has told me, the most ideal person they look for when it comes to high freq trading, is an expert level programmer along with someone who understands trading very well. So basically the best quant developer...
  25. Joy Pathak


    Something about the PlayBook The BlackBerry PlayBook Tablet's One Glaring Flaw: Bridge
  26. Joy Pathak

    From a no name university, what should I do to get interviewed?

    If by "wall street" you mean't finance in general then keep applying. IF you mean't only new york, BB, then apply to all banks and boutiques. Apply to the top MFE programs where strong career services are provided. If you find schools where they can get you internships right when you start...
  27. Joy Pathak


    Of course for a desktop system multiple monitors is essential. I use 3 screens at the fund i do work at. I think for personal use it's an overkill. I would rather have a keyboard then another screen. Maybe if it was some kinda folding laptop that turns into a dual monitor with a keyboard...
  28. Joy Pathak


    Whats the point of two screens? It looks cool. Would anyone buy this?
  29. Joy Pathak

    Do you guys have facebook profile?

    I use it just about the same I think.
  30. Joy Pathak

    Salary VS Bonus

    I could be wrong, but I think the time of the "big salaries/bonus" checks are done. Most of the jobs are at the big banks and they will not pay you much since there is no more prop trading happening. The big money is at the hedge funds and prop shops but you have to generate 50M to get 10M...
  31. Joy Pathak

    interesting brainteaser

    Yes. That would be very usefull. It would be nice to have the brainteasers tagged well for searches.
  32. Joy Pathak

    2011 Gadgets Wishlist

    I definitely want the Samsung laptop and the Samsung Tablet. Either or would be great too :)
  33. Joy Pathak

    2011 Gadgets Wishlist

    Haha YES!! Something to beat the Macbook AIR!
  34. Joy Pathak

    LinkedIn to file for IPO

    LinkedIN is absolutely great. I hope they raise a decent amount of funds. I am excited to see what new features they will come out with.
  35. Joy Pathak

    Resume Help

    Yes. Independant Trader. How are your returns and how are you generating them. Technicals, etc. That is key.
  36. Joy Pathak

    Equity Derivatives Interview Questions from Goldman Sachs

    1) Which structured product would you issue in the current market conditions? I would like to get into the interest rate swap market by issuing fixed leg to receive floating. 2) Explain the Greeks for options. Simple 3) Draw me a payoff profile for autocallable structures, digital coupon...
  37. Joy Pathak

    Resume Help

    Since it is for an internship, put it on. I would. Put an emphasis on class projects you have done. The focus should not be the restaurant job.
  38. Joy Pathak

    would I qualify for visa ?

    From what I know, a lot of Canadians who go into investment banking use the Economist one and will be most likely the one I will be using when I secure full time employment. It would be great is anyone on this forum who is Canadian that has gone through this process could enlighten us on it.
  39. Joy Pathak

    Top 10 cities for a career in Finance

    I grew up on a beach-town in India. I did highschool and undergrad in a small town in Canada, and was a grad student in a big college town in USA. I have visited almost every major city in USA and Canada in addition to several asian and european countries. I like big city feel and absolutely...
  40. Joy Pathak

    Top 10 cities for a career in Finance

    hahah. I was only joking. I am in NYC so obviously I am going to say NYC is #1. It is definitely funny though, since everytime this topic comes up people go crazy about london not being as good or better than NYC. London is great. NYC is better, but I am sure we all already know that.
  41. Joy Pathak

    Top 10 cities for a career in Finance

    Nope. There is only NYC now. LDN is done.
  42. Joy Pathak

    would I qualify for visa ?

    Can you get H1B without getting sponsored by the company as a Canadian?
  43. Joy Pathak

    Football season

    It was a close game. TCU got lucky.
  44. Joy Pathak

    Football season

    Let's GO BADGERS!!!
  45. Joy Pathak

    Happy New Year Quantneters!

