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  1. euroazn

    How is this for a theoretical undergrad schedule?

    Again... this is theoretical xD I won't be applying for an MFE until... 2015? :D Although your recommendation candidate point still stands. Thanks. EDIT: Also, I didn't see any classes labeled as stochastics, but I believe some of the courses have them as part of the syllabus. ---------- Post...
  2. euroazn

    Alternative career paths for MFE grads

    An exaggeration, possibly. But if you want to be a developer, a BS usually suffices. There is no point to waste your time and money otherwise.
  3. euroazn

    5 Reasons Why Every Single College Ranking Is a Pile of Crap

    Oh dear, I was so impressed with the Quantnet 2009 MFE rankings, but it's actually just a pile of crap :P
  4. euroazn

    How is this for a theoretical undergrad schedule?

    Haha thanks. Where did you go for undergrad? And where are you now ;-) Yes, it is essentially required for the finance degree; it is that or some even less quantitative courses. Some of the courses, particularly comp sci courses, are considered senior undergrad / grad. However, I really can't...
  5. euroazn

    How is this for a theoretical undergrad schedule?

    I've attached a schedule that I made using the UMCP course catalog (University of Maryland Undergraduate Catalog 2010-2011). Successful completion of this schedule would get me 3 majors: Finance, Computer Science, and Mathematics (Statistics Track). I could choose two of those to be separate...
  6. euroazn

    Internship Help

    Thanks for the info. However, the fact remains that VB = :wall lol
  7. euroazn

    Splus Can't open _nonfi file

    I haven't ever used Splus but is the file read only?
  8. euroazn

    Internship Help

    That's unfortunate. I hate VB that much :'( Oh well I'll survive haha.
  9. euroazn

    Internship Help

    Yes, this is correct, but is this a big issue? Sorry for going so off topic.
  10. euroazn

    Internship Help

    You can effectively have the same outcome if you use VSTO, though... right? :| I'm probably completely wrong xD
  11. euroazn

    Paul & Dominic's Guide to Quant Careers, Third Edition

    Ah! Pretty useful. Does he put it out on the web for free or is it something one is expected to buy :P Edit: Never mind, I see that previous versions are clearly free:
  12. euroazn

    Internship Help

    Is C# or any other .NET language a valid substitute for VBA? Because... god... I hate visual basic >.<
  13. euroazn

    List of Facebook and Twitter accounts for MFE programs

    CMU has one for the general tepper population here:
  14. euroazn

    Paul & Dominic's Guide to Quant Careers, Third Edition

    For the cluless ones (i.e me) can you explain what this is...?
  15. euroazn

    Job section on Quantnet

    The thing is, I am not that interested in financial advisory. My question is how to tactfully ask him if he has any other leads :P
  16. euroazn

    Job section on Quantnet

    Awww, come on, give me some more credit than that. I am currently interning at an IT firm and next school year I'm an intern at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney. So at the least, I should be able to bring the branch manager coffee. lol. But on a serious note, at the end of the internship, should I...
  17. euroazn

    Job section on Quantnet

    Hahahahahahaha. You must have not seen my other threads. I'm a rising senior... in high school :P
  18. euroazn

    Job section on Quantnet

    True. Any advice on how to get an internship next year ;P
  19. euroazn

    Job section on Quantnet

    Hi - Will there ever be internship spots advertised this way?
  20. euroazn

    Trader background

    Yes, I suppose this is very true.
  21. euroazn

    what course do I have to take?

    Posting the exact same thread twice will not get you a quicker answer.
  22. euroazn

    Trader background

    Usually applied mathematics or the like.
  23. euroazn


    Also everyone, how are the canadian colleges, particularly University of Toronto?
  24. euroazn

    need some advise for my course plan

    Don't take my word for anything as I'm not even in college yet, but complex analysis... :/ You're not going to be an EE so why take it :P
  25. euroazn

    Automated Trading Championship 2010

    If your one percent a month is really risk free, then you should be able to make an infinite profit by shorting treasuries and going long your strategy. Just saying.
  26. euroazn

    Baruch MFE Which Undergrad major to take?

