Search results

  1. euroazn

    Hedge fund or Bank ?

    Is this large british bank a bulge? I.e Barcalys? If not, go with the hedge fund.
  2. euroazn

    Who Owns the Future?

    I note to the jury who used the word or even concept of superiority :) And can you explain "And please....saying that jewish people were "oppressed longer and more severely than Africans" is just mind boggling...."? Ever since the roman empire we've been persecuted, used as scapegoats for god...
  3. euroazn

    Where Homework Is Managing a $200,000 Stock Portfolio

    The University Of Maryland (MFin) has a graduate and undergraduate student-run fund.
  4. euroazn

    Who Owns the Future?

    Very fair points.
  5. euroazn

    Who Owns the Future?

    Agreed. I think a great case in point is the world Jewish population. We've actually been oppressed longer and more severely than, say, the African or Hispanic population, yet even in countries where Hispanics or Africans are the majority, Jews typically find themselves in the upper...
  6. euroazn

    Who Owns the Future?

    We shouldn't sacrifice correctness for politically correctness.
  7. euroazn

    Who Owns the Future?

    No they shouldn't. It's a perfectly reasonable argument... our genes our different. Why shouldn't average intelligence be different?
  8. euroazn

    Student, 23, ‘cheated’ his way into America’s Ivy League institutions

    From the article: No it's not. AP exams are a joke. I have already taken 10, got all 5's on them easily, and still have a-mores to go this year. I am not alone... you only need like 60-70% for pete's sake! Get a clue, people!
  9. euroazn

    Who Owns the Future?

    I was in a magnet middle school, got accepted into a magnet high school (but declined and went to one of the "top" public high schools in the country... we're talking Blue-Ribbon.) I've taken AP Calc Freshman Year, and 9 others my first three years of high school alone. 3 college classes...
  10. euroazn

    Who Owns the Future?

    As a current student, I have to admit it sucks bull's testicles.
  11. euroazn

    Who Owns the Future?

    Sovetski Soyuz ;)
  12. euroazn

    .NET 4.0 vs .NET 3.5

    lol so basically you hate .NET =)
  13. euroazn

    .NET 4.0 vs .NET 3.5

    Again, in 3.5, this could be achieved as follows: Changing the default limit of 25 threads of Thread
  14. euroazn

    .NET 4.0 vs .NET 3.5

    Well, I suspect it is higher because of this sentence: Since it's beginning with .NET 4.0, something must of changed... probably for the better :P Either way, one could and still can override this manual limit.
  15. euroazn

    Undergrad Finance Courses for an EE?

    First two, but are you sure you can take them without Investments as a prerequisite?
  16. euroazn

    .NET 4.0 vs .NET 3.5

    Changing the default limit of 25 threads of Thread LOL What original limit ;) Anyway... for .NET 4.0: The Managed Thread Pool Not so clear what the default is, but I suspect it's higher.
  17. euroazn

    .NET 4.0 vs .NET 3.5

    Multithreading tools :)
  18. euroazn

    Interview Questions at JPMorgan Sales and Trading

  19. euroazn

    Biginteger conversion

    What language are you using?
  20. euroazn

    Happy Holidays to all Quantnet members

    Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year to you all!
  21. euroazn

    Interview Questions at JPMorgan Sales and Trading

    They don't use the mathematical model of log-utility, but they do use common sense and are (at least somewhat) risk-averse.... that's what I'm getting at.
  22. euroazn

    Interview Questions at JPMorgan Sales and Trading

    I was illustrating a point... this is a Trading interview. You must absolutely talk about risk-aversion. It's too simple a concept to not mention it.
  23. euroazn

    Interview Questions at JPMorgan Sales and Trading

    Again, in the first part of my reply (everything _before "EDIT"), I interpreted the question the way it was asked... how much should I pay to play this game, the game being the employer get 100$ for heads. Note that the employer pays _before_ the game... he is paying for the right to play...
  24. euroazn

    Interview Questions at JPMorgan Sales and Trading

    @AlexandreH Let me refresh your memory with the question itself ;) There's no way that the employer will pay more than £100... that's a certain (think 100%) loss for them all the time, lol! EDIT: I see what you are writing, and even under your interpretation (that is, employer:"how much do I...
  25. euroazn

    Interview Questions at JPMorgan Sales and Trading

    @tylor This isn't adequate enough. Suppose instead of 100 dollars, the interviewer offered to double your net worth if you win or take you all your money if you lose. According to your logic, that is fair. However, no person would take that - a) because they're risk averse and b) the marginal...
  26. euroazn

    Interview Questions at JPMorgan Sales and Trading

    @Ezra: If we use the X^(1/X) approach, that would suggest the answer is 2 though, always. Can you please elaborate on your claim that at high t 3 is better? I am quite sure you are wrong...
  27. euroazn

    Where should I go for undergrad??

