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  1. Joy Pathak


    The post has been updated to include the recommended books for Numerical Methods in Finance
  2. Joy Pathak


    I am going to put all the books we require in this thread right here. I will update as I get back information on the rest of the books. MTH 9814 - A Quantitative Introduction to Pricing Financial Instruments Required: Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives (7th ed) John C. Hull MTH 9815...
  3. Joy Pathak

    I'm so mad right now... wasn't granted permission to take the GRE

    It's all good. Sh*t happens. Keep your chin up and go forward.
  4. Joy Pathak

    Just a plan....could it work?

    Having so many degrees will hurt more than help. Get the BS. Do well. Cover yourself in all the areas in the admission requirements, and just hope for the best. A lot of Finance PhD admission is pure luck. The top 10 universities pick 2 or 3 students out of the total pool of applicants. They...
  5. Joy Pathak

    Just a plan....could it work?

    What we should really look into is the fact that even after all those degrees and all those years the probability of getting into the universities named PhD Finance program is VERY low.
  6. Joy Pathak

    Advanced Calculus VS. Real Analysis

    Try taking a C++ course as a non-degree student at a nearby school or college or online (Pre-Program Courses, Master of Financial Engineering Program - Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley) . Having a proper class to show your knowledge of C++ than just stating you self-studied has considerable...
  7. Joy Pathak

    How to look at embedded CB option?

    Can you explain the question a bit more? You want to look at a Convertible bond without the embedded properties of options it holds? You want to look at it in volatility terms? Do you want to decompose a convertible bond into it's basic components again? The volatility of CB's are usually...
  8. Joy Pathak

    am i qualified yet?

    I did my undergraduate in Mechanical Engineering and am currently pursuing Masters in Financial Engineering. If you want to pursue FE a undergraduate in mathematics will aide considerably when you do MFE, but there are significant benefits of having an undergraduate engineering degree. If...
  9. Joy Pathak

    Alternative career paths for MFE grads

    I have heard of people going to go work for Google and Amazon previously after working on wall-street as a quant. The quants, especially engineers can always go back to working in the engineering profession.
  10. Joy Pathak

    List of Facebook and Twitter accounts for MFE programs

    BARUCH MFE | Facebook That is the official Baruch MFE Facebook and Twitter pages. They are both monitored and run by the program director, Dr. Dan Stefanica. You can become fans to keep up to date with workshops, seminars, formal and informal gatherings, and news...
  11. Joy Pathak

    i got your message. I will do the two you said.

    i got your message. I will do the two you said.
  12. Joy Pathak

    Sales Experience + MQF = Trader?

    Slightly Off-topic but... Your list is very ambiguous and almost misguiding to the misinformed. Prop - Stat Arb, Momentum, etc. Trade with your own capital. Flow - Market Making , deals etc. May have some similar strategies, but primary job is to trade for clients. Everything related to...
  13. Joy Pathak

    P = NP Solved? So... P!= NP ?
  14. Joy Pathak

    Wall Street Journal or Financial Times?

    Good point. ............
  15. Joy Pathak

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    You're a self-proclaimed savant. What do you need any advice for?
  16. Joy Pathak

    Wall Street Journal or Financial Times?

    I am thinking of getting a subscription for a newspaper. I know I can read "everything" online, but the pleasure of reading from a newspaper is just something else. Any recommendations? Both are around 100ish mark per year. If there are newspapers outside this two that can provide me with...
  17. Joy Pathak

    Rotman International Trading Competition

    They actually have had parts in New York (NYMEX) in Chicago (CBOT/CME) and in Houston. It's not a 2 day competition like Rotman. It's spread out.
  18. Joy Pathak

    Best browser out there How can anything...anything compete with that ?
  19. Joy Pathak

    Wall Street senior managers want YOU

    Good point. .................
  20. Joy Pathak

    Wall Street senior managers want YOU

    I have in past been offered recommendations and interviews through people who saw my QuantNet and Blog posts. They clicked on my LinkedIN and contacted me through there. I would be a bit skeptical about having my C.V up for public to see. It might back-fire too. My 2 cents.
  21. Joy Pathak

    Best browser out there

    CHROME FTW X 2 .......
  22. Joy Pathak

    Rotman International Trading Competition

    University of Houston started the competition. Also, majority of the oil companies are located in Houston along with CME offices. It is very cool. ---------- Post added at 10:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:04 PM ---------- Huntington, West Virginia.
  23. Joy Pathak

    Rotman International Trading Competition

    The software (RIT) is a lot of fun. ---------- Post added at 04:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:15 PM ---------- There is an EVEN BIGGER competition at CME every year. Both are a good time. Great way to network also.
  24. Joy Pathak

    Ultimate Programmer Hierarchy

    " You HAR-CORE ! "
  25. Joy Pathak

    Goldman plans to spin off prop trading

    I wonder how much money they will be able to raise.
  26. Joy Pathak

    Graduated Rutgers (a while back)...job hunt still sucks

    I would go with what Alain said. Haven't you previously rejected job offers? I remember you saying previously you rejected a trader assistant job because it paid only 40K+ a year? I would take whatever came my way and try to work from there if I was in your case.
  27. Joy Pathak

    Encyclopedia of Quantitative Finance (4-Volume Set)

    The price is just... wow. Well the author is really famous . He was at the NYU Conference that I went to few weeks ago. He flew in from Paris and went straight to presenting Jump Diffusion Processes. I wouldn't buy it...just because of the cost purely. I wonder if my library has one.
  28. Joy Pathak

    Master reading list for Quants, MFE (Financial Engineering) students Numerical Methods in Finance and Economics: A MATLAB-Based Introduction (Statistics in Practice) (9780471745037): Paolo Brandimarte: Books I have this book and really like it. It does assume you have some of the toolboxes like Fin Der, Fin, Optimization, Datafeed, etc. There is...
  29. Joy Pathak

    Benoît Mandelbrot Interview... Questions?

