Quantitative Finance for beginners.

Hello All,

I'm so glad I found this forum!

I've been getting interesting in Financial Engineering/Quantitative Finance for a while and I must admit that I understand very little about it. This also came with my interest in Hedge Fund and Investing.

I am a college graduate, but had no mathemics/finance background. What is the best way for someone like me to learn? Are there any books that you guys could recommend for beginners? Should I get a degree in Finance, Computer Engineering, Mathematics, or Statistics?

Any help and information will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I'm very new to this field and currently pursuing masters in indiustrial mathematics.Can any one give me some idea regarding the following things?

* Numerical solutions of PDE (existence ,formulation,convergence coding in C++etc etc etc),Grid computing
*Topology, Functional analysis,White noise analysis and especially working in Sobolev spaces (Especially for Optimization in PDEs)
* Control theory and neural network

Are the above mentioned fields helpful to work in industry in the career of a quant?If I make a strong background in the above mentioned areas before graduation , will these things help me in becoming a highly skilled quant?How much Functional analysis and PDE in Sobolev spaces things are useful for the job of a Quant in industry?

* As not much courses of financial mathematics are available in my university and I want to carve out a career as a quant after graduation , should I take optimization courses like Non-linear Optimization,Multi-Criteria Optimization,Matroid theory and application,Graph and algorithm etc or courses based on statistics or courses like approximation of splines and wavelets?

* How far a numerical analyst(especially numerics for PDEs) can explore career aspects as a quant?If one is good in numerical modeling then, will it be helpful for the career as a Quant?

Thank you in advance
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