    That's probably ok then.
  28. euroazn

    Where should I go for undergrad??

    wait a sec That's a weighted? What's your unweighted... too many B's and you screwed your chance for some of the top schools...
  29. euroazn

    Where should I go for undergrad??

    Stick with Diff Eq. You should be fine, don't put of your application essays though, you'll regret it. Good luck :P
  30. euroazn

    Somebody help me out with a brain teaser...

    Head explodes. Should I be more embarrassed of myself for failing to find this... or... of my country, for this sort of thing:
  31. euroazn

    Where should I go for undergrad??

    Great, you get 50% + on a relatively easy exam. Selective colleges don't care :) (In fact, if your 4's are in important quantitative subjects, they may downright frown upon them.) Good! Definitely a plus at some schools. Yeah yeah, generic service/leadership. means nothing I'm afraid, unless...
  32. euroazn

    Where should I go for undergrad??

    CMU and UMich will give you the opportunity to explore Math, Computer Science, Finance, AND Computational Finance at the undergrad level... Now the question is, what are your stats?
  33. euroazn

    Interview Questions at JPMorgan Sales and Trading

    Ezra, I think your streams are wrong since you are not compounding...? I.e it should be Money Stream 1 2 3 6 9 18 27 54 For 2x, assets are in the form of 3^(t/2). For 3x it is similar Money Stream 1 3 4 12 16...
  34. euroazn

    Interview Questions at JPMorgan Sales and Trading

    I might be completely dumb, but that would never happen. After 6 years, set that year to zero. If the starting sums were even equal, then 2 would overcome, correct? However, the starting sum for 2 is even higher, so 2x is consistently higher. Does that make sense?
  35. euroazn

    Interview Questions at JPMorgan Sales and Trading

    @Stuart To compare 2 and 3, just take the ending amount of money after 6 years.
  36. euroazn

    Funny Site

    This place makes me LOL: There are many great posts though, all found on CodeSOD - The Daily WTF
  37. euroazn

    Interview Questions at JPMorgan Sales and Trading

    For two, do you just mention that your utility function is offset by volatility/risk? (So a minimum rather greater than 50 [75 for part two] but less than 100 - example: 66 and 90)? Also, how much time do you essentially get per question, and is it all in your head (e.g number 3)?
  38. euroazn

    Somebody help me out with a brain teaser...

    @aix Thanks! You're brilliant :O (Nice first post too ;) ) @Byron I couldn't :/ It's just not online. LOL
  39. euroazn

    Cuba unveils its own version of Wikipedia

    Hahahahahahahahahaahahaha Apparently, Lincoln's assassination was the first assassination in the United States.
  40. euroazn

    Somebody help me out with a brain teaser...

    It's been on the back of my mind today, can't think of anything :S
  41. euroazn

    Somebody help me out with a brain teaser...

    @Andy Yeah, I was thinking it could be 1) Sum of digits 2) Modulo 3) Different bases?? (EDIT as of 12/16... I called it :P. J/k. Well done aix!) @Fred ah... so number of factors, I see. Still, it's not the supplied answer. :\ It has to be something more elegant, because otherwise you could...
  42. euroazn

    Somebody help me out with a brain teaser...

    Also, your 246 gets you 2*3*7 according to your rule, which is 42. Anybody else :$
  43. euroazn

    Somebody help me out with a brain teaser...

    That's not the answer though #-o (highlight the first post for the answer...)
  44. euroazn

    Somebody help me out with a brain teaser...

    "When 13 is inputted into a certain formula, the result is 7. Under the same formula, 2352 yields 16, 246 yields 14, 700 yields 16, and 1030 yields 14. If 9304 is inputted, what would be the result? " Highlight for answer: ------------------------------------- 19...
  45. euroazn

    How to get people skills (Wall Street personality)?

    When you're on Wall Street, you feel... LIKE A BAUS. Even if you're in Operations, which actually really ticks me off...
  46. euroazn

    How to get people skills (Wall Street personality)?

    That's actually pretty good mastery for a foreigner...!
  47. euroazn

    NYPD bust Columbia University coke, LSD, pot ring

    I LOL'ed
  48. euroazn

    Should I take up CMU engineering PhD offer?