    Hey guys... I am at it again... Benoît Mandelbrot (Benoît Mandelbrot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) has been kind enough to give me some of his time for an interview for my blog... please let me know if you guys have any questions.
  30. Joy Pathak

    Bond Price and Coupon rate/ Yield

    What Will said is right. The coupon effect on Yield to Maturity (Journal of Finance 1977) - Caks Check out that paper and references 1 and 7 in the paper.
  31. Joy Pathak

    India’s $35 Tablet Laptop

    It costs more in Canada...
  32. Joy Pathak

    India’s $35 Tablet Laptop

    There is a difference between a Car and a Tablet/laptop. A car involves several safety and emissions restrictions, etc etc, which would make it close to impossible for the Nano to make it to USA at it's current status. It can however make it with intensive modifications, but that is not the goal...
  33. Joy Pathak

    India’s $35 Tablet Laptop

    Well looks like they want to reduce to price even more to 20-10$. If this is released in the US it will blow the competition out in a heartbeat.
  34. Joy Pathak

    India’s $35 Tablet Laptop

    Going for Cheap: Indias $35 Laptop - India Real Time - WSJ NEW DELHI—First the Nano, now the “Nano” computer. Tata won praise world-wide for developing the world’s cheapest car, an innovation designed to put millions of Indians behind the wheel. The Indian government Thursday unveiled a...
  35. Joy Pathak

    Master reading list for Quants, MFE (Financial Engineering) students

    Can someone recommend some introductory fixed income securities and analytics books please ? I have heard the HandBook by Fabozzi is supposed to be very good, but it's 1500 pages.
  36. Joy Pathak

    First Month in New York City

    So, it is officially one month since I have been in New York and it has been quite a month. In addition, I also finished my first refresher/course at Baruch. The course was primarily a C++ refresher taught by Alain Ledon, who is a graduate of the program, and VP at Bank of America/Merrill Lynch...
  37. Joy Pathak

    Introductory books for prospective quant students

    Are these your personal suggestions?
  38. Joy Pathak

    NYC temporal/visit accommodations

    My couch is a precious commodity.The location and price is unbeatable. It's funny, that you talk about my couch "smelling" considering you spend 95% of the day on it. LoL The only warning I would give Alfredo about sleeping on the couch is your sleep-crying/walking, but I can lock the door...
  39. Joy Pathak

    NYC temporal/visit accommodations

    I will let you rent my couch for 50$ per night lol Best deal in NYC and optimum location to all the schools. 5 mins from Baruch walk... 7 mins from NYU subway, 13 mins to Columbia. 10 mins to the street.
  40. Joy Pathak

    What Canada is doing right?

    "... but can we expect Toronto to be a financial power-house comparable to New York?" I did not insinuate that Toronto will surpass. Will it be COMPARABLE is the question. I agree whole heartedly about the dominance of New York and USA on the grander scale. I am not saying Toronto will...
  41. Joy Pathak

    What Canada is doing right?

    What Canada is doing Right? - CNBC The Canadian economy is roaring forward A few reasons why Canadas economy is better than the U.S. economy | FP Posted | Financial Post Just coming back from Toronto today after a quick visit, it seems...
  42. Joy Pathak

    Where to watch World cup for free

    Spain won Nobody care about Spain winning? It's their first time. Toronto seems to be going absolutely nuts right now over them! Didn't know there was such a big spanish population here.
  43. Joy Pathak

    Is it possible for anyone with moderate skills in mathematics to fulfill PhD in Finance?

    You can see where you stand by looking here: Profiles and Results 2010
  44. Joy Pathak

    Do you guys have facebook profile?

    300 fans and ever growing! Thanks to everyone for becoming "fans" of QuantNet on Facebook! Quantnet on Facebook
  45. Joy Pathak

    Where to watch World cup for free

    Facebook display pictures are changing at an alarming rate.
  46. Joy Pathak

    Where to watch World cup for free

    Germany lost. lol
  47. Joy Pathak

    Which one is the best book?

    I like Neftci's other book too. An Introduction to the Mathematics of Financial
  48. Joy Pathak

    Where to watch World cup for free

    So many people are now jumping on the Germany band-wagon.
  49. Joy Pathak

    Book Reviews : A Student's perspective...

    As part of my blog here on QN, i will post book reviews that I find truly incredible or truly disastrous. They will all be from a student's perspective. I will post updates here as they come: First: Review: A Primer for the Mathematics of Financial Engineering | Quant Network
  50. Joy Pathak

    Review: A Primer for the Mathematics of Financial Engineering

    Paperback: 302 pages Publisher: FE Press (April 4, 2008) Amazon review This is my first review in a range of reviews I will be posting from the viewpoint of a student. The reviews will entail everything from books, to movies (if I have time to watch any), to that Café on 30th and 3rd. For me to...
  51. Joy Pathak

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE - New Curriculum 2010

    Just to add... Having finished the Unofficial Stat Arb class with Dr. Jim Liew yesterday which is sort of a preview to the actual class in a manner I would like to say that it truly is going to be a great addition to the Baruch MFE curriculum. One will actually get to learn how to 'build'...
  52. Joy Pathak

    I am not attending IIT Chicago. I am attending Baruch College.

