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  1. C

    Getting into a Top Tier MFE program

    im not a smart guy but i work harder than anyone else i know in my dept and i am where i am because of it. i think i could probably get through the mfe program without much sleep and probably be able to fake enough interest in it to be able to maybe get an ok job as well but at my age i am...
  2. C

    Getting into a Top Tier MFE program

    i feel the same exact way about financial engineering johnaa - hammering a square peg into a circle hole. i could do it. i think. i have a good work ethic and passed my qualifying exams and one prelim so can do the math. i am decent at programming so i could someone drag through the program but...
  3. C

    Getting into a Top Tier MFE program

    what are you confused about tmaloney?
  4. C

    Getting into a Top Tier MFE program

    funny how things turn out. i recently came to the realization that i hated all this stuff and that i was doing it just because my parents wanted me to do it. i have over the past 2 weeks quit the math phd program i was in, quit the teaching jobs from the summer onwards and have applied for...
  5. C

    Lenovo T420

    i was just about to post that ><
  6. C

    Lenovo T420

    strange experience amanda. i have never had my tp gone from me for more than 6 business days which includes shipping both ways. i think i mentioned this earlier somewhere. perhaps not. had my t43 picked up from my house on friday morning by dhl. was shipped to either Kentucky or Tennessee from...
  7. C

    Lenovo T420

    the one that freezes and starts acting like an angry woman when more than 7 programs are open? :p did they ever fix that bug?
  8. C

    Lenovo T420

    my sister has one. its not a thinkpad. as long as one goes in knowing that, one wont be disappointed. she didnt expect it to be the same quality as a tp and is quite happy with it. my dad saw it and he is a bigger tp fanboy than i am and dismissed it as a plastic chew toy for the dog.
  9. C

    Lenovo T420

    i will be found dead before i ever utter those words. :p
  10. C

    Lenovo T420

    You mean to say, the nipple? jk :p
  11. C

    Lenovo T420

    ooooooooooooooooooo my gawd... i do not need another tp. i do not need another tp. i do not need another tp... baaaah i hate you andy
  12. C

    Rutgers-Newark MQF

    just between mqf and fsrm, i would pick the mqf program simply because it has been around longer. unless of course you want to go specifically into risk management. there are bound to be teething problems with any new program. how they deal with them will indicate how they look a few years from...
  13. C

    India's educational system

    i MIGHT have something that might help you assuming that your moral compass doesnt point due north. feel free to pm me if you would like to know more about documents secured by means of questionable legality.
  14. C

    India's educational system

    my exposure to martingales is limited to this.
  15. C

    India's educational system

    it is the internet. sorry for your thin skin. read the disclaimer before jumping on. making andy responsible for anyone elses behavior is just plain silly. this post makes me angry. why are my hands turning green? what the hell is going on?
  16. C

    India's educational system

    why is this thread STILL going? if you dont like bbw's posts, dont read them. what would banning him do? who cares in the first place? education systems suck. they could always be improved. i grew up studying in india, then came to the us in the middle of high school and it was a giant shock...
  17. C

    India's educational system

    i like cheese. (only because this abortion of a thread needs to end) actually not the thread, just the retarded banter. yes, i said retarded. it has nothing to do with being politically incorrect. the exchange IS retarded. by far the silliest i have seen around here. seems rather strange given...
  18. C

    Bieber avatar

    madness? THIS. IS. QUANTNET!!! on a side, note i must have missed something - why is everyone talking about that moron?
  19. C

    Rutgers-Newark MQF

    @barbie I applied to rutgers and Boston. Was filling out applications to other programs that were ranked below rutgers and when I got in there I didn't bother finishing the applications to the other programs. If i had scored 800q I might have finished my application to baruch as well and rolled...
  20. C

    Why can't I debug wxDev C++

    thats what i was referring to. should have been clearer.
  21. C

    Why can't I debug wxDev C++

    you can get the professional version free if you have a .edu account.
  22. C

    MBA students can't write, employers complain

    andy you need a sarcasm smiley on here. only one person got my joke :(
  23. C

    Rutgers-Newark MQF

    Well my best option right now for mfe is rutgers. but due to a combination of issues, the lack of placement stats included I am leery of taking up the offer. It makes taking 100k in loans not sound like a good investment. I didnt apply to the msmf program because I hadn't taken pde yet and they...
  24. C