    Happy new years everyone! See you all back here next year! I am off to MGM Casino to see if anything I learnt in Stochastic Calculus class works in real life :)
  46. Joy Pathak

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    In what context? Companies or MFE programs?
  47. Joy Pathak

    Interview Questions at JPMorgan Sales and Trading

    Not really. It's quite alright. I just have a different style of answering such questions I suppose. Definitely has not let me down yet. :)
  48. Joy Pathak

    2011 Gadgets Wishlist

    I want a george forman grill.
  49. Joy Pathak

    2011 Gadgets Wishlist

    I am not an Apple fan. I would rather take the new Playbook by BB or some Android system.
  50. Joy Pathak

    Interview Questions at JPMorgan Sales and Trading

    Philosophical...imagination.. Sometimes its a fine line. I have found being philosophical with such questions has been quite favorable.
  51. Joy Pathak

    Interview Questions at JPMorgan Sales and Trading

    Here is a common interview question which I have been asked recently: Why are manhole covers round?
  52. Joy Pathak

    Interview Questions at JPMorgan Sales and Trading

    This is very interesting. I am almost feel like the answer is a philosophical reason. I wonder if this has a right answer.
  53. Joy Pathak

    2011 Gadgets Wishlist

    I want a non-apple tablet.
  54. Joy Pathak

    Where Homework Is Managing a $200,000 Stock Portfolio

    My undergrad university opened up a trading floor last year.Odette Financial Markets Lab | Odette I have been on the Baruch trading floor several times. It is pretty great, and one of the bigger university trading floors I have seen. They mentioned GWU and Bentley with courses where you...
  55. Joy Pathak

    mfe hopes from low tier undergrad

    Depends on what you're talking about. As a whole school, or particular programs. USC business school (Phd level finance especially) and engineering program(graduate) are ranked very highly.
  56. Joy Pathak

    Black Swans of 2011 ?

    You're right.I got mixed up in this whole concept of "black swans" that I forgot it's true meaning.
  57. Joy Pathak

    Black Swans of 2011 ?

    I never said I believe in black swans or probable or improbable events. ;) Elie presents a good criticism against black or white swans from the few reviews I have read. I have unfortunately not read it in detail. Is it a book you recommend?
  58. Joy Pathak

    CMU MSCF Commuting to NYC from Stamford, CMU MSCF

    A good friend of mine lives around there working for a brokerage company and goes part-time to my program. He does it. You need to leave early which may or may not be okay with your boss.
  59. Joy Pathak

    Black Swans of 2011 ?

    Black Swans are highly improbable events. A meteor hitting the Earth can be one of them. Discussing does not make it less or more probable. ;)
  60. Joy Pathak

    CMU MSCF Commuting to NYC from Stamford, CMU MSCF

    I was interning at a hedge fund in white plains until few weeks ago. It was a 45 minute commute from GC station. I am now working for their office in the city. The commute was not bad. I would usually read WSJ on the train or listen to podcasts, or do work on my laptop. Just need to make sure...
  61. Joy Pathak

    mfe hopes from low tier undergrad

    Trust me, it doesn't matter. It helps if you went to a top school for admission, but it wont hurt you if you did not, as long as you still did good. Playing on a sports team will help you possibly in the future when looking for jobs during interviews.
  62. Joy Pathak

    Happy Holidays to all Quantnet members

    Happy Holidays to everyone! Have a great Christmas and a happy new year!
  63. Joy Pathak

    Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg is Time's 2010 Person of the Year

    I think Facebook's ability to connect people from all across the world is absolutely incredible.
  64. Joy Pathak

    The Coming Glut of Financial Engineers

    Well, this is definitely an interesting article, a bit aggressive but interesting. I agree with the author 100%. Even in my VERY SHORT tenure in the finance industry I have seen many of the examples stated first hand. There is a lot of risk management required in today's capital markets and I...
  65. Joy Pathak


    hahaha Comedy.
  66. Joy Pathak

    MIT MFin MIT Master of Finance Employment Statistics?

    Well, it seems that they are one of the few MFin programs that even offer any form of employment statistics. I think the program might get better placements in the following years. It is a brand new program. Seems like brand-name alone won't get you placement as many students had to find jobs...
  67. Joy Pathak

    Rutgers to Launch Third Quant Master Program

    I think Quantnet should launch a Masters program is Quant something.
  68. Joy Pathak

    MIT MFin MIT Master of Finance Employment Statistics?

