Job section on Quantnet

To compliment the member's resume idea we had last week, I create a jobs section on our site that allow firms and recruiters to advertise directly to our community's budding financial engineers.

It is designed to be a low volume so that our members can access selective job openings and employers to have their listings more eyeballs.

You can select the Jobs tab on the menu or Jobs | Quant Network
The WSEA just sent over a live job for his bank in London. It's a commodities risk manager position. Use the contact form to email me your CV directly if interested.

Check the listing in the Jobs section.
Yeah. Use your university's alumni network like crazy and hope someone has enough leverage within the firm to grant you a position.
Yeah. Use your university's alumni network like crazy and hope someone has enough leverage within the firm to grant you a position.
Hahahahahahaha. You must have not seen my other threads.
I'm a rising senior... in high school :P
True. Any advice on how to get an internship next year ;P

as a FRESHMAN in college? Ask your parents if you can help either of them make copies and bring them coffee at work. :P
Awww, come on, give me some more credit than that.
I am currently interning at an IT firm and next school year I'm an intern at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney. So at the least, I should be able to bring the branch manager coffee. lol.

But on a serious note, at the end of the internship, should I ask the manager if he has any possible leads or something? I don't care if I do grunt work, but I want to move up the grunt work ladder :P
The thing is, I am not that interested in financial advisory. My question is how to tactfully ask him if he has any other leads :P
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