    I think that if you want to be a Quant, nobody is going to turn down a PhD in engineering...
  49. euroazn

    Anybody Grow Up On This?

    Also "it is trivial that" XD
  50. euroazn

    Anybody Grow Up On This?

    Well, Elements is a book of proofs, and "it follows" is mentioned in proofs and... :S well ya' know...!
  51. euroazn

    Anybody Grow Up On This?

    ^Haha... good pun there.
  52. euroazn

    Community College to top MFE program to become a wall street quant trader?

    Wait, isn't that what professional traders do...?
  53. euroazn

    Community College to top MFE program to become a wall street quant trader?

    Suppose the shares you were trading suddenly shot up, so that if you hadn't cut your losses, you would have gained 10 million? What then? How would you explain yourself?
  54. euroazn

    Anybody Grow Up On This?

    =Fixed the link, sorry=
  55. euroazn

    Community College to top MFE program to become a wall street quant trader?

    Don't kid yourself - it's going to be a rough ride. It's just that it's not downright impossible to land a coveted finance job.
  56. euroazn

    Anybody Grow Up On This? Principia Mathematica (by Newton)... good times....
  57. euroazn

    Ethical dilemma--omitting undesirable transcript from incomplete school

    @ABrown... have you done the Google test? That's the best DB they've got...
  58. euroazn

    Top Test Scores From Shanghai Stun Educators

    Sorry pal, Alexander was right - Russian Jews are the 1337 ones. XD However, to get back on topic, the test also doesn't control for downright apathy. U.S students feel no pride when taking the test, unlike students from say, South Korea, who experience an entire rally to prep them for the...
  59. euroazn

    Top Test Scores From Shanghai Stun Educators

    True story brah 8-) We trump everyone at everything. =P To quote good ol' Wiki: Wiki even has a seperate article... LOL
  60. euroazn

    Applicant creates 11-page presentation why Citi should hire her

    There are a shitload of grammar mistakes... that wasn't a problem, considering it was a cover-letter? This is I-banking...
  61. euroazn

    Isolating and Buying Dividends with Options

    Sure... for TEVA. But I literally picked out a stock out of a blue... I just tried to find one with a price that was near some strike (that is, that had a whole number price divisible by 5) If you wait for some more popular stock to hit such a price, such a strategy could be used.
  62. euroazn

    Isolating and Buying Dividends with Options

    That's a good point, I suppose; I just saw this practice used in another options-related case study, and I followed suit. But your point is absolutely correct. I don't think it will eat half like you stated... although you may be right - anyone have any data on what the pros at the big firms...
  63. euroazn

    Does It Matter Where You Go to College?

    But the average person can't go to an elite university (generally)... so it's a catch 22...
  64. euroazn

    Isolating and Buying Dividends with Options

    Has anybody actually done this? It is easy enough to do: Essentially, you buy the actual stock and short the synthetic stock. Specifically, buy the stock, and then go short a call with strike price equal to the stock price, then go long put with strike price qual to the stock price, and...
  65. euroazn

    Does It Matter Where You Go to College?

    I swear this site posts the same articles on college confidential... =P
  66. euroazn

    Ex-SocGen trader found guilty of copying HFT code

    With one fell swoop, Andy nearly doubles the net shadiness of
  67. euroazn

    Did anyone get any good deals for Black Friday?

    The best deals are after Christmas and before new year's, I think.
  68. euroazn

    What you say and do online DOES matter

    Is your LinkedIn pic recent? You look sad. :(
  69. euroazn

    What you say and do online DOES matter

    Hence "unless you're running a very elaborate scheme" ;)
  70. euroazn

    What you say and do online DOES matter

    @Anthony... unless you're running a very elaborate scheme, your profile pic does give you away (despite your name being common) :)
  71. euroazn

    Legalize illegal immigration, YES or NO

    Also known as a modern libertarian, methinks. I approve.
  72. euroazn

    Cornell FE Cornell Senior: Throw Goldman Sachs Off Campus

    Does that include the Janitors?
  73. euroazn

    Tell me why you want to become a trader

    "So... when can I expect to hear back from you?" xD
  74. euroazn

    A Day in the Life of the Former Rates Operate Team Developer

    He's back home at 7:15, and yet he goes to sleep at 12 and complains???
  75. euroazn

    Loss probability

    It's always 50%. Don't you just love the Efficient Market Hypothesis?
  76. euroazn

    List of Hedge Funds in the DC area?

    Anyone know any of the smaller, newer ones :S
  77. euroazn

    Which recommenders are the best?

    probably B... especially if "didn't excel" was a euphemism...
  78. euroazn

    List of Hedge Funds in the DC area?