    I do like the fact that they provided a lot of details.
  69. Joy Pathak

    Create a profitable business from $100

    $100 on Red.
  70. Joy Pathak

    Black Swans of 2011 ?

    PRAGMATIC CAPITALISM THE BLACK SWANS OF 2011 US Congress Blocks Bernanke’s QE3 As we move into the second half of 2011, politicians and pundits increasingly succeed in putting the Fed in the hot seat for having been the critical enabler of the US housing debacle and resulting bank...
  71. Joy Pathak

    Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg is Time's 2010 Person of the Year

    Interesting perspective. I did not know about the "poll", but definitely interesting.
  72. Joy Pathak

    Interview Questions at JPMorgan Sales and Trading

    Hey bob can you explain why all three work? Pension liabilities are very sensitive to interest rates. If interest rates fall the present value of future pension payments rise.Atleast I would assume. I don't know much about pension accounting, but that would sort of make sense right?
  73. Joy Pathak

    Boutique Investment Banks

    Haha That is rough.
  74. Joy Pathak

    Master list of free financial data

    Yeah. Can you be a bit more specific. I can get you options data, but you have to give me a ticker, strike, expiration, something....
  75. Joy Pathak

    Master list of free financial data

    Equity Products
  76. Joy Pathak

    Master list of free financial data

    I am looking for 5 year CDS spreads on high yield corporate bonds in the energy sector for now, with the highest frequency available. Hopefully liquidity volume a long with it too on the contracts. Markit is what I have been looking at, but it is expensive. You're right about individual...
  77. Joy Pathak

    Master list of free financial data

    Anyone know where I can get corporate bond cds spread historical prices? If the service costs, can anyone suggest an affordable place. Majority are very pricey!
  78. Joy Pathak

    Master list of free financial data

    Google Finance: Stock market quotes, news, currency conversions & more or
  79. Joy Pathak

    Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg is Time's 2010 Person of the Year

    I like Mark Zuckerberg. I think his story is inspirational. I don't know the truth behind the whole "stealing" of idea, but regardless, I think he implemented the concept in a way no one else had before.
  80. Joy Pathak

    Columbia University MS in Financial Economics

    Yeah I did. You don't have to be part of MBA recruiting for the Business school to help. Columbia Business School is a top Business program. That itself should aide. Being part of the business school will let them reach out to alumni of business school even if not part of the program.
  81. Joy Pathak

    Columbia University MS in Financial Economics

    Yeah. This should definitely be interesting. This Masters of Fin Econ, is out of the business school so they might have an edge over the MSOR/MS-Stats in terms of recruitment. The MFE has their own recriutment. Then there is the MS Math Fin, and I guess a MS Finance too? Columbia is...
  82. Joy Pathak

    Does accounting background students get a chance to be admitted into MFE programs?

    Well, baruch mfe is quite competitive as you can see from their entrance numbers. If your courses don't show a strong quantitative background it will be hard to differentiate you from the rest of the applications who have significant quantitative backgrounds(Engineers,mathematicians,physicists)...
  83. Joy Pathak

    CMU MSCF Please comment on Quality of Live-video lecture at CMU NY campus

    This is a really nice concept. Being able to see video of the lectures at any time would be pretty great.
  84. Joy Pathak

    Should I go for PHD ?

    Lol I thought it was quite obvious which school it was.
  85. Joy Pathak


  86. Joy Pathak

    Should I go for PHD ?

    Well, CMU and NYU have very good placement rates and should be able to place you in good quant positions. Regarding PhD for quant positions, this topic has been debated extensively. Search through the forums. I think many positions where PhD was a requirement has been opened up for MFE students...
  87. Joy Pathak

    Free Financial News Service

    Google Finance: Stock market quotes, news, currency conversions & more
  88. Joy Pathak

    Optimum bond portfolio selection

    They are not exactly 0 although really close. I think only munies are 0 with Aaa.
  89. Joy Pathak

    Optimum bond portfolio selection

    lol You want us to do your homework? This is an asset allocation problem. The two common ones are equally weighted, and risk weighted. Look into Black-Litterman Asset Allocation model also. What is optimum? You will have to try several variations before finding an optimum portfolio based on...
  90. Joy Pathak

    Community College to top MFE program to become a wall street quant trader?