    I am not attending IIT Chicago. I am attending Baruch College.
  53. Joy Pathak

    Don't drink and Drive...err I mean Trade..

    How a broker spent $520m in a drunken stupor and moved the global oil price - Telegraph It's probably not uncommon for City traders to wonder how they burnt so much cash during a drunken night on the town. But Steve Perkins was left with a bigger black hole in his memory than most when his...
  54. Joy Pathak

    Master reading list for Quants, MFE (Financial Engineering) students

    I am looking more technical type of book or research papers and more focused on non-gold/silver metals.
  55. Joy Pathak

    Master reading list for Quants, MFE (Financial Engineering) students

    Can someone post some books/articles/etc related to Precious Metal Trading ?
  56. Joy Pathak

    iPhone: coolest gadget of the year?

    Alain, I have some good news for you. ;) iPhone is coming to Verizon. You can add it to your list of Apple products. Verizon iPhone Coming In January
  57. Joy Pathak

    R For Quantitative Finance

    Yes. I definitely agree with that.
  58. Joy Pathak

    R For Quantitative Finance

    R is utilized quite a bit in algorithmic trading desks (e.g Stat Arb) at big investment banks and hedge funds especially in the research/strategy development phase. I personally prefer MATLAB along with my Stat Arb professor and several places use MATLAB as the preferred analytics package, but R...
  59. Joy Pathak

    Movie Futures Trading?

    Congress Bans Movie Futures Trading CONGRESS BANS FILM FUTURES TRADING
  60. Joy Pathak

    Analysis: Alternative to a PhD as a way in for quants

    “Proximity to the city of London, arguably the financial capital of the world, is an important factor in attracting talented individuals to the LBS programme,” says Ms Frutos. LoL
  61. Joy Pathak

    Good quant trading classes/profs. at ColumbiaU?

    Are you a student at columbia?
  62. Joy Pathak

    Where to watch World cup for free

    Yeah. It was intense. 7 .. 0 wow.
  63. Joy Pathak

    2010 IAFE Annual Conference Recap

    So yesterday I attended the International Association of Financial Engineers Annual Conference. It was truly an amazing event. Some of the greatest minds in the world presented. The speakers included, Andrew Lo, Richard Roll, John Hull, Mark Flannery, and many others. The event was held at...
  64. Joy Pathak

    2010 IAFE Annual Conference - June 18th

    lol @ your avatar. Yeah. NYU Conference should be fun today. Thanks to QuantNet for the student discounts on that!!
  65. Joy Pathak

    Anyone trading a quantitative strategy here?

    Hey, Welcome to QuantNet You will find researchers, academics, traders, trader support, coders.... almost anyone related in anyway to financial engineering on this forum. Also, directors of MFE programs monitor the forums too, and so do administrative staff of programs. To answer a part of...
  66. Joy Pathak

    2010 IAFE Annual Conference - June 18th

    So we are all meeting up at the conference alright. Couple of us are coming from midtown, so we will be arriving together. Call me or something once you get there so we can all meet up. We are arriving at 8:00am.
  67. Joy Pathak

    2010 IAFE Annual Conference - June 18th

    Be sure to register! The event is tomorrow ! Quant Network is Sponsoring. Come by the table and grab some goodies too. 06182010 There is a good group of us going ! Post any questions here.
  68. Joy Pathak

    Movie Futures Trading?

    Approved Trading Is Approved for Film Futures Contracts -
  69. Joy Pathak

    Interview with Richard Roll -FE of The Year

    Lol I guess he is referring to the Aerospace Engineering undergrad degree from Auburn University and his time at Boeing after his MBA? I will be sure to mention that tho with reference to Peter Carr ;)
  70. Joy Pathak

    2010 IAFE Annual Conference - June 18th

    Just wanted to remind everyone, the conference is this Friday! Register, if you haven't yet!
  71. Joy Pathak

    best c ++ compiler?

    I use Visual Studio 2010 Express. It's free and good. Some of my friends use Netbeans and they really like it too. I tried DevC++ before, and hated it.
  72. Joy Pathak

    Interview with Richard Roll -FE of The Year

    Richard Roll - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Roll | UCLA Anderson School of Management Dr. Roll, Financial Engineer of the Year by IAFE, has been kind enough to give me some of his time for an interview. I will be interviewing him in person this Friday at the IAFE Conference at Goldman...
  73. Joy Pathak

    Interview with Dr. Steven Shreve of CMU

    If you guys can let me know what you thought of the interview and the questions that would be great. I tried to improve on my first interview by putting in more effort to get more detailed answers and ask relevant questions and so on. I am still learning so any criticisms and ways to improve...
  74. Joy Pathak

    Light Speed Trading

    Well I was wondering more about the usage of single chip to run one process comment. I thought companies had dedicated systems to run single computations already.
  75. Joy Pathak

    Light Speed Trading

    Logic Gates: The Next Phase Of High-Frequency Trading I thought companies were using logic gates already? Maybe not for this specific type of application I guess.
  76. Joy Pathak

    List of Wall Street themed movies

    Go ahead. We do not own the movies. Feel free to send me your project if you want after you're done and maybe I will put it up here. You can cite QuantNet website in your project if you want where you saw the list.
  77. Joy Pathak

    MIT OCW is a real gem

    The Shiller course is good. I went through a bunch of the lectures. They are audio only though. I didn't find any video files. He randomly started narrating stories about his fun times with Jeremy Seigel and stuff.
  78. Joy Pathak

    COMPARE NYU poly vs. Stevens MFE

    The NYU-Poly FRE program is the largest in the world, about ten times larger than the average program. Financial engineering programs typically have about 25-35 students. NYU-Poly FRE has about 350. Wow....350. and What the hell.. Google Rankings? A robust and transparent comparison can be...
  79. Joy Pathak

    COMPARE NYU poly vs. Stevens MFE

    Also if I am not wrong, Nyu-Poly has a massive class. 200+ from what I had read somewhere?
  80. Joy Pathak

    do schools look at senior mark?