    Luckily, my friend at Wharton is more obliging.
  79. euroazn

    List of Hedge Funds in the DC area?

    I guess not....
  80. euroazn

    TV writer seeks insight for pilot

    I don't get it :S
  81. euroazn

    List of Hedge Funds in the DC area?

    I am 99% sure that it does... but regardless... back to my original question... anyone have a list?
  82. euroazn

    List of Hedge Funds in the DC area?

    Lol that's probably not happening... (EDIT: by the way, is FBR off limits too? Just kidding.) But if there's a start-up or something, I might shoot them a call asking them if they're willing to take on at least an unpaid intern :)
  83. euroazn

    List of Hedge Funds in the DC area?

    Anyone have access to a list of Hedge Funds in the DC area...
  84. euroazn

    Suggestions for obtaining a summer internship?

    Sigh... well I guess that's no advice :( I'll keep you folks posted in case I meet Gordon Gecko or someone.
  85. euroazn

    Suggestions for obtaining a summer internship?

    Surely someone here must have some advice :)
  86. euroazn

    Suggestions for obtaining a summer internship?

    If I wanted to not bald at 22, I would of asked what are some fun things to do during the summer. But I want to persue wealth management.
  87. euroazn

    Suggestions for obtaining a summer internship?

    Hmmm... anyone know anything about the Morgan Stanley Future Leaders High School Internship Program?
  88. euroazn

    Suggestions for obtaining a summer internship?

    I was thinking about this too... but the problem is I'm at Smith Barney. I suppose I could ask my boss, but I can't imagine any direct leads :S At best, it would look good on my resume that I want to stick with the company, and it may slightly help in an interview... but really it isn't much. :/...
  89. euroazn

    Suggestions for obtaining a summer internship?

    A clarificication - I don't necessarily want a quant internship... my long term goal is asset managment.
  90. euroazn

    Suggestions for obtaining a summer internship?

    Any ideas, someone? :)
  91. euroazn

    Suggestions for obtaining a summer internship?

    Hey guys! I'm already starting to think about my next summer internship... So for those of you who don't remember me, I'm currently a senior in high school. I was an intern developer last summer for a commodity information firm, and now am an intern (ugh... Operations :/ ) at Morgan Stanley...
  92. euroazn

    Princeton MFin Article about Princeton's students seeking finance jobs

    I can understand that money isn't the motivating factor in consulting... but you don't go to an IB for something other than the money... that's just BS.
  93. euroazn

    Why Computer Scientists find it hard to get jobs

    WOW. JUST WOW. I'm a high school student... and I find that fucked up... Now I really appreciate US "crappy" education... haha. And if I say, no Dominic, you're not an old git, you're young handsome, and not a git, does that give me a boost in future networking ability xD Genius. ^^^
  94. euroazn

    Moody's Mega Challenge is now Open

    Definitely doing this :D In fact, my friend was on the team that won first prize last year. :)
  95. euroazn

    Quant Finance on Stack Exchange

    Lol when I first saw the thread title, I was getting ready to poke fun of the misspelling by asking about the Queue exchange. But it turns out that it's a real thing :P
  96. euroazn

    Help an undergrad... what should I do next?

    I would imagine the CFE is the Certificiate of Financial Engineering...
  97. euroazn

    Mathematics for non math savvy

    You're going to have rephrase your question. If what you're asking is, can I get by without calculus for the mathematics used in quantitative finance, the answer is no.
  98. euroazn

    Hayek versus Keynes

    That video is olllllllllllld saw that a while ago ;)
  99. euroazn

    Norwegian traders convicted for outsmarting US stock broker algorithm

    So how much money did they make...
  100. euroazn

    15 Inviolable Rules for Dealing with Wall Street

    But arbitttttrrraagggggeee.... :(
  101. euroazn

    Twitter mood predicts the stock market

    Hahahahahahahaha: To be fair, this figure probably drastically changes with quotes... ;)
  102. euroazn

    Algo trading

    Alexei, random walk doesn't necessarily imply 50-50 odds, I would go with int result = rolldie(); if(result>2) buy(); else sell();
  103. euroazn

    Benoît Mandelbrot Interview... Questions?

    Wow... that really is shocking...
  104. euroazn

    Bachelor of Financial Engineering (BFE)

    Is this really true with the CMU program? Because they have 100% placement with very respectable salaries... To be fair there's isn't a BFE, it's a BSCF
  105. euroazn

    Which one should I do?

