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    random intervals

    s*it! i should not post solutions when i'm about to go to bed! 'intersect' is not the same as 'included'
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    random intervals

    if im not mistaken... pairing to have an interval (a,b) intersecting all of the others means that for each (a_i, b_i) != (a,b) one has a_i < a, b_i > b. so, (a,b) = (1005, 1006), a_i < 1005, b_i > 1006. thus, suitable / total number of pairings: \[\frac{1004!}{\binom{2010}{1005} \cdot 1005!}=...
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    Another variant of a classic

    or directly, \[ E[\text{the last one}] = \sum_{k=1}^{\infty} \int_0^1 \int_0^{x_1} \dots \int_0^{x_{k-1}} \int_{x_k}^1 x_k\; d x_{k+1} d x_k \dots d x_1 \] and this is \[\sum_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{(k+1)!} - \frac{2}{(k+2)!} = (e-2) - 2(e - 2 - 1/2) = 3-e\]
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    Is the City closed for non-EU entry-level quants starting April 2011? - career advice

    @cgorac: thanks, man! at the moment i am finishing with writing my phd thesis i'm about to defend this summer, so that's the main focus for now. i am not in the job market yet, but planning ahead, it seems that i should forget about london unless i manage to get strongly recommended to someone...
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    correct. it is \(\sum_{k=1}^\infty \large(\frac{1}{k} - \frac{1}{k+1}\right)\cdot \large(N\cdot\large(\frac{1}{k} - \frac{1}{k+1}\right)\cdot \frac{k}{2}\right)\) one distinguishes cases depending on the number of articles bought (Pr in the first bracket) and computes the expected change in...
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    two teasers about ten-digit numbers

    3816547290 firs you figure 0, then 5. then 6-4 combo, then 2, then 8. these are forced. two possibilities for a7: 3 or 7, each of which gives 4 or 6 numbers to check.
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    UK - Final details of curbs on overseas students to be announced

    So, to conclude, here is what is the news: there used to be a route to getting a work-permit visa that allowed you to stay in UK, to search for a job, to get hired on the same terms as a UK national, to bring your dependents with you. And all of this after you do a UK degree. Now, all of this...
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    UK - Final details of curbs on overseas students to be announced

    The Border Agency page states something similar here. I'd say it is official now. Really bad news for non-EEA quant wannabees and also for the financial math programs all over UK.
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    UK - Final details of curbs on overseas students to be announced

    Hmmm... there are contradicting news on this. Bloomberg has announced yesterday something else
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    Poker Bots Invade Online Gambling

    No player wants to be bothered by stupid messages from the server. Plus, many if not all big servers are international and people do not necessarily have to be able to reply / understand the language. A generic 'me no understand' could be sent back to the server.
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    Poker Bots Invade Online Gambling

    It has to be a protocol rather than a 0/1 test. I would first look for deterministic behavior of the players. Unless randomness is explicitly enforced and sub-optimal plays allowed, a program *always* plays the same move given the same amount of time and the same configuration. Keyword is...
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    UK Govt to abolish student work visa

    Sure, but unlike any other profession, aspiring quants face extreme competition where an administrative hurdle such as the visa one easily throws them out of the game. IT people, for instance, do not have to worry so much, since there is a plenty of companies willing to sponsor visas for good...
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    UK Govt to abolish student work visa

    Well, according to the page 7 of the consultation report, Post Study Work route is about to be abolished. Consequently, I see no purpose in enrolling a UK financial math course if you are non-EU, since you will be required to go back to your home country after the graduation to apply for a...
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    two twos

    sure, was too lazy to check. (cosh(arcsinh(2)))^2 is fine.
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    two twos

    sqrt counts as another 2
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    two twos

    sec(2 arctan 2) ? cos x = (1 - tan^2 x/2) / (1 + tan^2 x/2)
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    Why Is Wall Street So Addicted to Prestige Colleges?

    @Denis: from what I have seen from my older friends in the industry, it seems that a combination of three key factors is what makes for a good quant: first and foremost, it is the technical ability to do the actual work - to know the math (notice that I do not mention programming or finance)...
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    Is the City closed for non-EU entry-level quants starting April 2011? - career advice

    Serbia will enter EU, but not very soon. Even when that happens, being able to work is altogether another issue. To the best of my knowledge, citizens of the countries that had entered EU in 2004 still cannot freely be employed in the EEA area. As for UK programs... doing a MFE in Britain is...
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    Is the City closed for non-EU entry-level quants starting April 2011? - career advice

    Close enough, I am from Serbia. This means that I look European, and I had a proper hard-core-Eastern-European undergrad training in maths. For people in this part of the world it is easy to work in Russia - language, visas, etc. , thus the question. There are some quant-like shops in the...
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    Is the City closed for non-EU entry-level quants starting April 2011? - career advice

    Thanks, Dominic and Timmi! If UK is going to be increasingly more closed for non-EU candidates, what is likely to be the new destination for these people at entry-level? From what I have heard, hiring in France is more volatile than elsewhere and is subject to many factors that do not...
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    Is the City closed for non-EU entry-level quants starting April 2011? - career advice

    @Katrina: hardening of the immigration policy is more of a political issue within a wider shift in perception of immigration in Europe (Germany, Holland, France...). It is a trend that is not likely to change soon. The expected impact on economies will probably soften the blow for highly skilled...
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    Is the City closed for non-EU entry-level quants starting April 2011? - career advice

    Still, is it reasonable to assume that at least major firms will adapt to the new situation at more senior levels of hiring, especially since the new immigration rules are here to stay? It seems reasonable to expect that bank managements will demand systematic procedures form HR people in...
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    Is the City closed for non-EU entry-level quants starting April 2011? - career advice

    Couple of years ago I posted a question on possibility of switching to quant finance having my background. Now I am in the process of finishing with writing of my PhD thesis, and the plan was to spend some six...
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    PhD in Math/Computer Science in Europe -> Quant?

    @Chipolopolo: hehe, of course, you are right, finance does pay lot more than a AI career. It is relatively easy, though, to get money if you do something related to life sciences, but that is boring for me. @DCFC: AI is indeed a broad field. I studied a lot of different stuff in the area, but...
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    PhD in Math/Computer Science in Europe -> Quant?

    Hello, everybody! This is my first post on this forum, and I realize this is a forum of a NYC-based quant community, but I still believe some of you could give me a piece of advice. The question is, of course, if my education so far gives me a chance of becoming a quant. Let me try to...
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