    When I was applying for PhD I had no problem with not completing bachelors. I was in my fourth year and PhD applications had to be in by Dec 15th for most of the places and I was suppose to graduate August 26th of the following year and start graduate school September 5th. They usually put a...
  81. Joy Pathak

    Acceptance Rates for MFE programs

    So they have 80 spots. Also, did they say anything about how many they "refer" to the MS Stats and let them take the same courses?
  82. Joy Pathak

    Masters Degree

    If you looked at the website, it shows statistics for people with 0 experience. ;) Also, the stats on Baruch website I am sure are as accurate as they can be. Average Salary of Students with 0 experience for this past graduating class was: 88K with the highest making 97K .
  83. Joy Pathak

    Post Doc Position ? Anyone?

    Send me an email and I will give you the information. I will have to find out if the position is still open.
  84. Joy Pathak

    Undergraduate help (Sophomore)

    What's undergrad quant? lol
  85. Joy Pathak

    Win or Go Home, A Quant student blog

    Welcome to QuantNet blog Richard. Look's like we will be fellow New Yorkers this upcoming year.
  86. Joy Pathak

    Masters Degree

    Positions: Associate Advisor AVP – Risk Analytics & Modeling Commodities Trader / Quantitative Analyst Credit Risk Analyst Financial Engineer Financial Software Developer Global Equities Investment Banking Technology Analyst Market Data Specialist Quant Developer Quant Developer...
  87. Joy Pathak

    Affordable Cell Phone plans...

    I would pay only 75$ with tax for the Boostmobile... Is there any reason I should opt for the 90$ plan that gives me the same thing? I don't know much about cellphones/networks in the US.
  88. Joy Pathak

    Affordable Cell Phone plans...

    BoostMobile is on the Sprint network from what I read. And I think, Sprint is CDMA.
  89. Joy Pathak

    Wall Street is hiring gamblers

    Yeah. I don't disagree with that. I sort of was pointing out to your measure theory and MFE program comment. MFE programs aren't programs that make you traders, although 98% of the students want to be traders coming out of the program. The MFE programs are primarily for quantitative positions...
  90. Joy Pathak

    Wall Street is hiring gamblers

    Those aren't Quant positions though. Traders don't need to have such high level quantitative backgrounds. I know a Cornell History-English double major who was making 300K when he was 23 out of university as a trader for a BB in California. The MFE programs train in the quantitative...
  91. Joy Pathak

    Quant Network to Sponsor 2010 IAFE Annual Conference

    Lol I donot support this. I am not up for sea-food. Taco with the QuantNet logo embedded in the shell would be great. Definitely need a drink with it, and cinnamon twists from Taco Bell.
  92. Joy Pathak

    Quant Network to Sponsor 2010 IAFE Annual Conference

    I wouldn't mind a QuantNet Tshirt with some funny line on it. sqrt(-1) <3 Math i ,"Be Rational" ... pi "Be real!" i^2 = Keeping it real or "What part of don't you understand?" etc Just a thought.. Or coffee mugs. lol
  93. Joy Pathak

    Go ahead.. post it and I will see if I can assist.

    Go ahead.. post it and I will see if I can assist.
  94. Joy Pathak

    List of Wall Street themed movies

    Yes. Trillion Dollar Bet about LTCM and the BS Model. It completely slipped my mind. It will be added. Thanks.
  95. Joy Pathak

    Affordable Cell Phone plans...

    Boost Mobile BlackBerry Monthly Unlimited Found a great plan.. $70 for international texting, calling, etc unlimited and data plan/blackberry.
  96. Joy Pathak

    Google opened up their own trading floor

    Google uses bloom energy to run most of their stuff. Bloom Energy | Be The Solution
  97. Joy Pathak

    Commodity Short Hedge

    If I get what you're asking is that are futures delivered or settled? I didn't read your example in detail. Futures are mostly settled financially. There are some deliveries, but that depends. It is not cost effective for a producer in California to ship to Ohio. He/she will sell his/her...
  98. Joy Pathak

    Affordable Cell Phone plans...

    Does anyone have a MetroPCS plan? or even their number? The number on their website doesn't work... super ghetto. But they have cheap plans for Canada.
  99. Joy Pathak

    MSc Finance -Illinois Tech (IIT)

    People have bad experiences in all programs. There are really few programs where we have seen 0 bad comments. Even Berkeley had a bad review. If you see my comments from before, I have always stated that the career management center needs change. I had assumed since many professors are in the...
  100. Joy Pathak

    What are your favorite Wall-street themed movies?

    List List of Wall Street themed movies | Quant Network
  101. Joy Pathak

    HPC : Top 500 supercomputer List.