    A) Do not double post B) Go to the actuary forums. This is the wrong forum to ask these questions.
  106. euroazn

    Credit Suisse Quantitative Exam

    lol It just goes to show that the verbal section doesn't matter ;)
  107. euroazn

    Credit Suisse Quantitative Exam

    In russian, how did you do on the exam is translated as "how did you write the exam," so I understand (I am Russian). I just wanted to clarify for any future responder. :)
  108. euroazn

    Credit Suisse Quantitative Exam

    Btw, I think you mean take the exam ;-) If you wrote the exam, then you'd be the one creating it xD
  109. euroazn

    Stochastic Calculus

    Go for Stochastic Calculus for Finance by Shreve... it's the premier book.
  110. euroazn

    Kravis Gives $100 Million to Columbia Business School

    Why couldn't they use that money to decrease tuition :[
  111. euroazn

    MIT MFin MIT Master of Finance Employment Statistics?

    Employment Reports - Career Development Office Oh, the powers of using Google. Edit... hm this is the MBA and not MFin, huh.
  112. euroazn

    Does Phi Beta Kappa matter in MFE application?

    while(title.isMisleading()) throw new ThreadIgnoredException("PUT THIS IS IN THE MASTER THREAD!");
  113. euroazn

    Vector Calculus is useful for Quant ??

    Well, Cal3 is for sure useful. You can't get by with just the first year of calculus. Good point though, koupparis.
  114. euroazn

    Vector Calculus is useful for Quant ??

    Vector calculus, also known as mutli-variable calculus... is EXTREMELY useful for "quant" mathematics... it is basically the backbone of much of the higher math that you will take later on...
  115. euroazn

    Are FE undergrads demanded in the market?

    To add to that question, what do you guys think about the undergraduate Computational Finance degree at CMU?
  116. euroazn

    MIT ebook: Mathematics for Computer Science

    Nice little text, thanks.
  117. euroazn

    Anyone watching Wallstreet 2?

    Didn't you hear him? It just doesn't come with a lunch :P
  118. euroazn

    morgan stanley to freeze hiring

    As a current intern at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney... Interesting.
  119. euroazn

    Anyone watching Wallstreet 2?

    With no strings attached? This is arbitrage at its finest! Sign me up! :P
  120. euroazn

    J.P. Morgan financial health

  121. euroazn

    Bill Gates: This is the Best Online Education Resource

    Yes, Khan Academy is an excellent resource! I discovered this a couple of months ago, myself :)
  122. euroazn

    Anyone watching Wallstreet 2?

    @Joy Was it bad compared to the first one, or just plain bad? And why?
  123. euroazn

    J.P. Morgan financial health

    You don't have time to Google some simple statistics? Wow.
  124. euroazn

    the new Wall Street movie.

    Sorry, million dollar paychecks aren't gonna come as easy as that =(
  125. euroazn

    Anyone watching Wallstreet 2?

    I looked at it's rotten tomatoes score; of course it is lower than the first one, but it is still respectable for a sequel. I'm not sure I'll be watching this in theaters though.
  126. euroazn

    Final Short list universities which accept GMAT scores

    Hey Andy, speaking of the ranking... any clue as to when the new ranking will come out? :D
  127. euroazn

    Algo trading software went wild, lost $1M in one second

    That's not what he said...
  128. euroazn

    Why Colleges are So Selective?

    The reason that it hasn't happened yet is that although India is in some aspects a first world country, it is still predominantly third world. In many places it is still dirty (no roads/hot water/sanitation!) and poor.
  129. euroazn

    2010 Annual Quantnet Central Park Picnic

    Haha this is true!
  130. euroazn

    2010 Annual Quantnet Central Park Picnic

    Wall Street Executive Anonymous.
  131. euroazn

    Quantnet Little Math Database?

    Yes, I thought it was factorial, I was just making sure ;) In fact, that problem can be generalized to any number of consecutive terms.
  132. euroazn

    Quantnet Little Math Database?

    Do you mean 4 or 24?
  133. euroazn

    Some Interview Questions

    I believe he is venturing guesses for the first four questions.
  134. euroazn

    Susquehanna International Group Internship

    Unfortunately, Towson has neither the rankings nor location nor network for significant career opportunities. And I'm a Maryland resident and know quite a few people that went/go to Towson.
  135. euroazn

    Susquehanna International Group Internship

    Not only are your "formulas" very primitive, your resume... is disappointing. I mean, Towson was not your best choice for any finance-career. Good luck, but please be realistic.
  136. euroazn

    Changing Career from Legal to Quant?