    Whoa... hold on a second here. Baruch forbids you to double major? So finance + Stats, for example, is not allowed??
  27. euroazn


    Yzia, I'm sending you a message but also posting the questions here. 1) Why did you choose UMCP? If you don't mind, could you give some of your HS stats for perspective? 2) How is the economics prograrm at UMCP? The physics program? 3) From what you can tell, how is recruiting at UMCP? 4) How...
  28. euroazn

    advice for internship

    Great firms list. Now I know who Im going to cold call next summer =)
  29. euroazn


    Awesome! I'll think of a massive list and then shoot you a message. Thanks for the offer.
  30. euroazn

    advice for internship

    It certainly can't hurt but the chances that you will be recruited are slim because 1) you're a freshman and 2) you're not a finance major. It's too soon to be recruited as a quant IMO because you don't have the math/prog experience. Still worth a shot though. Honestly, for people like us...
  31. euroazn


    Thanks, some useful info in there. Did your contacts tell you how good the recruiting is?
  32. euroazn


    Anyone else have an opinion on this topic?
  33. euroazn


    Sometimes its hard to tell if you're trolling or being serious :P Anything more useful? For a person who's not sure where to apply?
  34. euroazn


    In short, with all these conflicting opinions, I have decided to screw college and live as a hobo on wallstreet xD I'd love to hear details/suggestions from everyone involved - more is more :P
  35. euroazn


    True but it's cheap xD Do you know anything about it's academic/job placement quality?
  36. euroazn


    Also, Connor, you said that Smith is a "good" school... Is that good in context of it being public or is it a legitimately pretty good school?
  37. euroazn


    Also clarification joel: I was thinking of a double major between finance and math/compsci (leaning towards math), not math and compsci.
  38. euroazn

    MIT Blackjack Whiz - 'The House Advantage'

    Your hope is incorrect. I have alerted the authorities. Flee the country. Flee it now.
  39. euroazn


    Is that usual? And if so, doesn't that mean the undergraduate education, can, effectively, be of quite high quality?
  40. euroazn


    I was kind of thinking double major. Does anyone know if undergrad students can take graduate classes, provided that they have the required prerequisites?
  41. euroazn

    Rubik can be solved in 20 moves - computers found

    The proof for _many_ things was quite inelegant. Take Fermat's Last theorem. It was long enough to be its own book. Though I share your sentiment :P
  42. euroazn


    I'm not particularly interested in taking "engineering" for undergrad, but what you're telling me is that it's undergrad is of far lower caliber than it's masters? Is that correct? Thank you very much, I appreciate your time.
  43. euroazn


    Does the director of the MFE have any thoughts :D
  44. euroazn


    Thanks a bundle!
  45. euroazn

    P = NP Solved?

    I have to disagree there. First off, that would mean some of our encryption algorithms would not be secure, AND the proof would indirectly suggest a method of attack. Besides that, much research has assumed that P=/=NP
  46. euroazn


    Thanks for taking the time. I'd buy you a beer but I'm under 21 :P Still curious if someone knows about Baruch because it is certainly affordable. Another question, Connor, if you don't mind (sorry for being such a brat; there is no one around me to ask these sorts of things). Which would...
  47. euroazn

    P = NP Solved?

    Yes, I have seen that, as well as academic responses. It seems likely that his basic idea is right, but there are some erroneous details. Don't expect a finished proof until maybe a year from now.
  48. euroazn


    So, any thoughts?
  49. euroazn


    It's not about choosing the school I want to go to so much as choosing the school I want to apply to :P Still, what schools would be designated "safeties" for me, in your opinion? EDIT: And what is "my level"? And what of SUNY Binghampton and Baruch (or do you just not know that much about...
  50. euroazn


    Ok. Let's start with Stats, since that will be what gets me rejected from the top universities. Now my SAT scores are fine, and super scored (I'm retaking in the fall) should get me Math: 800 (I have this) CR: 790 (I have this) Writing: 750+ (I only have 710 right now, but I want 2350+) My...
  51. euroazn


    I don't see how location can change based on whether I get in or not =) As for cost, let's assume I get next to no financial aid.
  52. euroazn


    Where should I go for undergrad? My current thoughts are CMU NYU UPenn UVA MIT But they're expensive/hard to get into So how are these schools (for _undergrad_) UMCP Binghampton Baruch How is job placement at the last three, and for Baruch, is social life really that bad? :( Thanks for your...
  53. euroazn

    Currency Analyst Intern at Forex Signs, Inc.

    True. However, at the level of English they seem to process, that may be quite difficult to do...
  54. euroazn

    Currency Analyst Intern at Forex Signs, Inc.

    With one post, this could just be a troll operation.
  55. euroazn

    Quick questions.

    Interesting! Did they experience significant hits to their salaries by choosing a less hour-intensive job? And more importantly, how much work experience do they have behind them? Thanks for the input. PS Can someone PLEASE answer my baruch question?
  56. euroazn


    My cousin was an applied math major in Harvard. He went to work for a Barclay's in Singapore. Now, Barclays is a British firm. So EAST coast is closer. For this reason, I think the program itself, not location, is important for overseas work (I am by no means advocating Harvard though :P)
  57. euroazn

    Quick questions.

