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Advice Needed

  • Thread starter Thread starter RamM
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I'm interested in pursuing a career in quantitative finance and I would greatly appreciate it if anyone has useful advice for me. I graduated from the University of Washington in Seattle with a BS in economics in 2006, and my undergrad gpa was 3.6 with a 3.7 in my major. Relevant coursework includes: Investment Capital Finance, Computational Finance, Econometrics, Calc I,II and III, Linear Algebra, Statistics with Calculus, and Differential Equations. After graduating I traveled and then worked for a pension fund for a short period of time. Now I'm back at the UW taking more math and finance courses; Linear Analysis, Multivariable Calc and Advanced Financial Economics. I have not taken the GRE yet and I plan on getting in a relevant programming class. Can you recommend any other courses? My math grades as an undergrad were mostly B's with some A's. Will I be competitive at top programmes? Thanks in advance.
The question is not whether you will be competetive or not but whether the programs will be competetive to place you or not.Why not work in fund for a couple of years , clear CFA etc and wait for finance to take a new shape.
Thanks for the suggestion. Going back to work is an option, but I want to get all of the prerequisite courses out of the way before I do so. Does anybody else have any suggestions for me?