    I was presenting at a conference organised by the NASA Ames Research center on my Fluid Dynamics research and some of the researchers there took me to where they conduct their CFD research and showed me the supercomputers they use to run their simulations. Unreal.
  102. Joy Pathak

    Chicago MSFM U Chicago looking for New Director

    That really sucks. Almost scary when you see such comments from students at a school like U Chicago.
  103. Joy Pathak

    List of Wall Street themed movies

    Someone asked me the other day, “What’s a good trading movie?”. This gave me an idea to make a post about various Wall Street movies/TV Shows/documentaries I have seen and ones that have been recommended to me. I am sure there are more, but here is a short list. This list is for entertainment...
  104. Joy Pathak

    NYU student with 100K loan

    Did you see Princeton's admission statistics? 5% (31/605) Baruch's is 7% (30/467) (35 were offered admission) . It is quite possible that the vision that the admission committees at both schools had were fulfilled only by the handful. I really cannot comment on the low numbers as I did not...
  105. Joy Pathak

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    The stats you provided seem to be competitive. Make sure your LOR's and essay are compelling. Baruch is a good choice to apply to. You should apply to Columbia, CMU, Princeton,NYU,Mich, etc too just to hedge your risks since Baruch is very competitive. Btw, my mom attending the same...
  106. Joy Pathak

    NYU student with 100K loan

    Yeah. Your numbers and comments are right on the mark. I was just making a general statement. There is a need base formula indeed. MFE doesn't fall into the bracket yet but it all depends on the bank. I am with Scotiabank and they have been very accommodating with my students loans.
  107. Joy Pathak

    NYU student with 100K loan

    Few students I have talked to usually take out a second mortgage on the house. Well the parents do, and finance their children that way. There are restrictions on how much loan you can get in India, so a part of the tuition has to be financed out of their own pockets, which is why many...
  108. Joy Pathak

    NYU student with 100K loan

    This is what Baruch's website says... Employment Statistics | Master of Financial Engineering Program at Baruch College The first year compensation reported here is the compensation guaranteed at the time of hire. It is comprised of the starting base salary plus the signing bonus plus any...
  109. Joy Pathak

    Affordable Cell Phone plans...

    I am assuming you mean't 59.99? Also, where do you see the 20$ for additional to call Canada? I seem to have missed that. Unfortunately, texting is an issue too. I need to be able to text to Canada. I might have to stick with the Calling card system.
  110. Joy Pathak

    Affordable Cell Phone plans...

    I am trying to get a good cell phone plan for New york. I have been searching online but have been just bombarded with super expensive plans ranging in the 50-70$ range WITHOUT data . Does anyone know of any good affordable plans where I can call to Canada from USA on nights and weekends as...
  111. Joy Pathak

    NYU student with 100K loan

    Actually there is no other school that is in the same tuition range as Baruch that can provide all the job opportunities and career services that CMU,NYU,Columbia MFE, and Princeton are providing and some. The employment stats of Baruch are not only comparable but exceed in transparency to all...
  112. Joy Pathak

    NYU student with 100K loan

    Princeton 73220 Carnegie 74000 Anyone attending these two programs especially the Carnegie NYC campus program is guaranteed to be in $100,000 loan. The new MIT program also brings the people upto $100,000. I wonder how long it takes them to pay off these loans. Those are humongous...
  113. Joy Pathak

    What aspect of Computer Science is important?

    I don't know what courses they offer in your EE degree but at my school EE includes Calculus 1 2 3 (upto Vector), Differential Equations, Algebra 1 and 2, C and C++ programming, and Stochastic Processes at minimum. The Computer science only includes basic mathematics courses and lots of...
  114. Joy Pathak

    DISCUSSION on second rated MFE programs

    I agree with your statements about Baruch. Some of the upper echelon programs like Baruch do provide placement statistics, although none provide as transparent as Baruch's numbers. As I stated on my blog on QN, providing the starting salaries of students who had no experience or no relevant...
  115. Joy Pathak

    DISCUSSION on second rated MFE programs

    If you go online and bad-mouth your own program/university, there is A LOT to loose possibly. You loose all the help that would have been possible from your professors, alumni, friends. I think that would scare lots of people. But, people will privately tell you if you ask them what they...
  116. Joy Pathak

    MFE or Bust!

    Hey Manny , as your fellow blogger here, I welcome you to QuantNet. Looking forward to your posts. :)
  117. Joy Pathak

    GRE revised General Test - August 2011

    Calculators... That's an interesting addition. Maybe it is expected that the calculations that will be incurred in the new test will be at a higher level? New types of questions, including some that feature real-life scenarios reflecting the kind of thinking you'll do in graduate school I am...
  118. Joy Pathak

    How to make a trading program

    MB Trading and Ninja Trader have their own API and automated trading system strategies that you can set to your liking. MB Trading has an API, but I heard in terms of built in indicators/etc for automated trades Ninja Trader is one of the better ones out there...
  119. Joy Pathak

    Interview with Dr. Steven Shreve of CMU

    I am interviewing him tomorrow. So please send in your questions by tonight. Thank you Stefan and magnumty . Your questions will be asked. @ magnumty By current finance politics.. I mean't things like the financial reform, etc.
  120. Joy Pathak


    USC is not a new program. I think it's almost 10 years old (1999/2000).
  121. Joy Pathak

    Interview with Dr. Steven Shreve of CMU

    Dr. Steven Shreve has been kind enough to offer me his time for an interview for my blog-QN. (Joy Pathak | Quant Network ) Anything anyone want to ask? Here is more about him. Yes, it is the same Shreve of the Stochastic Calculus books, and the same Dr...
  122. Joy Pathak

    2010 IAFE Annual Conference - June 18th

    The International Association of Financial Engineers presents -•- The 2010 IAFE Annual Conference So I am going to the International Association of Financial Engineering conference. It is on June 18th from 8:00am to 5:00pm in New York. John Hull, Andrew Lo, Richard Roll, are some of the...
  123. Joy Pathak