    MBA students can't write, employers complain

    Not to be a pretentious douche but I think you mean "your" not "you're"
  25. C

    Rutgers-Newark MQF

    i hope all is well. i THINK rutgers will be a better choice compared to gtech just going by the location. other more experienced members will have to chime in. especially if you are an international student, you might have a harder time applying for internships out of atlanta as opposed to new...
  26. C

    What are your computer's specs ?

    vacuum tubes are so misunderstood in the audio community. silly forums only propagate poor information without context and leave novices with the impression that amps with tubes sound worse than solid state amps when in fact they both are good for their own purposes. for my purposes, i havent...
  27. C

    What are your computer's specs ?

    the job offered ~$120/year + medical benefits + the most amazing work environment + free travel and board to all big audio events and conventions. every time i got the offer i was torn between leaving something big behind to pursue my dreams and well pursuing my dreams. in retrospect, i dont...
  28. C

    What are your computer's specs ?

    heh, if it werent for math, i would be building headphone/speaker amps for a living. actually got a job offer multiple times to help design and make them. would have taken it too if it werent for personal reasons that kept me anchored where i am right now. in fact i enjoy that stuff far more...
  29. C

    What are your computer's specs ?

    my copperhead back from my counter strike days. :) good times. i miss them.
  30. C

    What are your computer's specs ?

    thinkpad t410. i5 2.53ghz. 8gb corsair ram. 64 bit win 7. use a 21" dell monitor for a dual monitor. my corner in the grad office at my dept.
  31. C


    i think CMU's name will probably take you a lot farther regardless of the program. just my $0.02.
  32. C

    NYC Drinks - QuantNet meet up?

    blarg. i am giving a talk at a high school math competition on fractals and mathematical paradoxes on the 2nd :( some other time perhaps.
  33. C

    NYC Drinks - QuantNet meet up?

    i just spent my entire spring break slaving over annoying time series problems and studying for midterms so a break is in order. i am across the country but wouldnt mind taking a weekend off and spending a day with my dad in nyc and hanging out with you fine folk when the sun goes down. given my...
  34. C

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE program in pictures

    that comforts me a wee bit andy. when/if i get a job, then sure, ill accept the responsibilities of an adult and dress the part but although i am 24, i still consider myself a proper student. the teaching jobs are just for sustenance. as such, i adorn the student's uniform and have grown...
  35. C

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE program in pictures

    spoken like someone who probably fits easily into their clothes :) not trying to be antagonistic. there are dress codes where ever i teach however, after winning teacher of the year (as a grad student) a few times now, none of the universities try to get me to dress up. i threatened to quit the...
  36. C

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE program in pictures

    tsotne, just to give a wee bit of background, i find jeans to be rather uncomfortable and restrictive :) used to be a power lifter and as such have big legs now which is why i find jeans rather annoying. shorts are my happy medium. if it were up to me, i would wear nothing at... wait. that...
  37. C

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE program in pictures

    i hate to sound rude/crass/stupid (well maybe not stupid) but where are all the fat people? serious question. are they just not in the pictures or there none? it seems to be a norm/requirement for business students to dress appropriately/physically fit but in the math dept, we consider a...
  38. C

    Rutgers-Newark MQF

  39. C

    Rutgers-Newark MQF

    congratulations barbie! i did indeed get admitted to rutgers (mqf) however, like you, i too am looking for more information. i already sent in my deposit as i didn't want to lose the seat in case i ended up going there but i dont know for certain if i am going to go or not. are you a domestic...
  40. C

    How to get a Quant Internship? - Questions?

    What? No soda? What madness... Admirable undertaking. I look forward to reading the interviews. Has anyone ever considered doing interviews over skyp and recording them? I for one take away a lot more from the body language of a person than just plain text however uneditted it may be. There is...
  41. C

    Rutgers-Newark MQF

    my apologies for going off last night. everything seemed to converge last night and not in a good way. havent had any interviews so far so havent had a chance to screw them up but thanks for the reminder. i shall certainly keep it in mind. it almost seems as if the easy way out of this hole...
  42. C

    Rutgers-Newark MQF

    disclaimer - this post contains a lot of whining. starting with high school going up until at least after grad school, an unreasonable amount of weight is given to standardized tests. now all of a sudden the tests mean very little. seems rather annoying. in my particular case, i have degrees in...
  43. C

