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Actuarial Science versus MathFin


actuarial piggie
Hi all,

I am a master of actuarial studies student in sydney (UNSW). 6 month ago I made a decision to study actuarial science instead of a GradDip in Maths for Finance. Partly because I was scared of the credit crisis and feel safer to land a job in insurance&risk mgmt.

Now I wish to go back to math for few reasons, I want to have sufficient math background equivalent to a BA. Second finance(IB) was my last master and I really miss it, especially the mathematical componant. Lots of actuarial techniques I've seen nth more than playing around with those tedious elementary super hard math tricks which I doubt any non-actuarial practitioner can use it. The most frustrating thing is that I don't understand why they made very simple thing super hard. What is the point? However, when I see that job ranking, actuary is the 2nd best job in america......so Im not sure whether I will regret if I quit actuarial science for mathfin now.:-k

Welcome any opinion. Lots of thanks in advance!:)

A confusing new actuarial student