    Hey, is there really any reason you want to do quant finance, as opposed to another form of finance? I think legal knowledge would be useful in other scenarios; M&A comes to mind. That said, I'm a noob.
  137. euroazn

    P = NP Solved?

    Quote - me: I win. Well, so does the professor ;)
  138. euroazn

    What math topics a great Quant should know

    We are under the assumption that we are geniuses?
  139. euroazn

    Just a plan....could it work?

    8 years of study? And that's not counting the phD research??? Why?
  140. euroazn

    Advanced Calculus VS. Real Analysis

    If you say you know C++, they'll ask you relevant questions during the interview.
  141. euroazn

    Advanced Calculus VS. Real Analysis

    I'm just a student but from what I understand, PDE and the stat courses (Probability Theory, Stochastic Models) look pretty good. And definitely self study c++.
  142. euroazn

    Proof that Charting could not be Mathematically consistent?

    Not to mention that I don't see the issue with N=1. I think you're confusing future and present. If we know something went up 3%, that has nothing to do with probability. Anyone else have opinions on this?
  143. euroazn

    America's century is over

    Because that promotes free speech. And makes me look cool.
  144. euroazn

    Proof that Charting could not be Mathematically consistent?

    Alternatively, we could set up the base case at N=2 by definition, because N=1 implies a chart with only one price.
  145. euroazn

    Proof that Charting could not be Mathematically consistent?

    Mathematical induction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I know full well what Induction is. I do not make any recursive calls to my proof...! Please read my proof carefully. If we are only considering two securities, then the maximum my proof allows is charts of one time-step - a chart all...
  146. euroazn

    Proof that Charting could not be Mathematically consistent?

    First of all, that is a simple iteration, not induction. Suppose I say, take this set {1,2,3,4,5,6} Take the first element of this set. Multiply it by 2. Say it out loud and do that many hops. Now repeat this with each element in the set. That is not induction.... Second of all, it is not...
  147. euroazn

    Proof that Charting could not be Mathematically consistent?

    Ahhh! I didn't make myself clear. Each of the original N+1 securities.
  148. euroazn

    Proof that Charting could not be Mathematically consistent?

    My proof does not make use of induction... O.o And you understand that I am trying to disprove charting, right? EDIT: I disagree. When you're taking N objects out of N+1 objects, it means you're taking N objects... No induction here. But I digress. What does my proof say if we are only looking...
  149. euroazn

    Proof that Charting could not be Mathematically consistent?

    This is a proof by contradiction... I'm not sure what you mean. Can you please elaborate? EDIT : Thanks for your elaboration. What I am saying, is that if such a function (that returned the probability of rising based on a time series) existed, it would return a constant value; this essentially...
  150. euroazn

    America's century is over

    This is a good point - you are always free to leave.
  151. euroazn

    Proof that Charting could not be Mathematically consistent?

    Every security in a group of n+1 securities can have n of its timesteps represented by a combination of securities. I don't see how what you claim follows... Edit: hmmm... let me think about that! Good point. Edit 2: I believe cancellation to a redundancy (i.e 0=0) occurs. ---------- Post...
  152. euroazn

    Proof that Charting could not be Mathematically consistent?

    I believe that it should also be aP(S1)+bP(S2)+c(S3) = P(S4) but I have a feeling I didn't denote P() correctly ;-) I think it is a relatively minor fix though, if someone could help me out :P Thanks Miket, and PS: yes, I suppose the proper notation is time series (again, I'm a high school noob...
  153. euroazn

    Proof that Charting could not be Mathematically consistent?

    lol the first part is probably true. It's just that people actually took the time to download the file, and therefore (presumably) read it over... This is why it is surprising that nobody commented. Besides, this proof attempts to disprove technical analysis... would not be a...
  154. euroazn

    Proof that Charting could not be Mathematically consistent?

    Can somebody please offer their opinion?
  155. euroazn

    Proof that Charting could not be Mathematically consistent?

    Word is inconvenient? Why didn't you say so? The existence of valid charting would suggest the following: there is some function P that takes in the chart of a security as a parameter and returns the probability that its price will increase in the next time-step. Charts themselves can be...
  156. euroazn

    Proof that Charting could not be Mathematically consistent?

    Haha, no, there are no arbitrage ideas :( Two views, but only one comment... and even that one was said in jest. Come on guys, if it's fatally erroneous, tell me! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 Views and still nothing :[
  157. euroazn

    Proof that Charting could not be Mathematically consistent?