    You're not making sense. If you're a hedge fund manager, in this day and age, you will have ATLEAST 100 million portfolio at MINIMUM. 150 ish is like the bar right now to get into the hedge fund business. You're telling me that there isn't a possibility of 10 million on one strategy? You're...
  91. Joy Pathak

    Community College to top MFE program to become a wall street quant trader?

    Wrong answer. You went to the bathroom. When you came back everything defaulted. You have had no time. What would you do then? Also, so you're saying you have been trading for 7 years?
  92. Joy Pathak

    Community College to top MFE program to become a wall street quant trader?

    I had a question... What would you do if you lost 10 million dollars prop trading in a matter of minutes. e.g huge bond position and everything defaults.
  93. Joy Pathak

    Couple Quick questions on MFE Application

    Get the applied Math major instead of economics. The Finance + Applied Math will look appealing I would assume to ad-coms. The GRE Score is fine. 800 quant is primarily all that matters. No need to re-take it. Focus on taking programming courses and learning the languages. C++ would be just...
  94. Joy Pathak

    Do you guys have facebook profile?

    I don't like this new look. It looks too chunky. I do like the short descriptions on top.
  95. Joy Pathak

    Need opinions on Quant Finance Teaching Position

    My parents have been in their academic life most of their lifetime with my father still a professor in finance/accounting. I have learnt a lot about departmental politics and treatment of adjunct professors whether they are PhD students or practitioners. I could be very wrong about the...
  96. Joy Pathak

    A Day in the Life of a Managing Director Market Risk

    This is great. I like how many are embracing this new idea of "A Day in the life of..."
  97. Joy Pathak

    Tradeanator 2: Settlement Day - THE MOVIE

    It looks like some Indian guy. haha
  98. Joy Pathak

    Facebook Global M.B.A. degree

    I kept reading only the London School of Business part at first and was giving this project credit. Then I re-read... "London School of Business and Finance".
  99. Joy Pathak

    Did anyone get any good deals for Black Friday?

    I got a scarf and a sweater.... I am gonna wait till cyber monday to see if there are any good deals online.
  100. Joy Pathak

    War Time : N Korea attacks S Korea

    North, South Korean forces trade fire; 2 South Korean marines dead -
  101. Joy Pathak

    Do you want to learn Stat Arb/Quant Trading?

    I just wanted to mention that this is for a NEW class. The other class is already filled and many applicants still wanted to participate, so a new class has been opened, and this is for that class.
  102. Joy Pathak

    Tell me why you want to become a trader

    Investment Banker goes wild with Models and Bottles - MySpaceVideos - Turns out he was just a back office analyst at Morgan Stanley doing some operations stuff and he got fired when the company found out about this video. The porsche was rented for the night too from a filming studio.
  103. Joy Pathak

    Tell me why you want to become a trader

    hahaha. this was hilarious
  104. Joy Pathak

    Getting into the field of computational finance

    I said you will have a hard time getting POST DOC positions. I think you shouldn't have much trouble getting some computational related job in quant finance at a prop firm or hedge fund.
  105. Joy Pathak

    Getting into the field of computational finance

    Yes. You will find them in the OR and mathematics departments although I don't think you will qualify considering there are lots of PhD in Math and OR looking for these positions. You should take Alain's advice and contact a recruiter and have him/her help you out. Given your background you...
  106. Joy Pathak

    PhD roles in finance industry

    PhD Finance > PhD Financial Engineering in the finance industry in my honest opinion. Lot's of PhD Finance from top schools are picked up to become traders/quant strategists/research/etc at big banks and hedge funds. A PhD Financial Engineering from the mentioned schools would get you into a...
  107. Joy Pathak

    Quantitative Easing (QE2)

    I just ventured to your "website"... Lol You said this on 24th and 31st October on your website for S&P E-minis. How did that short trade work out for you? The TGARCH volatility plot is now upward sloping and it would not be surprising to see readings about 2% – 2.5%. Even if this market...
  108. Joy Pathak

    Ex–Goldman Sachs Quant Mark Carhart Is Launching A New Firm

    Met Mark Carhart, Giorgio De Santis and Bob Litterman at Baruch college not too long ago for the ARPM reception. Great guys. Really smart. I am looking forward to see their returns.
  109. Joy Pathak

    Very interesting video from Bartt (BOTQ). Thx!