    Rutgers-Newark MQF

    i was accepted as well however, am considering taking finance courses next year and interning at a hedge fund this summer to strengthen my application for next year for other schools. already have a bachelors and masters in math but no finance besides a financial management (corporate finance)...
  44. C

    What should I do (USC Mathematical Finance)

    I have nothing in the way of suggestions but I wouldn't mind requesting the name of the school. I ask for my own information just in case that's where I am going and for the benefit of others who may consider applying there.
  45. C

    [VIDEO] James Simons: Mathematics, Common Sense, and Good Luck: My Life and Careers

    love these types of talks. makes me sad that no such opportunities are available at my school. thanks for posting this andy.
  46. C

    What laptop do you have?

    Apple customer service left me with a very bad taste in my mouth a few months back which makes me hesitant to try them again. Ordered 2 iPod touches. Got delivered to university supposedly but I personally never received them. Apple didnt replace them because they said they shipped them. Fedex...
  47. C

    What laptop do you have?

    Sandy bridge will definitely be worth the wait. Way nicer implementation.
  48. C

    What laptop do you have?

    Oh and the nipple. Who can work on a laptop without the iconic keyboard nipple...heh. I dont think I could ever give up the tp keyboard for the plastic clickity clck stuff macs seem to use. Just the layout makes me not want to switch. And then there's the back/forward keys. And the nipple...
  49. C

    What laptop do you have?

    I have been using the t410 for the past 6 months without issue and I love it. Build quality is good. No keyboard flex. Not a finger print magnet. Most excellent keyboard. I love the 2 back/forward keys above the arrow keys. Makes browsing just amazing. I can go back and forth between pages...
  50. C

    What laptop do you have?

    I have no Mac agenda. Have been a motorola razr user for 6 years and just got an iPhone. I like the interface. Don't like how closed it is but I think the stability is an inherent advantage of the non tweakability. As far as macs being too pretty I would have agreed until I read about that...
  51. C

    What laptop do you have?

    my dad bought his first thinkpad in 2000. since thing he has purchased 3 more only to keep up with the new hardware - the one from 2000 is currently being used as a music server in his bedroom. the other 3 have their purposes around the house. mom has purchased 2 thinkpads since 2004. both are...
  52. C

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    what documents did you have to mail in? im in the us so dont know what international students have to mail in. either way, do you have access to a camera or better yet a scanner? send them scans of the paperwork and send a signed letter saying that you stand by whatever you send them via email...
  53. C

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    not sure if this gets me into trouble -- andy (or other mods) feel free to delete the post if deemed something inappropriate. 14 people were accepted to the mqf program at rutgers on jan 5 (i am assuming the first wave). 12 chinese (from mainland china). 1 indian. 1 american. 8 or 9 females, i...
  54. C

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    i went through the same for gre scores. email your dept contact and ask them who received the toefl/gre scores. usually it is one office for each college and then the college sends the scores down to individual depts. contact that particular person and just request them to forward the score to...
  55. C

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    MQF. updated on the tracker. ps. its just CJ. at the time of registration i wasnt allowed to use cj. cjs seemed innocuous enough. :)
  56. C

    2011 Rutgers University

    790/610/4 (gre) 3.5 graduate gpa
  57. C

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    was accepted to rutgers recently with the following (just in case anyone has a similar profile) 790/610/4 (gre) 3.5 graduate gpa bs in math finishing ms in math both from a no-name university. had strong letters of recommendation i think. no work experience outside of teaching math...
  58. C

    2011 Rutgers University - Accepted

  59. C

    2011 Rutgers University - Pending

  60. C

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    something else ive noticed is a polarized stance of members against bu's program. i've read some of the threads started by members who attended the program briefly and then transferred to other programs and they dont have the best of things to say about the program. having said that, it is...
  61. C

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Thanks Connor. I don't really have money to waste so I don't want to end up in a situation where I go to a sub par school because of my credentials and then not be able to get a job afterwards. I'd rather just work next year and try to make myself more marketable. If I were to do that what...
  62. C

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    howdy, i figured i'd throw my name in the hat as well. would love to know what your folks think of where i stand with a few universities. bachelors in math - gpa 2.72 masters in math (currently enrolled) - gpa 3.54 gre - 790/570/waiting i took and got a 5 on the ap calculus exam in high...
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