Advice on courses for Columbia MAFN or Baruch MFE

I'm interested in applying to Columbia's MAFN program or as second choice Baruch's MFE program but do not have the necessary background. I'm looking for advice on what courses I can take in NYC to prepare to apply to those programs.

Here's my background: B.S. in Finance from NYU Stern but without much math.
The only classes I've taken that are related to the math requirements are Calc I (4 credits), Statistics for business and regression/forecasting models (6 credits). The rest of my courses have nothing to do with the math prerequisites for a MFE program.
I currently work as a trader and quant at a hedge fund in Midtown with 2.5 years of experience (didn't learn any new math here though).

I was thinking about either taking separate courses at CUNY (Baruch or Hunter) or applying as a transfer student for a second degree in mathematics to one of those schools. I'm would like to apply for MAFN or MFE for Fall 2014 so I can start taking courses to prepare as soon as Summer 2013.
I think I will also need to retake Calc I because so much time has passes since I took it.

Let me know what you think I should do and thanks in advance for any advice you have.
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