    List of Wall Street themed movies | Quant Network Alchemists of Wall Street and several other documentaries and movies can be found there. :)
  110. Joy Pathak

    Fund seeding

    You want to put money into a quant fund then?
  111. Joy Pathak

    Quantitative Easing (QE2)

    What do you think?
  112. Joy Pathak

    Risk Latte's Certificate in Financial Engineering (CFE)

    When did Andy say he is a prop trader at Deutsche Bank? Andy owe's you absolutely no answers. I do not appreciate people running their mouth about my friends.
  113. Joy Pathak

    Can I start a quant career at 46

    You should be able to get a decent quant job already. Send me a private message with your email and I will get you in touch with few recruiters who can help you out right away.
  114. Joy Pathak

    Preparing for the Next 'Black Swan'

    Lol... Random funny observation. Few people emailed me this link... Stimulus, Long Term Deficit Reduction Needed: Obama Advisor - CNBC Around 4:54 mins I walk in and can be seen talking to Nassim Taleb in the background.
  115. Joy Pathak

    Hayek versus Keynes

    Yup. But They still look exactly the same. This video is so important and relevant at this time considering the stimulus and various other monetary and fiscal policies.
  116. Joy Pathak

    Hayek versus Keynes

    I just saw both of these guys do a live show at a conference few hours ago. It was great because the audience included Vikram Pandit, Nassim Taleb, Stiglitz, and several other famous economists, financiers, academics, etc. It was truly entertaining. I even met "Keynes" mother. Haha.
  117. Joy Pathak

    Future Trading Desk: What Tools are Needed?

    AQR is known for running it's shop like a graduate school from what I have heard.
  118. Joy Pathak

    The evolution and revolution in junk bonds

    Fortune's Formula has a good depiction of the 'junk bond king'.
  119. Joy Pathak

    Free Education in France?

    My dad is going on sabbatical to teach at a French business school for a year next June. He doesn't know a word of French. It will be interesting.
  120. Joy Pathak

    Master list of free financial data

    You should be able to get it from Bloomberg. I have got lots of data related to daily trading volume on particular securities from Bloomberg before so I would assume exchange data would be on there too. They do provide data for most of the countries mentioned if I am not wrong. I will have a...
  121. Joy Pathak

    Master list of free financial data

    You want historical "volume" data? For what? Total volumes at the exchanges in the countries? Do you need daily ? monthly? yearly?
  122. Joy Pathak

    Risk Latte's Certificate in Financial Engineering (CFE)

    I know someone who I think was in the CFE program. I will see if I can get him to write a review. It should be valuable.
  123. Joy Pathak

    $100,000 to drop out of college?

    I am sure guidance from Peter Thiel is included in the package which would be worth quite a bit too I believe. You're right about the debt part...and additional taxes too possibly. In addition to that, rent and other bills throughout the year. You're barely left with anything.
  124. Joy Pathak

    NYC Band Plays on the B Train with their iPhones

    Hahahha. You're crazy.
  125. Joy Pathak

    Columbia B-School Students Criticized for Networking Etiquette

    I specifically mean't the 'coffee emails' to random senior executives at a company will almost always lead to demise. If they are alumni, then there is a high probability of success. I said in terms of job efforts, other routes are more effective, than emails, in my OPINION. Thanks for the...
  126. Joy Pathak

    Columbia B-School Students Criticized for Networking Etiquette

    Well that's definitely good to know. I reckon after reading this there will be an onslaught of emails sent to banks. If you mean't alumni, then I agree with the coffee part. That is a very common scenario here at Baruch. Many alumni and students go out for drinks usually and there is also a...
  127. Joy Pathak

    Twitter mood predicts the stock market

    I am pretty active on Twitter and converse and follow several traders and economists who tweet quite actively and I would have to say it is sometimes a very good sign of market sentiment. During May 6th crash, everyone kept tweeting frequently about what the hell is going on...and speculating...
  128. Joy Pathak

    Coffee in Chicago

    I am surprised people have not posted here? It is great to see someone taking the initiative to network and meet people in the Chicago area.
  129. Joy Pathak