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE - New Curriculum 2010

    Yeah. I am very excited for that class. Dr. Jim Liew is going to be one of the teachers for it. He frequents QN often (the one who posted about Stat Arb).
  124. Joy Pathak

    MFE with 3-year bachelor degree

    Not all schools accept the Bologna degrees. You have to confirm with the administration/admissions staff if they will allow it. Many universities do it CASE-By-CASE. Here is a link to the U-Mich MFE program website. Rackham Graduate School :: University of Michigan Applicants whose...
  125. Joy Pathak

    Goldman Harvard Recruit Pledges to Do No Harm, Fights for Oath

    The oath that is part of the ritual of calling of an engineer is not a "professional body" actually. It is not an obligation. It just sort of a "cool" thing now for Canadian engineers. I don't know much about the USA side. There is the P.Eng classification that one gets for which I think...
  126. Joy Pathak

    How do you prepare for a rejection, advice needed

    From what I have read on the forums here, it seems like if you mention you want to do a PhD on your application for MFE, it is not looked at in a very appealing manner. I could be wrong, but that is what the general consensus seems to be from what I have read. There are always exceptions...
  127. Joy Pathak

    How do you prepare for a rejection, advice needed

    If you want to do Phd you donot need to do MFE. It is too expensive for a PhD. If you want to strenghten your application with an MFE find the affordable programs, not the most expensive ones, as you will be in lots of debt for 5 years of PhD. I know that students from Baruch have gone on to PhD...
  128. Joy Pathak

    Goldman Harvard Recruit Pledges to Do No Harm, Fights for Oath

    Canadian engineers take an oath as part of 'the ritual of the calling of an engineer'. I think it started after a bridge in Montreal crashed due to poor engineering. I think in the US they have a 'Order of the Engineer'.
  129. Joy Pathak

    Using QA outside of the workplace.

    Check this out: Interview with Ernie Chan, quant trader and author | Quant Network Quantitative Trading: How to Build Your Own Algorithmic Trading Business (Wiley Trading) (9780470284889): Ernie Chan: Books
  130. Joy Pathak

    Question for New Yorkers

    Housing query... Edit: Resolved.
  131. Joy Pathak

    C++ prerequisites

    It doesn't. I think you can start it with 0 exposure.
  132. Joy Pathak

    C++ prerequisites

    I am currently using the 7th edition and am on the 13th chapter. It has been a good book till now. No major complains. Easy to read. Most of the problems behind the chapters are decent. I wish there were more numerical problems. I think I saw one Standard Deviation problem, and thats about it...
  133. Joy Pathak

    Do you guys have facebook profile?

    100 fans! We just hit 100 fans on Facebook! Press the "Like" Button to be a part of the Quant-Network Facebook page.
  134. Joy Pathak

    Learning Bloomberg terminal, API, etc

    I used some of the PDF's this past winter to get familiar with the Bloomberg interface. They are pretty good.
  135. Joy Pathak

    What do you want to know from a High Frequency Trader?

    Interview is UP Interview with Ben Van Vliet on high frequency trading | Quant Network Hey guys, so the interview is officially up now. It's my first interview. There will be many more to come in the near future, possibly on video!
  136. Joy Pathak

    Acceptance Rates for MFE programs

    Bump Any new numbers out?
  137. Joy Pathak

    Tips to future New Yorkers

    That would be great! I wouldn't mind having one of those real soon.
  138. Joy Pathak

    What are you listening to now ?

    I started off into Van Buuren/Tiesto ages ago. I mostly stick with the deep bassline stuff now. Dubstep & DnB. You should check out Bassnectar . Deadmau5 eh. I used to know him personally before he went big. He used to DJ around the lil clubs around Toronto often. .
  139. Joy Pathak

    What are you listening to now ?

    I was listening to some DnB on BassDrive and then switched to my iTunes for some Sasha & Digweed. --- Caspa : I Remember Digweed : Gridlock Bassnectar : Seek And Destroy Remix - Goa Trance Channel
  140. Joy Pathak

    I will make a blog post about inspiration behind independant research and so on soon.

    I will make a blog post about inspiration behind independant research and so on soon.
  141. Joy Pathak

    Risk Neutral valuation

    I think there might be sharing restrictions on journal articles that require subscriptions. I have bachelier's french. lol It was translated in English and published in some books I think.
  142. Joy Pathak

    Question for New Yorkers

    I am splitting place with another incoming Baruch student and his friend. Looking for 3bedroom in Flatiron or UES I think. They are in NYC so, they will go and check out places before we sign anything. Thanks for suggestions. Appreciate it.
  143. Joy Pathak

    Risk Neutral valuation

    Email me. (in profile)
  144. Joy Pathak

    Risk Neutral valuation

    Do you want the paper written by Harrison ? "Martingales and Arbitrage in Multiperiod Securities Market" ?
  145. Joy Pathak

    Dow down 1000 pts..what the hell

    Old video... right after the crash. Video - CNBC Discussing the future of high-frequency trading and whether the technology is part of the problem, with Irene Aldridge, Able Alpha Trading; Joe Saluzzi, Themis Trading; and CNBC's Rick Santelli. Manoj should have been there. Set them straight.
  146. Joy Pathak

    Do you guys have facebook profile?

    I am sure more than 40 people here have FaceBook.
  147. Joy Pathak

    Quantitative Finance for beginners.

    How to prepare for financial engineering programs | Quant Network There will be a part 2 soon. This should help too : Master reading list for Quants, MFE (Financial Engineering) students - Forum | Quant Network
  148. Joy Pathak

    What are you listening to now ?