    Hey guys, what do you think of this primitive proof that charting (technical analysis) could not be mathematically consistent? It's not particularly rigorous and I'm sure there's some errors, but is the idea worth looking into? I kind of glossed over some details, tell me if you need any...
  158. euroazn

    America's century is over

    Interest is one thing, but you have an unhealthy fascination with it. It's one thing to look quietly and process your thoughts, its another to encourage the spread of doomsday theories. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
  159. euroazn

    America's century is over

    Um...JD I think you are confusing something... the US is great friends with Mexico and the Soviet Union collapsed a little under two decades ago. Nevertheless, Wolf, while I'm sure history repeats itself, I can't imagine not having at least a half century of American "Dominance" left before...
  160. euroazn

    America's century is over

    This is getting inane. Not only is nobody here going to change his opinion, the same facts (or at least genre of facts) are being reused.
  161. euroazn

    IRS: Hipster Day Trader Owes $172 Million In Back Taxes

    Hahaha... oh the morals in this story.
  162. euroazn

    Accelerated Program

    In addition, even though this is not Rutgers related, an someone comment on the NCSU Applied Mathematics BS and Masters of Financial Math 5-year program? Are there any other similar programs?
  163. euroazn

    2009 Quantnet Ranking of Financial Engineering (MFE), Quantitative Finance Programs

    Yes, but since quantitative finance rankings are so rare, I decided to post this.
  164. euroazn

    Accelerated Program

    What is the quality of the Accelerated Mathematical Finance Master's Degree Planning for Rutgers Undergraduate Students program? Can anyone elaborate on the cost? Do you end up saving money or paying more? Thank you very much.
  165. euroazn

    2009 Quantnet Ranking of Financial Engineering (MFE), Quantitative Finance Programs

    Another ranking - The Top 10 Quant Schools, According to the Street by Advanced Trading
  166. euroazn

    America's century is over

    This is 60k a year untaxed, or probably around 90k a year before taxes. Add the 15k they are already making... WOAH THAT'S OVER 100k! And for seniors, even more.
  167. euroazn

    America's century is over

    As I've said before... those poor that are "only" subsisting on food stamps, medicaid, etc. are often getting QUITE a lot.
  168. euroazn

    America's century is over

    There a magnitude of differences between the U.S and the Soviet union (I can say this as a Russian.) For one, it has a larger presence over the world, whereas Russian presence was for the most part militaristic and relatively confined to Eastern Europe. Second of all, the Soviet economy was...
  169. euroazn

    From Financial Engineering to iPhone app development

    Interesting stuff, there, Woody.
  170. euroazn

    Old Article

    This is an old-ish article, but still relevant. What are your thoughts? They Tried to Outsmart Wall Street -
  171. euroazn

    America's century is over

    May I see a source for this? In addition, what measure are you using? GDP? Do you think that's such a good idea - considering that China has 4 times the population of the USA?
  172. euroazn

    America's century is over

    I agree with the premise that at some point the American Century will end, but to say it has ended already is probably inaccurate. We are too big of an economic/political influence on other countries for now.
  173. euroazn

    America's century is over

    List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia That is all. Edit, well for good measure: China Might Rank Second by GDP, But Ranks 99 for Per-Capita GDP -- Seeking Alpha And for anyone who might rebut: well what about the poor? I discussed that in my post in the...
  174. euroazn

    The growth of the American nouveau poor

    Anthony, you forgot to say please. Dr. - Advice - How to Spot and Deal with Passive-Aggressives :P
  175. euroazn

    The growth of the American nouveau poor

    @BigBadWolf I have an elderly Eastern European grandmother who is currently living in Boston. Did you know that medicaid pays for what are known as "daycares" for seniors? What do you think comes included in them? 1) Theatre (about 50$) tickets, every week. 2) Food. Everyday. On holidays, they...
  176. euroazn

    The growth of the American nouveau poor

    The issue is, poverty is relative. The lifestyle of today's poor is actually quite good in comparison to the middle classes of 100, and especially 200, years ago. It's simply that they do not live like the rich that it is considered "abject poverty."
  177. euroazn

    The growth of the American nouveau poor

    Jesus... christ...
  178. euroazn

    How is this for a theoretical undergrad schedule?

    Ok, can you please explain the various courses they will be taking? If you could, use an engineering student as an example. Thanks :)
  179. euroazn

    How is this for a theoretical undergrad schedule?

    Is this really true? I would think that it is the other way around... And by the way I am well aware of Bayes' theorem :| But what I am trying to say is... is this sample schedule actually shallow? I understand it can be made "more deep" but when it comes down to it, I am taking the same, if...
  180. euroazn

    How is this for a theoretical undergrad schedule?