    Columbia B-School Students Criticized for Networking Etiquette

    That's aggressive. I am sure 99% of the time emailing random people for coffee will not work out. I agree that career fairs are not the best place for networking, but you have to work with what you get. Conferences I believe are the best place, but unfortunately most of them are VERY...
  130. Joy Pathak

    Columbia B-School Students Criticized for Networking Etiquette

    I feel like Dominic's reply should be turned into an article and archived as a sticky thread on the forum. least most of the comments.
  131. Joy Pathak

    Algo trading

    The course taught at Baruch is by practitioners. One works for a hedge/quant fund trading using algorithmic strategies. The other was a statistical arbitrage trader for a hedge fund and recently went off to start his own quant fund sort of company with a few other people from other funds...
  132. Joy Pathak

    MS in Finance

    Exactly. It is Portuguese. That is why he thought you were from Goa. haha. I feel like I have hijacked this thread. Nvm.
  133. Joy Pathak

    MS in Finance

    Lol Where in Goa? I am from Goa too.
  134. Joy Pathak

    MS in Finance

    Lol... Just because his name is Mervin Gomes he could be from Goa? Good catch actually. Where are you from "TraderJoe" ?
  135. Joy Pathak

    CQF or MFE?

    I like the idea of having videos. I know of some MFE programs that do that too. Maybe CQF can sell videos for a fee. :) hahah
  136. Joy Pathak

    Interesting Paper on CDO Tranche modelling

    Using the criteria of the rating agencies, the authors tested how wide the AAA tranches created from residential mortgages can be. They found that the AAA ratings assigned to ABSs were not totally unreasonable but that the AAA ratings assigned to tranches of Mezz ABS CDOs cannot be justified...
  137. Joy Pathak

    Citi's Automated Trading Desk (ATD)

    Citi is the pioneer of automated trading?
  138. Joy Pathak

    DE Shaw cuts 10% workforce

    D.E. Shaw Struggles With New Mexico Bet -
  139. Joy Pathak

    How to Prepare for Financial Engineering Programs, Part 2

    Hello Davix, I would suggest buying the Primer. The Principles of Financial Engineering book is an advanced book. You are better of buying Nefcti's Mathematics of Finance related book first and then Principles. I personally would suggest the Primer at this time, and once you have a strong...
  140. Joy Pathak

    Quant Strategist

    No...You can start off straight as a Strategist, but it is hard. Define what you think is a strategist too? The "strats" team have strategists too, who build market impact related models, algo execution, etc. I dont think all QS are developing trading strategies. This is my limited knowledge...
  141. Joy Pathak

    NYU MSMF Invitation to Courant Seminar on US Mean-Reversion and FX Optimal Pairs on Oct 12th (Tues 5:30pm)

    Hey Jim thanks for posting! I have class at 6:00 :( so I cannot make it. But I would suggest all who can to go! I am sure it will be a great presentation.
  142. Joy Pathak

    Quant Strategist

    I don't think you need a PhD, although turns out many people I have met as Quant Strategists at the IB's have a PhD in Finance. From my understanding of a QS at an IB, it's mostly prototyping and building of strategies from the group up. The programming skills have to be very strong possibly...
  143. Joy Pathak

    5 Quick Ways to Bankrupt Yourself

    Harvard alone takes more than 1000 people for MBA. Not all of them make enormous sums of money.
  144. Joy Pathak

    5 Quick Ways to Bankrupt Yourself

    Five Quick Ways to Bankrupt Yourself - CNBC #5 was the most interesting for me and a valid fact. 5. Overestimating the value of an expensive degree. The more education you have, the higher your pay, right? Wrong. When people take out student loans, few do the math to see what the...
  145. Joy Pathak

    The Quant Who Won't Shut Up

    AQR Capital's Clifford Asness Interview Excerpt - Video - Bloomberg
  146. Joy Pathak

    MFE for Private Equity?

    I mean't more in terms of whom they target for campus recruitment for entry level or internship positions. There will be a few good public/private schools(LAC) included in there possibly. Of course, many people might have degrees from other schools and good experience or good networking might...
  147. Joy Pathak

    MFE for Private Equity?