    We can no longer be friends.
  149. Joy Pathak


    Lol @ beat up. @ skills. I would hope so.
  150. Joy Pathak

    Do you guys have facebook profile?

  151. Joy Pathak

    What are you listening to now ?

    What do you listen too? Quantum Dubstep : Roksonik
  152. Joy Pathak

    QuantNet Coding Project

    There are several ways to write the number 1/2 as a sum of inverse squares using distinct integers. For instance, the numbers {2,3,4,5,7,12,15,20,28,35} can be used: In fact, only using integers between 2 and 45 inclusive, there are exactly three ways to do it, the remaining two being...
  153. Joy Pathak

    best C++ beginner book

    Darn. Have to order Joshi's book too then. I have too many C++ books now.
  154. Joy Pathak

    best C++ beginner book

    I just picked up this book too (I got trigger happy online last night) : Introduction to C++ for Financial Engineers: An Object-Oriented Approach (The Wiley Finance Series) (9780470015384): Daniel J. Duffy: Books I probably won't get to actually get deep into it for a while as I...
  155. Joy Pathak

    best C++ beginner book

    That's pretty cool.
  156. Joy Pathak

    best C++ beginner book

    I used Basic in my Grade 10 class. lol I made a tic tac toe game I think for the final project.
  157. Joy Pathak

    best C++ beginner book

    I just ordered the Walter Savitch book. Doing some of the problems behind the book from a copy I got at the library of an older edition. It's not bad. I am on Ch 3.
  158. Joy Pathak

    Historical prices in Datastream

    I am pretty sure he means Thomson Reuters DataStream.
  159. Joy Pathak

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    Unfortunately this is going to take a back seat for now as I have to focus on preparing for my refresher seminars/courses starting in 3 weeks. I will pick it back up when I get some free time. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  160. Joy Pathak

    Question for New Yorkers

    Here are exact location of Apartment basically. E78th and York ave (it's different from the one before. Cheaper) For $1315 . Everything Included. and RIVERSIDE DRIVE AND WEST 83RD STREET $1,425 .. Assuming relatively similar styled apartments. Studio - 500 Sq ft. Kitchen and all that...
  161. Joy Pathak

    Question for New Yorkers

    Just a question: What is a better deal... 1395 for a 550 sqare fet studio on Upper East Side around 90th and 2nd.. or 1425 for similar size on a much higher floor Riversirde drive and 83rd in Upper West Side ? Need to be able to get to Lower Midtown daily.
  162. Joy Pathak

    What do you want to know from a High Frequency Trader?

    @ Scoot I have sent out the interview questions already. I will try to ask some of the questions you mentioned in a follow up. Some of them have been asked already.
  163. Joy Pathak

    Predicting Grad School Performance

    The most important predictor of grad student quality turned out to be whether the student arrived with a MS degree or not, followed closely by social security number and then phone number. GRE and GPA were not predictors at all. ---- I liked that, and I agree with it 100%. PhD =...
  164. Joy Pathak

    What do you want to know from a High Frequency Trader?

    Ben Van Vliet is quite a known person in the High Frequency Trading Field. He is often seen on finance tv shows and gives interviews on the topic of HFT. He is the keynote speaker at the HFT Leaders Forum in NYC. He also has several books written in...
  165. Joy Pathak

    Dow down 1000 pts..what the hell

    450 point rise in 10 mins. Will the government investigate!? OUTRAGE! Hahaha
  166. Joy Pathak

    A question regarding Rent : Chicago

    So I checked it out the other day. It's a shoebox ... It's nice for a student. It's 120 sq feet. Amazing view and what not from roof.. but the living space not including kitchen washroom and closet its 120 sqft. A 500 sqft is 1150$ minimum in the same area and 120sqft is 700$ ... lol and nothing...
  167. Joy Pathak

    Dow down 1000 pts..what the hell

    Is This The Chicago-Based Firm That Wrecked The Market On Thursday? Chicago Firm Linked to P&G Trade: Source | Market Features | Financial Articles & Investing News | I don't know how much fact this is since jim cramer's "thestreet" is the one who is claiming this to be the case...
  168. Joy Pathak

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Georgia State is pretty random among those universities lol Are you thinking of applying to their Mathematical Risk Management or MS Finance?
  169. Joy Pathak

    To Oil or Not to Oil: Part One

    As someone who has worked in the oil industry I have always been truly fascinated by 'black gold'. The recent oil spill gave me the idea to possibly talk a bit about crude oil futures. In addition, I am currently working on a crude oil futures forecasting research paper as part of an independent...
  170. Joy Pathak

    About Financial Mathematics Bar Ilan University

    I donot know anyone who studied at U Conn. I don't know much about their program. I merely stated their fees. The second cheapest is Baruch. Search through these forums. There are several Baruch students/alumni/faculty on here. Baruch is a good program. Use the wiki page that Andy linked...
  171. Joy Pathak

    About Financial Mathematics Bar Ilan University

    Andy has linked you to the Program Selector. Use it to make your decisions. In terms of expensive, University of connecticut 11767 Baruch 20700 University of dayton 21870 Stevens Institue of Tech 33000 Poly 34000 Kent State 34000 USC 34500 University of Toronto 35000 Stanford 35000 North...
  172. Joy Pathak

    About Financial Mathematics Bar Ilan University

    You curriculum looks alright. The titles look relevant. I am assuming the numerical courses and some of the others have a strong programming requirement in the class. What is the point of doing a MSc Financial Mathematics in Israel? Is there a demand for quants there? You can always do a year...
  173. Joy Pathak