    It's not that I am solely persuing a business major - I am taking quant classes. As for the notion that even taking business classes will short-change me for an MFE - (page 6) says that...
  181. euroazn

    How is this for a theoretical undergrad schedule?

    Can you suggest some of these other prospective careers please? And sorry, really, I didn't mean to irritate anyone or give of the impression that I was "arguing for the sake of arguing." I was arguing for the sake of figuring out what my plan is =)
  182. euroazn

    How is this for a theoretical undergrad schedule?

    That may not be possible due to finances :( No pun intended, unfortunately. Also, I'm never taking 10 business courses a semester :| The most I ever take is four in my schedule; Fall Semester Senior Year. However, the majority of those courses certainly aren't fluff, particularly the fund...
  183. euroazn

    How is this for a theoretical undergrad schedule?

    But what if... I'm taking finance for fun? :| If you remove my finance courses, I'm taking at least the average number of credits anyways. Rebuttals please :) And if fluff really is fluff, it shouldn't really take time away from my other courses.
  184. euroazn

    How is this for a theoretical undergrad schedule?

    I think we're confusing cause and effect here. It's not that business degrees make you dumb, it's that generally less "intelligent" (although many have skills, such as communication, that makes then "intelligent" in their own right...) people take business. If I take a combination degree I...
  185. euroazn

    How is this for a theoretical undergrad schedule?

    I like the fact that the job of a quant mixes the hard science of mathematics and programing (as well as taking concepts from physics, etc) with the soft (dare I say it?) science of finance. To this date I know of no other career that can do this. Interestingly enough, CMU's MCF website...
  186. euroazn

    How is this for a theoretical undergrad schedule?

    By "avoiding as much business fluff as you can" - you also mean to cut the finance major entirely?
  187. euroazn

    How is this for a theoretical undergrad schedule?

    While this is true, it is likelier that people who would want to do business (i.e more extroverted individuals) are not as intelligent on average as the generally more "geeky" (call it passionate if you will ;) ) math majors. And while abstract algebra gives you a different take on things...
  188. euroazn

    How is this for a theoretical undergrad schedule?

    But not all of those classes are directly useful... or am I incorrect? They simply give me a broader mathematical background. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong. The thing is, finance and a little bit of a social life (taking a filled-to-the-brim schedule of upper level mathematics courses...
  189. euroazn

    CV tips

    I speak English of course, but I am fluent in Russian; it is actually my native language. I also took some Spanish in school and did sort-of mention it... but I'm far from being truly fluent in Spanish :P As for computer skills, they consist of: software application skills (Excel is the really...
  190. euroazn

    CV tips

    On my interview for next year's internship with Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, my interviewer noted: 1) My Computer Skills 2) My Language Skills 3) My Previous Work Experience He really didn't care about my test scores/classes, etc. While good grades in high school subjects are important, you...
  191. euroazn

    How is this for a theoretical undergrad schedule?

    This isn't set in stone - the idea is that I could see what kind of courses I would be able to take in order to compare colleges. I actually kind of liked this schedule and decided to ask quantnet about it. :P
  192. euroazn

    How is this for a theoretical undergrad schedule?

    I suppose that's true. I'd like to point out that I'm already taking these classes 3) MATH414 - Ordinary Differential Equations 4) AMSC466 - Introduction to Numerical Analysis In different form (different name, but same credit; for example, AMSC466 is the same as the CMCS course.) But I suppose...
  193. euroazn

    How is this for a theoretical undergrad schedule?

    Again, can someone please explain their definition of a "upper level class"? Is a 4__ level class not upper-level!?!?!
  194. euroazn

    How is this for a theoretical undergrad schedule?

    Nope, they do not offer a minor. And you need to be a finance major to do the Senbet fund... Still, I feel as if I am taking some upper level courses... :| I mean undergrad students only have access to courses up to level 4__... although I understand your jack-of-all-trades point, how am I not...
  195. euroazn

    How is this for a theoretical undergrad schedule?

    Also Connor, can you explain why you chose those courses? I mean, I like image processing as much as the next guy but...
  196. euroazn

    How is this for a theoretical undergrad schedule?

    Maryland has a nasty policy of not letting you take too many advanced courses outside your major. On top of that, I do not get acess to the lemma senbet fund, which sounds VERY nteresting to me. Some of the courses listed share the same credit with a course I am taking; e.g BMGT 444 cannot be...
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