    While I am obviously applying to Wharton, I cannot -expect- to get in :P Thanks for the input thogh; do you (or anyone else here) happen to know about baruch undergrad?
  58. euroazn

    Quick questions.

    Hey guys, another question :) Sorry, and thanks for all the answers! I'm thinking of where to apply for undergraduate, and I was wondering if Baruch also has a good undergrad program (from what I've seen, it looks quite affordable too!) Any other suggestions for undergrad? Don't say CMU...
  59. euroazn

    Anyone watching Wallstreet 2?

    I hope you're wrong too. [-o<
  60. euroazn

    Anyone watching Wallstreet 2?

    Greed is good ^.^
  61. euroazn

    Anyone watching Wallstreet 2?

    :( This basically just killed any desire for a finance career, Andy.
  62. euroazn

    Anyone watching Wallstreet 2?

    Come on, isn't anybody here into Gordon Gekko :P I'm just afraid I'll be disappointed :-ss
  63. euroazn

    Quick questions.

    Cost...and simply getting in is the issue for me. To the WSEA: Could that be a reference to Wallstreet 2 ;-) In fact, is anyone else on this forum Going to see Gordon Gecko one last time?
  64. euroazn

    Quick questions.

    Hello Sir (that is, the WSEA :P) and thank you Andy for posting the message. For 1) I meant not the quality of education per se, but rather the prestige. Is prestige an overly important factor? In addition, 12 hours a day is about 60 days a week - if you don't work on weekends. That being said...
  65. euroazn

    Quick questions.

    Can you elaborate on that :) Are you a masters or undergrad student, and what firm did you intern for?
  66. euroazn

    E-Mail App with Sync feature

    Are you using different emails? Why not just have a forwarding filter on one of them...
  67. euroazn

    Quick questions.

    Hey all. Avidly reading the forum/articles; lots of good stuff here. I had three questions. 1) How important is it to go to a "top-tier" school in undergrad and grad/phd respectively for a quant job. 2) Is there any job in the _finance_ industry that can lead to a quant job? 3) What are the...
  68. euroazn

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    How are you a chemistry Phd with no math experience O.o
  69. euroazn

    Where to watch World cup for free

    "Rest assured we will be treating this matter with the utmost confidentiality" Hahahaha
  70. euroazn

    Would you go work in Asia?

    80k is not a hard threshold to pass... :/
  71. euroazn

    Would you go work in Asia?

    Haha... yes, taxes are low. However, if you're a U.S citizen, don't you still pay U.S taxes? I may be wrong on this one.
  72. euroazn

    What sort of educational track should I persue if I want to become a quant?

    Another thing is I'm afraid I can't really afford an expensive college for undergrad... is that going to be a problem?
  73. euroazn

    What sort of educational track should I persue if I want to become a quant?

    Hehe... it's actually not that early for me! I am currently an intern dev at a commodity price services company and next year will be interning for Morgan Stanley Smith Barney. But this career development stuff seems really overwhelming D:
  74. euroazn

    Would you go work in Asia?

    Andy: Yes, it was of his own volition. He didn't like being half a world away from everyone he knew. (That, and with the market conditions he wasn't likely going to get the significant bonus/raise he was hoping for)
  75. euroazn

    Would you go work in Asia?

    I know that my cousin went to Singapore to work for Barclays as a trader. After a little less than 2 years, he's back in the U.S. Draw your own conclusions :P
  76. euroazn

    C# Excel-Plug In Ribbon Question

    Never mind! The issue is moot; since I'm able to access the ribbon itself through Globals.Ribbons I am able to handle the ribbon's events :D ---------- Post added at 10:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:26 AM ---------- Now if I only knew how to make an installer for the add-in in VS...
  77. euroazn

    C# Excel-Plug In Ribbon Question

    Hi. I'm developing a C# Excel Plug-In and I was wondering if there was a way to obtain the current application in use from the Ribbon object. :) Thanks in advance.
  78. euroazn

    What sort of educational track should I persue if I want to become a quant?

    Oh, wow! Seems like being a quant is more math than finance (if even a measley finance minor isn't required!)... I sort of assumed it was an even mixture of both. What similliar job would you guys suggest that involves a lot of math/sci but is more directly finance related?
  79. euroazn

    What sort of educational track should I persue if I want to become a quant?

    Hello everyone! This is my first post on this forum. I am actually currently a high school student, and I am considering a future career as a quant. I have a pretty good aptitude for mathematics (I took calculus my freshman year of high-school), computer-science, and finance. I have already...
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