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A nice yahoo article


I really like this, since this letter tells it like it is. It's not just the fault of Wall Street that likes to use its talent to turn pennies on the dollar into monster profits through crazy schemes (THAT'S THEIR JOB!), but also of Joe Retard that can't understand finance to save his life that takes out a home loan he can't afford.

Interesting that because of all this, so many people are crying for "more regulation".

I'm wondering this:

Isn't *THIS* the regulation that we are talking about when we mean self-regulating markets? There's no free lunch in this world, especially not here in the US of A. So isn't this blowing up of three of the bulge brackets in the past half year the market's self correction by handing those who were after the quick buck a bill for their past antics in taking the "easy" money?

Otherwise, what is this "self-regulation" people had in mind?

Don't people know the old mantra "if something seems too good to be true...it probably is"?

I wonder what "more regulation" will do. It's not like there was any fraud involved. Just a lot of people making a lot of dumb moves in a short time frame.
I wonder what "more regulation" will do

>> I wonder what "more regulation" will do

On the lite side:
Force you to have a twenty letter password (including a prime number ) followed by a hoot and holler song just to login. :) And of course you will have to call the security desk everytime you want to login because they reset your password according to the "new regulations".

Now for the rant:

More regulation means more government employees.
Say no to government intervention.
No more useless corrupt guberment employees.

Make them get real jobs and pay taxes like us poor folk.

More regulations? I don't think they can't enforce the current regulatory environment.

I believe it was and is the new "post 911" regulations that caused all this bu**s**t.
That "post 911" band wagon is full of a bunch of airheads. Nothing these big wigs did stopped anything.

Enuff with the Iron curtain! Oops! I mean "Ring of Steel" in NY and London.
Back in the USSR. The guberment loves the Iron Curtain approach to "freedom".

The guberment should let all these fat cats drown in their own messes.
The system is FATALLY flawed. These Captains of Industry are nothing.
The Senate has failed! But guess what? two Senators are running for President,
it is a sad day in the USA.
They all failed! Now FIRE THEM.

Whats the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull?
Pitbull got brains and courage.