    Yeah. I will go with this. All the big PE companies strictly take from Ivies, or if you have some solid connections, usually family.
  148. Joy Pathak

    Does anyone know how to replicate VIX using S&P options or futures?

    Well, there is no way to do a static replication on VIX I think, just because of it's structure. You would have to do some sort of dynamic replication of variance swaps. The simplest way to replicate a long VIX futures would be to short a strip of SPX options possibly. Here is some more...
  149. Joy Pathak

    Does anyone know how to replicate VIX using S&P options or futures?

    I have some ideas, but I will ask your question at the NY Options Conference going on right now that I am at. I will ask the makers of VIX index (although they might not be too happy about replication), about it after their presentation. I will post it here if I get a good answer, otherwise I...
  150. Joy Pathak

    Knight Capital to fire 8% staff

    I find lots of these news so contradicting... Morgan Stanley and JP Morgan Quant Modelling groups were at my school to recruit this past week for internships and full-time positions. At the Career Fair at Baruch on Friday, Credit Suisse, Blackrock, Barclays Cap, BMO , etc were all looking for...
  151. Joy Pathak

    How to Prepare for Financial Engineering Programs, Part 2

    This is Part 2 of my popular post, How to prepare for Financial Engineering programs. I finished all my refreshers in the Baruch MFE program at the end of August but I have been very busy with the classes to actually finish this article. This post will include topics, books, information I...
  152. Joy Pathak

    Mystery of Disappearing Prop Traders - Michael Lewis

    The Mystery of Disappearing Proprietary Traders: Michael Lewis - Bloomberg In the run-up to the vote on the financial overhaul bill, the big Wall Street banks squashed an attempt by Senator Carl Levin to pass a simple ban on any form of proprietary trading. A Senate staffer...
  153. Joy Pathak

    DE Shaw cuts 10% workforce

    Source Reveals Why Hedge Fund DE Shaw Had To Cut 150 Staff ---------- Post added at 01:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:27 PM ---------- Bank Of America Cuts 20-30 Prop Trading Jobs Damn.
  154. Joy Pathak

    Princeton MFin Princeton M.Fin or Princeton ORFE

    ORFE would not set you up for PhD in Finance atleast. The Princeton M.Fin is great for PhD in Finance or Economics or to work in finance.
  155. Joy Pathak

    MBS Seminar Course at Courant NYU

    Not impressed. ..............
  156. Joy Pathak

    MBS Seminar Course at Courant NYU

    So... it started September 8th... ?
  157. Joy Pathak

    Bill Gates: This is the Best Online Education Resource

    This is huge in India. A bit about the creator.. Khan, who was born to an Indian mother and a Bangladeshi father, may not have trained to become a teacher, but the number of degrees he holds indicates his predisposition towards academics. He has masters degrees in Electrical Engineering and...
  158. Joy Pathak

    Anyone watching Wallstreet 2?

    The Town has been getting good reviews. Should have seen that. If Machete is still in theaters, go check that one out. It is pretty awesome.
  159. Joy Pathak

    2010 Annual Quantnet Central Park Picnic

    You should have taken more videos. Next time. ;)
  160. Joy Pathak

    Anyone watching Wallstreet 2?

    It was just 'plain bad'. The plot was horrible, the story line was garbage, and the references to real-life events was almost comical. It was so bad that it was almost a comedy.
  161. Joy Pathak

    2010 Annual Quantnet Central Park Picnic

    It was a great time! Thanks Andy!
  162. Joy Pathak

    Anyone watching Wallstreet 2?

    The movie was absolutely garbage. Do not waste your time with it.
  163. Joy Pathak

    Anyone watching Wallstreet 2?