    MSc Finance -Illinois Tech (IIT)

    It's hard to do a part-time job while going to university full-time in an MFE type program. The workload is just too much. There are RA positions for qualified students. Also, you're in downtown Chicago. There are lots and lots of part time jobs. Whether you want to work at the...
  174. Joy Pathak

    Scilab and Octave

    There are several methods to the same problem in MATLAB too that can be found extensively. MATLAB has a huge community, probably one of the largest. New things are always added to MATLAB too. R being free is a huge advantage as MATLAB is super expensive. I got the student version for my...
  175. Joy Pathak

    Scilab and Octave

    MATLAB is amazing. R is good because its free. The great thing about MATLAB is the fact that almost everything you can think of is already done. I used MATLAB extensively through my engineering education/career and absolutely loved it. Simulink of MATLAB is really great too for algorithmic...
  176. Joy Pathak

    MSc Finance -Illinois Tech (IIT)

    Got some additional information for the High Frequency Finance concentration. It will be an extension of the financial programming concentration. The concentration will involve doing a course in Algorithmic Trading Systems Development and one in High Frequency Trading Models. Lots of...
  177. Joy Pathak

    Dow down 1000 pts..what the hell

    Guy Goes Crazy While Giving A Stock Market Webinar During The Crash
  178. Joy Pathak

    Chicago MSFM Is there a mail group for 2010-MSFM@UChicago Students? Put your quantnet username in there. Most of the incoming 2010 class are there.
  179. Joy Pathak

    Dow down 1000 pts..what the hell

    List of Cancelled trades.
  180. Joy Pathak

    MSc Finance -Illinois Tech (IIT)

    New Concentrations For the 2010–11 academic year, the M.S. Finance Program will offer the following concentrations: • Corporate finance • Financial economics • Financial econometrics • Financial engineering • Financial markets • Financial programming • High-frequency finance •...
  181. Joy Pathak

    Dow down 1000 pts..what the hell

    Nasdaq to cancel trades
  182. Joy Pathak

    Dow down 1000 pts..what the hell

    Everybody is talking about regulation on quant trading and "slowing things down" now. Mark Fisher was just on cnbc and re-iterated that. They are already giving nicknames to the day. "Flash Crash" is what i just heard somewhere.
  183. Joy Pathak

    Dow down 1000 pts..what the hell

    Everyone is pointing at Citi too now. Bloomberg TV just talked about it. They just put out a statement that it wasn't them. NYSE COO just said the super low price trades would be scratched most probably. ACN @ 0.01$ for example.
  184. Joy Pathak

    Dow down 1000 pts..what the hell

    Twitter update by MarketWatch: Citi: No evidence of errant index trade triggering day's deepest declines
  185. Joy Pathak

    Dow down 1000 pts..what the hell

    I just heard from someone else that CITI trader screwed up too. Pressed wrong tick.
  186. Joy Pathak

    Dow down 1000 pts..what the hell

    P&G glitch is the word on the 'street' too apparently.
  187. Joy Pathak

    Dow down 1000 pts..what the hell

    I went to taco bell and came back and saw dow dropped 1000pts before bouncing back. Dow touches below 10,000 - International Business Times I heard on another forum a rumor about a program sending 16b futures instead of 16m but NYSE is saying nothing happened. NYSE: No techical glitches...
  188. Joy Pathak

    How important is Java?

    That is definitely not what everyone has said. Being at an advanced level in C++ and having proficiency to an intermediate level in few other languages is probably the most valuable.
  189. Joy Pathak

    Getting less than six hours of sleep?

    lol I have been practicing to sleep in the 1am-6am bracket so I can use the day well for all my endeavors. Unfortunately usually after 11:30am-12:00 my rate of production starts dropping exponentially, so that 11:30am-1:00am is almost a waste. haha.
  190. Joy Pathak

    How important is Java?

    Ah. I probably won't get the position since I told them I have no java experience. It was a really great project in a amazing firm though :( . I have MATLAB, C++ experience and am taking C++ for Quant Finance course as part of my masters in 1.5 weeks. Going to try and pick up Java on the side...
  191. Joy Pathak

    How important is Java?

    I was just wondering if Java was a language that would be recommended for financial engineers? I interviewed for a position yesterday and one of the key projects was using Java programming to help develop a 'black-box' for a very well established market maker trading firm. I picked a...
  192. Joy Pathak

    Post Doc Position ? Anyone?

    Send me your resume to It's for a position in Canada.
  193. Joy Pathak

    We are Wall Street ... we are smarter

    The comments were interesting.
  194. Joy Pathak

    Historical Data for TSX

    It's expensive. You can download it from their database if you have access to it. Are you part of a university? You might be able to contact them and get specific data for a price but I am not sure if they do that anymore.
  195. Joy Pathak

    Historical Data for TSX

    CRSP or Compustat . Both have it.
  196. Joy Pathak

    Movie Futures Trading?

    It's getting closer...
  197. Joy Pathak

    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN program

    Majority of students take loans for these kind of professional degrees. The risk of not having a job upon graduation is something we all will face. I am taking a loan, a big one, and so are majority of the students. I don't think many can afford 50K+ a year by themselves.
  198. Joy Pathak

    Post Doc Position ? Anyone?

    Anyone interested in doing a post-doc position conducting research in financial economics/game theory/corporate finance? Send me a message. Need to have a PhD.
  199. Joy Pathak

    Daily Show - Scott Patterson THE QUANTS

    I got the Michael lewis book too yesterday from Indigo.
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