    Going tomorrow after the picnic ;)
  164. Joy Pathak

    Programming for Dummies: Dissastisfied, Some Wall Street Technologists Flee for Start-Up Life

    Programming for Dummies: Dissastisfied, Some Wall Street Technologists Flee for Start-Up Life | The New York Observer "I mean, no one was being held with a gun to their head and forced to work at Morgan Stanley," said Andrew Montalenti. "It was a very good job by any objective measure. But a...
  165. Joy Pathak

    2010 Annual Quantnet Central Park Picnic

    I think a little bit of everything will be great. Indian Samosas...some fried dumplings...some rolls...sandwiches..etc
  166. Joy Pathak

    Wall Street’s Profit Engines Slow Down

    Hedge Funds Are Running Out of Reasons to Exist: Matthew Lynn - Bloomberg
  167. Joy Pathak

    2010 Annual Quantnet Central Park Picnic

    Should be a great time! Looking forward to seeing Quantnet members there!
  168. Joy Pathak

    Football season

    They have a promising quarterback, but unfortunately he is injured now, so I am not too sure how they will perform.
  169. Joy Pathak

    How to Get a Quant Job, Advice from Wall Street Executives

    Why don't you apply for internships ? There is no experience requirement? Prove yourself in an internship and secure a full-time offer?
  170. Joy Pathak

    How to Get a Quant Job, Advice from Wall Street Executives

    If someone has no experience, a good place to start is with an internship.
  171. Joy Pathak

    China to Introduce Credit-Default Swaps by Year-End

    What products could you use to make a synthetic naked CDS ?
  172. Joy Pathak

    Football season

    What the hell...
  173. Joy Pathak

    Football season

    PACKERS and LIONS ... except I never tell people I rep the Lions..for obvious reasons! but that might change now! And that last touchdown should have been counted! Oh...and GO BADGERS!!!
  174. Joy Pathak

    2010 Annual Quantnet Central Park Picnic

    They wont be WSEA anymore... lol
  175. Joy Pathak

    2010 Annual Quantnet Central Park Picnic

    Thanks for organizing this Andy. Hopefully a lot of QN members can come out. Would be great to meet them.
  176. Joy Pathak

    How to Get a Quant Job, Advice from Wall Street Executives

    Thank you to EVERYONE for the support on this article. Great to see some people(bionicturtle) re-tweeting and posting on their own blogs/facebook.
  177. Joy Pathak

    Advice on PHD applications

    asset pricing and investments or math finance This can range from every top math school, to every top business school. Asset Pricing and Investments are active research topics by professors at every big business school. The way to narrow down is to pick your research topic and then...
  178. Joy Pathak

    JPMorgan to shut down all prop trading

    Closing the proprietary trading desk for commodities affects fewer than 20 traders, one in the U.S. and the rest in the U.K., the person said. JP Morgan had only one commodity prop trader in the US.
  179. Joy Pathak

    How to Get a Quant Job, Advice from Wall Street Executives

    Thanks should be given to all the finance executives who devoted their time for the interview.
  180. Joy Pathak

    JPMorgan to shut down all prop trading

    Did anyone notice an interesting fact in this article?
  181. Joy Pathak

    How to Get a Quant Job, Advice from Wall Street Executives

    Whether you're looking for your very first job, switching carers, or re-entering the job market after an extended absence, finding a job requires two main tasks: understanding yourself and understanding the job market. I received several emails asking me for advice regarding quant jobs and...
  182. Joy Pathak

    How fierce is job competition?

    I think on one of the threads here I saw someone say that for a trader position at his bank they got over 10K applications.
  183. Joy Pathak

    Quantnet FACEBOOK Contest

    I disagree. ......
  184. Joy Pathak

    Collection of MFE admission numbers

    The true reasoning behind the MFE admission numbers is a proof by contradiction. Unfortunately it can be used to prove arguments, for and against it. Dominic has given some examples of proving it's inefficiency through contradiction. I will prove its usefulness with examples. 1)...
  185. Joy Pathak


    Post has been edited.
  186. Joy Pathak

    Limitation of black scholes

    You can use Crank-Nicholson to price American options through finite difference. Binomial Trees will work just as fine as Max mentioned for American Options and for European with dividends. For trees you use the same method as you would for european options, just remember to take into...
  187. Joy Pathak


    List updated for Pricing class.
  188. Joy Pathak

    Collection of MFE admission numbers

    This is a great collection Andy. It would be better if programs were more open about their admission numbers.
  189. Joy Pathak

    Algo trading software went wild, lost $1M in one second

    Volatility is a statistical arbitrage fund's best friend. The "choppier" the markets, the "more" mean reversion. ;)
  190. Joy Pathak

    Algo trading software went wild, lost $1M in one second

    What is with traders and making grave errors while trading oil ?
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